What is wrong with the USA?

Let's not forget those heads of corporations located in the US also own significant business abroad.

Exactly.. So they milk the US until it falls apart, then they just run to their cash-cows abroad and let the unwashed masses to clean up the mess that they created at "home".
Meh...It won't collapse because it can't collapse. So much money is tied into their economy it's scary.

It certainly can collapse. It's just not easy to predict what the outcome would be, and it's also almost a certainty that the US gov't would take drastic actions to prevent it from happening - or at least, to kick the can further down the road (see: late 2008).

The one way for the US to almost escape its debt obligations is to have simultaneous hyper-inflation and hyper-currency-devaluation. If that happens, suppose the currency devalues (relative to other worldwide currencies) to 1/10 of what it is now. Suddenly that debt is only worth 1/10 as much. It also means that anyone who is sitting on cash ... is only worth 1/10 as much. All those set government contracts (and pensions) are suddenly only worth 1/10 as much. Pensioners would get the shaft, and anyone sitting on US-denominated ANYthing (government debt, in particular) would get the shaft. The government could not afford to pay its own workers (already happening, on a small scale). Worse, the government could not afford to pay unemployment, welfare, or health care benefits. This would be an economic calamity the like of which the world has never seen, and would make the 2008 - 2009 recession/depression look like a walk in the park.

Canada is in better shape due to our resources (and better banking regulations that are actually enforced, and fewer military obligations) but a US economic collapse would drag us down, too.
Canada is in better shape due to our resources (and better banking regulations that are actually enforced, and fewer military obligations) but a US economic collapse would drag us down, too.

Yes, we have resources.. The US has guns.. When they finally go down the tube, they'll take those guns, come to Canada to bring "peace and democracy," take our resources and sell them to China.. Another possibility.. When the US is too weak to defend us, the Russians will walk right in and double the amount of resources they can sell to China.. Or the Chinese will avoid the middleman and take those resources for themselves :cool:
They need to fix the revenue problem (taxation) and of course spending. Right now they have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the G7 (hurts job creation, drives companies offshore). They have extremely low personal income tax rates, so low that ~50% of households don't pay any! They have no national VAT (GST). The fix is not that far out of hand, serious cuts in spending, lower corporate taxes (but don't go crazy here), increase income tax (reverse the Bush tax cuts) and most important add that all important consumption tax (a VAT). Do all this and a balanced budget is possible in 10 years. Now I don't believe for one second the people running the country don't understand this. The problem is, doing the above is political suicide for the entire political party (specially the VAT).

Think about the mess we would have here if we never did the GST. As much as everyone hates it, it is paying a lot of the bills. The Mulroney and the national PC party went from a majority to dust, the GST played a big part in that.

Now the country is of course run by the rich, they don't like any of the above--so they have no motivation. The voters regardless of income level fear a VAT and they all think they will one day be rich (American dream), so they don't want all that tax when they "get there".

China is the only country right now willing to fund the madness. At some point they will want something for this funding. First they will dictate US foreign policy, the US will have no choice but to bend. The US once did this exact thing to France and Britain during the Suez crisis (do what we say or we will collapse your currency and economy). Next they will dictate economic policy, sort of like Germany is telling Portugal, Greece, etc. how they will spend and tax... Maybe this will lead to one last desperate measure (war), China will likely time it so that they are far mightier before they dictate their terms.

There is still time to right the ship, but time is quickly running out.
Yes, we have resources.. The US has guns.. When they finally go down the tube, they'll take those guns, come to Canada to bring "peace and democracy," take our resources and sell them to China.. Another possibility.. When the US is too weak to defend us, the Russians will walk right in and double the amount of resources they can sell to China.. Or the Chinese will avoid the middleman and take those resources for themselves :cool:

Remember what happened to Poland in 1939, Germany and Russia (policital polar oposites) divided it up and split the spoils.
I have all of the same questions, I agree with everything you've said except that I don't see ANY WAY for the US to wipe out its government debt at ANY time in the future if current trends continue, and I don't have any of the answers.

Put it this way; in my investment account I own 0 government debt and 0 shares in US-based companies and 0 anything denominated in US dollars. There are quite a number of US companies that are doing well and would be worth investing in, if it weren't for the elephant in the room ... what happens when QE2 stops and China loses interest in buying US government bonds. Bye-bye, US dollar; it was nice knowing you ...

If the US can't repay it's debt you'll have bigger problems to worry about than your portfolio.
Remember what happened to Poland in 1939, Germany and Russia (policital polar oposites) divided it up and split the spoils.

That's another possibility that I left out.. Canada could become a sort of a battleground between the 3 powers.. Final result (assuming the Yanks don't crawl back to their side of the border with their tails between their legs) is that they'd get to run the show along the border, the Chinese would take the resource-rich center and the Russians would get the north (still a decent amount of resources, easy access to squeeze Europe from both sides). Guess who the losers would be (subtle hint: look in the mirror) :cool:
That's another possibility that I left out.. Canada could become a sort of a battleground between the 3 powers.. Final result (assuming the Yanks don't crawl back to their side of the border with their tails between their legs) is that they'd get to run the show along the border, the Chinese would take the resource-rich center and the Russians would get the north (still a decent amount of resources, easy access to squeeze Europe from both sides). Guess who the losers would be (subtle hint: look in the mirror) :cool:

Replace Canada with Middle East Oil Fields.
Replace Canada with Middle East Oil Fields.

