What's The Deal With Canadian Beers?

Stopped at the Vintages store on the way home and picked up some Galt Knife. They had Plowman's Ale too, so I was forced to grab a few of them as well (you'd think they would have looked up the correct spelling of ploughman). Will report back post consumption.

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Stopped at the Vintages store on the way home and picked up some Galt Knife. They had Plowman's Ale too, so I was forced to grab a few of them as well (you'd think they would have looked up the correct spelling of ploughman). Will report back post consumption.


That fridge is full of win.
I'm trying the Caledonian 80/- from Edinburgh, Scotland tonight..we'll see how that goes.
Was drinking Hobgoblin tonight.... Good but a bit too much once my chips and curry came. Found it too heavy then...switched to Keiths. :confused1:
I could/would only drink stella for the longest time, but lately, i'm really enjoying rolling rock pale ale and sleeman original draught
I like to try something different whenever the opportunity allows. At the trailer, it's cheap tins of whatever is on sale. Long as it's cold and in a can (no glass at the trailer) it's all good. Lakeport, Carling, whatever. Friends come over, no one complains and seem to consume it just fine and have a good time.

When I travel, I try the local micros. Prefer blonds and ales but, rarely come across something I can't appreciate. Summer patio or beach with a Corona with lemon works fine too. I find if a bar is serving some local stuff from the bottle, I steer clear. It doesn't move often enough and tends to be skunky.

I have no problem with Canadian beers. I know their owned outside the country but, the products are made right here in Ontario. London being the original home to Labatts. I can even enjoy a few bottles of 50 when the notion strikes. Canadian beer is alive and well.
I have no problem with Canadian beers. I know their owned outside the country but, the products are made right here in Ontario. London being the original home to Labatts. I can even enjoy a few bottles of 50 when the notion strikes. Canadian beer is alive and well.

You know, I kinda feel like I'm reading a wine-snob thread when I review this thread! :-) And I'm probably just as guilty as anyone!! I suppose we all have our preferences, just like sport bikes and cruisers. MXS was listing Pilsner Urquell as one of his favourites and I feel like it's the worst soap-water ever made! But I suppose I should respect other people's choices..whatever floats your boat. Beer drinker solidarity!! :-)
i can (and have) drank hobgoblin all night, if you want something light from the same brewer try fiddler's elbow.

Everything's on tap at the pub I go to and as far as 'lighter' or crisper tasting beers, there wasn't much to choose from (keiths, bud, harp, etc). The Hobgoblin was fine...right up until I started in with the dark, heavy curried chips. Then it just went downhill! I love the Blackwytch they have out in the Fall...but not sure if I've ever tried the Fiddlers. It would have been years ago if I did.

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