When are you taking your bikes out? | Page 4 | GTAMotorcycle.com

When are you taking your bikes out?

I've crashed 2 bikes in the beginning weeks of April. All my fault but cold pavement and tires were contributing factors. See you in May!
Almost took mine out today. There's lots of dry roads out in the country around here but getting there means riding over lots of briny meltwater from snowbanks lining city streets, not to mention the gazillion tons of sand and pulverized salt everywhere. I thought better of it and decided to wait.

Things are going to have to dry out quite a bit before I actually take it out. We'll see. The temps forecast for mid-week look pretty compelling for an after-work spin. Just has to be dry.
Rode a Harley in Cozumel, got my fix in for a while, probably start riding in April.
Almost took mine out today. There's lots of dry roads out in the country around here but getting there means riding over lots of briny meltwater from snowbanks lining city streets, not to mention the gazillion tons of sand and pulverized salt everywhere. I thought better of it and decided to wait.

Things are going to have to dry out quite a bit before I actually take it out. We'll see. The temps forecast for mid-week look pretty compelling for an after-work spin. Just has to be dry.

I agree. Tempting as all our main roads are clear but every side street is still white. Not worth the risk
It's not 1982 and I'm not high. Will wait.
Next few days will be tempting, but dealer still has my bike in storage and I haven't made the call for them to bring it back. Hopefully all the snow will melt and then over the course of the next few weeks we can get some rain and get rid of this salt so that come early April we can get out.
when the street sweepers come out
After first rainfall of spring!

Funny how by the end of every season we see threads "When are you putting your bikes away?"/ "When are you storing your bikes?"
and at the end of winter "When are you guys taking your bikes out"
Went out yesterday and out again today. There's enough traction that it won't break the rear if you're smooth with the throttle.

The issue is with the salt, I've been spraying loads of ACF50 everywhere and lubing the chain.
Man I would be out but I have to wait another month to get insured with SF.

I love riding in 0-4 degree weather.
Great ride on Lakeshore and Eastern yesterday. I'll have to see how today goes. Looks good so far. Ride Safe GTAM
I try to get out end of March/beginning of April. Fingers crossed for an early spring!
When snow and salt are gone, temps above 4, with high above 10.

I'm old enough to have learned a little patience. Otherwise, I'd be following MacDoc around. ;)

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