What was your first street bike?

My first street bike, back in 1988, was a 1984 Honda 450 Nighthawk which I bought used with about 7000 km on it. Sold it about 7 months later with about 16,000 km on it in order to get something much better (Kaw 750 Ninja) ... but the 450 served its purpose first, and I sold it for only about $300 less than what I paid for it.

1989 Yamaha Fzr400 0 exp

Probably my fav bike after my supermoto, I loved the screaming inline 4.
Rode it for 2 months, and sold it during fall to buy an ex500. Soon sold that and got a supermoto after watching countless hooligan videos.
My first bike is my current bike, my WR250X supermoto.

I figured that it was the funnest bike that I could get for city commuting with little to no highway time. Forgiving if I drop it. Upright. Comfortable. Enough power to be fun but not enough to get me into speed trouble because Im going to get into hooligan trouble taking shortcuts I bet.

Only rode it for 2 weeks before the snow came so Im a 150% newbie! Im loving the bike so far.
1985 SHadow 500.
Traded my 4 month old Fisher CR-7 mountain bike for it. The bicycle was worth twice what the Honda was, but I was 16 and was dying to ride. My folks were livid.
What was your first street bike?

How much riding experience did you have before acquiring that bike?

How long did you ride it for/why are you no longer riding it?

Do you feel it was a good first bike? Please explain.

1972 CB 175
16 years old zero experience (back in the day a bike was cheap transportation for a 16 year old)
2 seasons - moved on
had a lot of fun on it that's for sure


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Ninja 250R... I learned everything I could from that bike. I even did my first knee down on those skinny *** tires~
What was your first street bike?


1974 Kawasaki G4TRD 100 with dual range transmission. Bought new at auction from Ontario Kawasaki on Sheppard.

How much riding experience did you have before acquiring that bike?

Not much. I had bowered friends bikes but only got short rides. I had never ridden off road.

How long did you ride it for/why are you no longer riding it?

Pretty much daily winter and summer for the first few years. It became my play bike when I got my 1975 RD 350 Cafe Racer licenced. I kept it for my daughters. In fact I purchased a second one so each would have their own once they graduated from their Honda 50's. However, when they got old enough they were more interested in boys so i sold all four bikes to my brother. He gave the 50's to his grandsons and the other G4 to his son-in-law. He still has my G4 but it's been rusting away under his deck for about a decade now. Sad really... :(

Do you feel it was a good first bike? Please explain.

By far the best first bike anyone, young or old, could ask for. Light, agile, short wheel base and with it's comfy, low seat height it made for an excellent learners bike both on and off the road. The dual range transmission made going slow easy. Manufacturers are just now getting the hint that they need to return to building this type / size of motorcycle. Would make an excellent bike for motorcycle training. ;)
2005 Suzuki GSXR750

Everyone said I was crazy to get such a big bike to start and they were probably right, but I didn't feel like getting something small like a 250 that I would probably get rid of in a year...

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What was your first street bike?
Honda XL200r

How much riding experience did you have before acquiring that bike?
50 meters

How long did you ride it for/why are you no longer riding it?
200,000+ kms I left it home and moved to Canada

Do you feel it was a good first bike? Please explain.
Yes, because i got it for free.Best use is in city, ample power and agility to dodge traffic and can go up sidewalks with ease.

In Toronto my first is the Bandit 650. Its a great bike that can bring you around the continent from end to end.
1992 XJ600. She was a beaut, I had no experience riding at all. Rode it for about 3 years before upgrading to my gsxr750. I gave to my bestfriend as his starter bike, I still give her a boot to relive the nostalgia. Great starter bike.

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72 CB 200 no license, no ins. just rode it with a fake plate (mostly at night) around side streets, I was 15.
'09 FZ6R. Lasted me 1.5 years and 20k kms. I had 2 seasons on my friend's '09 Ninja 250 before that. Moved on to my '12 ZX6R.
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