What's your new ride for 2011???




Phillymon wanted to try out my new ride so I let him.
Got my '03 ZZR250 earlier this year and now talking to a buddy about selling me his '69 Yamaha XS650 so I can work on it over the winter.

I want to get the ER6n next year to replace my ZZR, but I can't find anyone selling them and no word on if they'll start production on them again for next year. Makes me sad.
The Man has a Vstrom he loves(hence user name) but I bought a 2009 Honda DN 01, LOVE it, in about 3, 0000 km in first 2 months and have a long trip to Virginia planned next month.
I read somewhere that you downgraded for the 600rr to the 125, but what happened to the 125 now?

Well I didnt really want to downgrade BUT

Long story in cliffs:
- Parents wanted me to get a cage and so did the GF
- Sold the 600RR due to insurance being $$$ and using the money to buy cage
- Supposed to be out for 2 seasons and get another bike till I hit 25 (Another supersport)
- Friend upgraded to 600 and gave me an awesome deal on 125
- Had awesome fun with 125 and took a turn wayy to hot and you know the rest
- To fix bike would cost more then getting another 125...front frame was bent, forks were toast, rear brake was bent, throttle was twisted etc...
- stripped the bike and selling parts online
- Acquired a bicycle now + metropass
- Don't have a car still because I gave my sis 14 g's to help pay for her OSAP
- BROKE and bikeless
- feelsbadman and I'm jelly everytime I see motorcycles on road :(
- I rage when i see a nub on a 600 not learning how to ride proper -_-"
- Cool story brah.

And there you have it :)
Says the one who couldn't even ride his 125 proper lol.

Course u can't see me riding the 125 proper cuz u were ahead all the time on the straights XD ne who...

might pick up a 250 hopefully.
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