When I die...

Joe Bass

*probably eating right now*
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As I sit in a hospital awaiting surgery for a detatched retina, I look around and see a lot of sickness.
I scroll through the forum and see that another person is injured or has died.
A coworker was on his way to work a few weeks ago and was killed in a head on collision in his car.
My son was delivering his papers, tripped and fractured his ankle.
So I have been thinking. Things change in an instant. Big things and small things all have an impact on our life.
I am supposed to be at home right now nursing my wife who had surgery on Monday, and my kid who I was gonna find a way to still take him to that concert tomorrow. That has all changed now because of this. So I'm thinking, it's time to stop putting things off until tomorrow. Things need to be done now.
Tell people you love them.
Laugh with friends.
Work less and ride more.
So that when I die, whenever that is, I will feel like I have lived and not just existed.

Don't worry, I'll be back to my joking self soon enough ?

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
**** happens. You cant plan for it and you cant plan around it. The best you can do is deal with it.

“the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” Translated from ― Robert Burns, Collected Poems of Robert Burns

“Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.” ― Allen Saunders

On a more positive note......

“It's a funny thing, how much time we spend planning our lives. We so convince ourselves of what we want to do, that sometimes we don't see what we're meant to do.” ― Susan Gregg Gilmore
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So I'm thinking, it's time to stop putting things off until tomorrow. Things need to be done now.
Tell people you love them.
Laugh with friends.
Work less and ride more.
So that when I die, whenever that is, I will feel like I have lived and not just existed.

I agree.

I see too many people that never take a risk, never have any fun, save every single penny (sometimes bringing it all the way to their grave), live to work instead of work to live, and choose to continually sweat the small stuff...and a lot of them are often not happy fulfilled people.

Take that motorcycle trip, jump off a cliff, go skydiving...whatever it is you've been too scared to do - challenge yourself and face your fears or just say "F IT!" and do something. Spend some money seeing, doing, and experiencing things. Maintain your employment and live within your means, but don't feel guilty taking vacation or (gasp!) the occasional day of hooky to go do something you'd rather be doing instead - Riding anyone? And don't make mountains out of molehills - RELAX, life will go on, and life is way more fun when you're happy vs miserable.

Hope the surgery goes well, Joe.
GWS Joe. Is there at least a good back story for why your retina went on a walk-about?

If you want to work less and ride more, get a job poisoning mosquitoes in catch basins. Your entire job is riding around on a scooter.
Thanks guys.
@GreyGhost nope. Not even a whack to the head from my wife. They think it has to do with my high rx in my left eye....almost like it was just a matter of time.
Oh, and I already have a safety vest for the scooter gig....

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
I was going to reply again but it occurred to me that maybe you cant see anymore.

You would, however, see the humour in this.
I was going to reply again but it occurred to me that maybe you cant see anymore.

You would, however, see the humour in this.
Yes. Yes I do lol

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
So they finally got me in at 3am for surgery. Kept getting bumped. One was for a motorcycle accident...broken leg and arm from what I overheard. Anyone hear about that? GWS rider.
They said the surgery was a success however 2 side effects of the double procedure is that my rx will now be even stronger and it speeds up the timeline for cataracts.
I have to stay hunched over face down for about a week.
I will be on here a lot

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
So they finally got me in at 3am for surgery. Kept getting bumped. One was for a motorcycle accident...broken leg and arm from what I overheard. Anyone hear about that? GWS rider.
They said the surgery was a success however 2 side effects of the double procedure is that my rx will now be even stronger and it speeds up the timeline for cataracts.
I have to stay hunched over face down for about a week.
I will be on here a lot

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app

That's a good position for eating a melting ice cream cone.

Seriously, it isn't funny trying not to move ones eyes or look around. I knew a guy that got hit by a champagne cork and everyone thought it was funny until the reality set in and he wasn't allowed to move his eyes for a couple of weeks IIRC.

Get seriously well seriously soon.
Were you seeing the white light, or was it flashing?

Get well soon. My dad had cataract surgery and his eyesight improved a lot.

I lucked into a nice part time gig riding some weeks during the day.

<warning run on sentence to follow>
The down and up side of it, is that the company vehicle is a Honda N700 something or other, which feels very different from the Wee, and desperately needs mirror extenders, for those of us who are gravitationally challenged.
@Baggsy a black spot like a cloud in the top right of my left eye.
The flashing black"floaters" I have had for a while. They said those will always be there.
And I thought I wasn't good looking before....

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
You must have had the eye patch thing happening for a while, if not still.

Very pirate like which I have heard some ladies find very attractive. Or not.

Play it up!

Nothing like a stint in the Hospital to bring about some commitments/perspective to our lives. Hope the surgery goes well.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. Inbthe big scheme of things, this is just a hiccup. But with the fact that I am now useless to my wife and son, who need me at this time because she is recovering from surgery and his ankle fracture, (although my wife may argue that I was useless before as well) is having a bit of an emotional effect on me.
I have never boasted to be the macho type. I cry at sad commercials, so this is difficult. Yeah I might be a pu$$y, but I call it "sensitive" lol.
What is making it easier is my little brother stepping up big time and taking my kid to that concert. My 5 year old helping out getting us things like he is an adult. My mom driving me around and doing shopping. Other family dropping off food. And my neighbours offering support. And all the well wishes from everyone on here is making it easier. I am very fortunate, and I know this and I am thankful.
They have pushed my follow up until next thursday. I'm just hoping that I can at least walk my kid for the first day of school for grade 1.
Thanks guys.

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Oh my god.

I understand you brother. I was there just over a month ago. Wifey pregnant, me with a torn achilles (recuperating) but still in the walker boot, newborn needing surgery when he comes out and a toddler at home. My dear better half was making jokes that i wouldnt be the one holding her legs during labour but that instead, she would be holding mine.

I felt useless, couldnt go into the office to work, couldnt stand for long hours without being in huge pain in my heel, was stretching it by driving my standard car.

In the end it's kinda working out and everything went "well" but yeah we get our low moments, and we gotta realize that we just gotta deal with the hand thats given to us and do the best we can with it! I'm back on the moto now so more mobile and back at work a month later and everything is looking a lot brighter (pun non intended) even though we've spent our last 2 nights in the ER and then Ped ward with the baby, like i'm happy that we're done with the rougher part. As you said, seeing all those other hurt people around (especially the babies in the neonatal intensive care) not only gets you in tune with the hurt of the people around you but also puts things into perspective.

Now, at least, it's just a stupid juggling game.

Having a good support network is always key in those situations, and i'm glad to see that you have one!
Get well soon :)
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