Is this a pic of the bike you were telling me about?Are you doing the DOCC days?I have plans to do all three weekends this of these times 2
Awesome.Planning to do anything with it?
Awesome.Planning to do anything with it?
No more Honda for u, lol?
VTR is still in the Stable. but after getting my g/f's SV650, and the ease with which it starts, EVERY SINGLE TIME, no need to pull the choke, no need to fiddle with the carbs if i change the exhaust or filter...the VTR was tired...70K on the sucker...i decided to see whats out there with all the cheap bikes popping up in US.
managed to snag this bad boy for a good price.
I must say the convenience of Fuel Injection is pretty tempting, but I think u still need to tune the map if an exhaust or filter is added.
Nice bike nonetheless
It's still in parts. Going to assemble it and take it on the trails.
This is my new ride albeit with the wrap around rear speakers and the saddlebag rails added. I got it in October and put a riders backrest and some kuryakyn stuff on it, it rides very nice.
Oh absolutely, but now tuning consists of getting a used PC3 and downloading a map...
i remember tuning the carbs for the Yoshimuras on the VTR. three times the tank, airbox and carbs had to come off to set the main jet, pilot jet and needle shim properly, and its still not running 100%. Technology marches on. lol