What'd you name your bike?

Anyone care to suggest a name for an '09 blue and white Suzuki Gladius?

Googled your bike to see what it looked like and came across:

"Suzuki's Gladius has the roots of its name in Latin as a type of short, fighting sword – a sword more manageable than the longer, heavier hardware common in that era."


"Gladius Maximus was a joy around town."

So my suggestion is some other ancient Roman name like:

Valentina (if you're a Rossi fan)


But really, the name should just come about naturally.
You should name it Brutus.

For he shall betray you- Caesar!
Johnny 5


yo rocky, i'm guessing you have a suzi? i don't have names for all my bikes, but i use the beast for my triumph t 150 trident.

Yeh, I called my 1st one Suzi.
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