I'll take Flaherty's over Fail and Lemorons any day of the week. Much better service, plus you're supporting a local business. Competitively priced, too.
Thanks for the help everyone. I'll try Flaherty's tomorrow. Just like car shopping one dealers says this, while another says that.... some say the 870 sucks, while others say the quality issue has been fixed. Same goes with the Mossberg 3 barrel package. It was so much easier buying the BPS for my son than choosing one for myself.
Take me with you. lolThanks for the help. After visiting several gun shops, and lots of hemming and hawing, I ended up buying the 12 ga. Winchester 28" SXP Black Shadow 3.5" chamber with 3 Invector + choke tubes. Not as nicely finished as the Browning BPS Hunter I bought my son, but I'm sure to have some fun. Now to find a spot to pattern them and a guide to take us on our first hunt (Turkeys) - yup, we took the course. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again.
Thanks for the help. After visiting several gun shops, and lots of hemming and hawing, I ended up buying the 12 ga. Winchester 28" SXP Black Shadow 3.5" chamber with 3 Invector + choke tubes. Not as nicely finished as the Browning BPS Hunter I bought my son, but I'm sure to have some fun. Now to find a spot to pattern them and a guide to take us on our first hunt (Turkeys) - yup, we took the course. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again.
A couple of notes..
1) Running 9mm luger will leave you at a huge disadvantage at any decent distances that rifle matches are being held. Go with .223rem. It's just as cheap as 9mm
2) Rifle matches are not a given in our IPSC section. While this year we have 1 rifle and 2 3gun matches, in the last 4, there were only 2 official rifle matches held.
3) You might be better off diversifying into other disciplines like 3gun/multigun, service conditions and CQB. Only CQB has 9mm as a viable caliber
4) In general you're better off running a drop-in trigger.. Also for the AR platform, there's never an end. Mine will be getting a loudener (comp), free float and a buffer (cheaping out on the trigger for now). General rule of thumb is that the optics should run the same amount of $$$ as the rifle itself
The M&P is a 9mm handgunbut I do appreciate the AR advice all the same as that's number 3 or 4 on the "do-want" list.
Lol had me a bit confused since this was mostly a rifle thread and S&W does make an M&P line of AR's, so I figured they might also come with 9mm uppers![]()
I guarantee they dobut you're right 9x19 would be silly in an AR
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First off, I intended to post this in the "We know you ride, but do you shoot" thread, but I think that thread is gone.