What the heck….mental hesitation…

You mentioned long rides are not comfortable, but sems like you are addressing it, is it just a lack of comfort you don't like, or this bike isn't really scratching the itch?
Wind blast is horrible. Bought a small fairing and will install during a rainy day. The bike itself is wonderful.
Wind blast is horrible. Bought a small fairing and will install during a rainy day. The bike itself is wonderful.
Yeah I hear ya, I'm also addressing wind issues. I didn't realize how spoiled I was with the batwing fairing.
Wind blast is horrible. Bought a small fairing and will install during a rainy day. The bike itself is wonderful.
Nah with roadsters like our bikes the wind will "always" be an issue.

Didn't follow the thread much but to be honest we get bombarded with people getting in accidents and dying and we have people we love and take care of... hesitation is a normal thing.

I mean someone who lived in my house just died of a moto accident this week.

Really puts into perspective any riskier move i might consider making on my commute for no good reason.
I got into a bicycle single vehicle crash due to rain and trying to save 10 seconds just last week.
I have a close friend who tried to save a second and broke his collar bone on his bicycle and he's been in pain EVER SINCE and that was probably 6 years ago (they messed up the surgeries and healing process).

Anything can and will get you, so its just a good idea to err on the safe side of the riskier activities we partake in (if that makes any sense)
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Yeah I hear ya, I'm also addressing wind issues. I didn't realize how spoiled I was with the batwing fairing.
The Vstrom is never going to give you the same protection as a Batwing. When I got mine, I was looking for element protection similar to my FJR. After trying a few setups, I figured out you can't get that.

In the end I settled on a MadStad mount and shield. It's bigger than the stock VStrom shield, the rake and height are adjustable (not on the fly). I had one of those Lanmar deflectors too -- took it off as it didn't nothing but make noise.

The MadStad setup is OK, there is noticeable feedback in the bars when you hit turbulent wind, but it does push the wind and rain off the rider.

Suzuki OE hand protectors are excellent, they keep wind off your hands.
When I bought my first sport bike (NS400R), the seller gave me some advice that I still follow to this day. He basically said "If you want to stay alive, you need to know where you can play."

Yo, is this some baller secret?
When do you want to go!
With the sun setting earlier now, I vote for a weekend.
This weekend works, afterwards Im gonna be out of the country for a bit
I’ve shockingly considered this….

Anyone with a VSTROM 650 wanna swap rides for a half hour??

Looking at you @sburns 😉
Any time! I have one o those all-day nut friendly Saddlemen GelADV seats, a Madstad windscreen, hand guards… all nice this time of year.

I wanna see if I like Pizza more than Sushi.
Can confirm, comal is great.

Had the platter with campechana, it was really good. The guac was excellent and the coffee was tremendous
I feel the same way after being out a few times this season. It's the cars. Drivers are worse than they've ever been. I'm going pure track next year. The street isn't fun anymore.
Ive ridden the mean streets for 40+ years, I think it's better now than it was in the past.
Thanks all. Bike is listed for sale. I'm not expecting any bites and will remove it after a week or two.

Kids are priority, and I can't fathom leaving my wife to deal with those 3 monsters without me.

But I may still pop up to Algonquin soon...
Buy a 125 cc street legal bike and throw it in a shed and keep insurance on it or you'll pay through the nose when / if you do return to riding. You have to be able to answer that "have you had consecutive / uninterupted insurance for the past six years...?" question truthfully. You don't want to have to go back to beginning of the line like an M1 rider.

Trying sledding or ATV'ing...something you can share with your family / kids that's slow and safe and away from roads.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Ive ridden the mean streets for 40+ years, I think it's better now than it was in the past.
I think they are worse. More angry and distracted. More vehicles on the road too.
If I lived in the city I don’t think I’d own a bike. I commute to the (city by car) and noticed that this summer didn’t have a significant drop in traffic volume as in previous years. Used to feel like there was 30-40 less traffic when July came. I would commute on the bike but stopped around 6 years ago.
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