What's Your Temperature Cut-Off For Riding?


When you look at the weather channel, what's your conscious or subconscious "number" that determines whether it's too cold to ride?

Mine is 13 degrees.

Don't flame in this thread as everyone has different bikes and different levels of protection from the elements.
around 4 degrees. (just when the frost starts to settle) There have been a few close days so far on my daily 5am ride to work :(
The road temperature is the line for me. If there's a chance of ice I stay on four wheels. Decades ago I rode in anything with a light bike that made body English a factor and had the frostbite to prove it. With 900 pounds of Hondapotamus under me now body English doen't do much. It does have good wind protection and foot warmers though.
Ride up until there is ice forming on the roads. Then it's only a short wait until sled season.
I only put 3000k on this year. Way less than my 8000 in 2009. 2010 I put on 0. Don't join the army if you want time to ride!!
-30C... I've ridden down to -25 and it wasn't too bad, but the visor fogging was my biggest issue. Heated clothing and riding slow makes it okay.
-30C... I've ridden down to -25 and it wasn't too bad, but the visor fogging was my biggest issue. Heated clothing and riding slow makes it okay.

Solved the visor fogging by leaving it open about 1mm, and wore layers :)

Anything lower and I start getting brain freeze and doing stupid crap, so it's just not worth it.
If there is no snow/ice on the road or in the forecast and I can get the bike to start (which sometime includes preheating the plugs with a torch) I am good to go. One nice January a few years ago I put 4000km on my old nighthawk (got caught in snow twice which sucked, but the nighthawk was not horrendous in snow, the ape on the other hand blew goats balls in the snow).
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When I used to commute my cut off would be low of -1 C, couldn't pass up the gas savings. It was miserable, but now I have better gear and it's a pleasure, that's the biggest thing. If you have heated grips and fully windproof gear everywhere it's not bad.
I used to ride in anything above 0 but those days are long gone.

15 is the new magic number. Riding around town has lost a lot of its luster (how many bloody times can I ride the same streets over and over) so I don't bother if it's cold.
Mine is 10 C. I don't like my body shaking from the cold when riding! I did buy a great touring jacket that works well below that temp, but now my legs are ice cubes instead! Heated grips are an amazing thing!
combination of factors - temp, wind, sun and distance.

Im good with the gear to about 4 - maybe lower now with heated grips.
8 if raining. ( run back from PA last year was cold and soggy but we had fun )

Find wind around eyes bothered me but discovered a good combo the other day that may eliminate that.

Might hit the Shed today - ride tomorrow for sure.
Sun helps just cuz it's nicer to be out.

Burgman has loads of protection up front except the hands.
The coldest I've ever rode in is -26. My car wouldn't start and I had a super important meeting at work. Unfortunately the bike started no problems :( Thank god for heated grips!! Only time I've ever used them on "high" :)

Speaking of cold, I went out for my first ride on my new bike today (first time riding anything since my accident on July 17th 2011)!!! It was 7 degrees when we left and warmed up to 9 degrees while we were out. Did about 220km's round trip, and was super nice seeing all the fall colours! Sorry I didn't get any scenic pics but everyone was too cold to stop for photos! lol.


My new bike is an absolute MONSTER under 10,000RPM! Makes my old 08 R6 and my GF's new 09 R6 look silly

Love this weather, so much power, such little traction!

-Jamie M.
(P.S. OMG love the sound of my new exhaust! *orgasm*)
Fashion faux pas.

Helmet is not colour matching.
lol :) That helmet is one I lend to my 2uppers. My Shark is in rough shape after the accident and I'm waiting on my new one to get shipped from the UK!!! I've never even heard of that brand of helmet, I got it on sale for $69 many moons ago, and it's Snell approved! lol!

Will do a photoshoot of myself when my new one arrives ;)

-Jamie M.
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