What'd you name your bike?

When I got a my car 9 years ago, it was a Suzuki. My little niece named my car "Suzie the Suzuki"... so when I got a Suzuki GS500F, I named it "Suzie the Suzuki Jr".

But no name for my new ride.
well when you have over 10 bikes, you need to kinda name them....
RZ streetfighter is the long rod.... it has a long rod stroker motor in it
Wr 250 is the wr or the were, or the sumo (its a street legal 2t supermoto)
CB500T is the tank.... shes about the weight of one
BWs50 is the Bdub, or the double douch
RZ 350 track bike, i just got it and and im thinking of Bonnie.... cause im hoping to do bonneville salt flats with it
all the rest are pretty much in boxes and dont have names yet or are being parted out
After pinning my ankle under the KLR650 yesterday here in Australia on a nasty wet muddy hill in the rain forest will christen it Heavy

Lucky had 3 blokes with me with some muscle.

The Burgman 650 Exec.....hmmmm.....since it's all white and I have the matching helmet, Storm Trooper comes to mind. ;)

i call my bike Yuki cuz i think its a cute japanese girl name since the bike is japanese,
and my car is named Lisa cuz it sounds like a fun name
i call my bike Yuki cuz i think its a cute japanese girl name since the bike is japanese,
and my car is named Lisa cuz it sounds like a fun name

You sound like Lennie Small.

The way you posted made me think of him. Did you Google the name? He's from Mice and Men and the looney tunes parody where he decides to name his new pet. Before you get bent out of shape it's just a joke.


It's Ninja without the "J". I didn't make it up. I just read it somewhere. I'm totally uncreative.
My ZR7s was named "FrankenTurkey" after I rear ended a flying turkey and spent the summer riding a custom pieced together naked bike.
That was followed by a Ural (complete with sidecar), alternatively named, "The Gurl" or "The Carnival Ride".
I then went from the Ural, that took at least 3kms to get to it's top speed of 110kmph, to an FZ1, which could do that considerably faster. :)
The FZ1 is lovingly named "Stupid", as in Stupid Fast.
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