Naaa.. The Russians and the Chinese aren't too worried about'em.. Russia has plenty of oil and gas for both, so the Chinese aren't hurtin' for it. While the two superpowers are already more powerful than the U.S. an Europe combined, it's in their interest to just sit and wait. Ideally, they don't even wanna duke it out with the U.S. Why bother? They'll go down the tubes on their own, so the Chinese/Russians will just walk in and take what they want without anyone saying "boo". The Chinese probably want to turn Europe into a market, milk Russia and Canada for resources, take some resources from South America but mostly use them as a market, Africa - resources wherever people aren't hacking each other up with machetes and they'll just put the worst of the polluting industries into the U.S. and use their semi-skilled workforce (but they won't make the mistake of moving their entire industrial complex into a foreign country like we did). China is thinking long-term and Russia does what China says.
I don't understand your religious comment, the USA was by far the best country several decades ago......and they were much more Christain than they are now when you compare the 1960's as an example.

Not true. While less people attend church today than a couple decades ago, the religious right have managed to buy off politicians and have pushed their agenda on the majority of folks. It is truly disgusting how the U.S. is more a theocracy than a democratic republic.
As one who lives south of the border, I want to jump in here.

From my perspective I do believe the U.S. has peaked and is now on the road downward. It is a country that can't govern because they are so far divided it is scary. The repug's want to cut back funding from everything and reward their corporate patrons while the dem's keep jumping all over the map as to what is important, and what is not.

If Obama was not elected President, the U.S. would probably be in a bit better shape. There is such a hatred towards him because he is black, it makes me want to throw-up. When I lived in South Carolina I heard racial slurs very frequently, many of them directed to Obama.

Personally I do not see this country recovering in my lifetime. The repug's have done such a good job of convincing those who would be helped the most by healthcare reform and a social safety net that they are better off without it, that the country will continue to evolve into a have/have-not society. The middle class will soon be a distant memory.

Right now I am in the U.S. because of the church; if the opportunity came up for me to return to Canada, I would be on the next available flight. It is so tough living with morons who think they are superior to everyone else; morons who believe to their core that an American life is worth more than a life of a citizen of any other country; and morons who are stupider than a box of corn flakes.

The weather may be great here, and the scenery phenomenal but is is far from utopia, more like a nicely dressed pig.
Meh...It won't collapse because it can't collapse. So much money is tied into their economy it's scary.

Let's not forget those heads of corporations located in the US also own significant business abroad. It falls apart at home...it falls apart everywhere.

US is in trouble...there's no doubt...but the world won't let it fall apart. If they declare bankruptcy....it's pretty much over for everyone. At least financially.

Back to the left wing propoganda...:)

That's the "too big to fail" argument. The last couple of years has shown us that it isn't a very good one.
2) The reason we MIGHT have a balanced budget by 2015 is because of a fiscally responsible Conservative government. Our healthcare system is well funded, there's just PLENTY of waste/bonuses/fat. Criticizing military spending is fine until after the fact when everyone is crying that we didn't spend enough. Investing in new military planes is a wise investment in an uncertain future.

4) There might be no proof that lower corporate taxes means an increase in jobs but one thing is for certain. If you raise corporate taxes like iggy and happy ending jack wanted to do, you'll see plenty of companies packing up and moving to a more tax friendly place. Corporations are global now, if you try to screw them they'll just screw you back. Ireland has low corporate taxes, it was also a warzone just a few years ago.

2) How about we know the final cost of these planes and if they are the best investment. Sometimes having the best option isn't the smartest option when something cheaper will fill the need and then some. Just a thought. Should I go into massive debt to buy a landrover when a honda CR-V covers all my needs and then some?

4) The NDP wanted to cut corporate tax breaks to companies who DO NOT create jobs here or do not better the economy. They wanted to cut taxes to small businesses that keep money in the communities and don't funnel it overseas to parent corps or pull out the moment their profit margin suffers taking the tax money with them.

Give a dollar to the wealthy and a small percentage gets back to the local economy. Give a dollar to middle and lower class and almost all of it is put back into the economy. The US is a shinning example of how massive corporate tax cuts and subsidies to billion dollar companies does not help the economy and does nothing for the local worker.
2) Criticizing military spending is fine until after the fact when everyone is crying that we didn't spend enough. Investing in new military planes is a wise investment in an uncertain future.

Military spending in Canada is a bit of a red herring. I'm of the opinion that Canada, as it stands today, is militarily indefensible. You could not spend enough money to defend this country from attack. Our vulnerability on all coasts, particularly the northern one, is almost total. A bunch of airplanes won't defend us. A thousand airplanes won't defend us. Even if you pressed every adult man and woman in this country into military service, you would not be able to defend this country from invasion or attack. Our border is too large, our population too small, and our proximity to a potential enemy (Russia) is too close.

We've been defended by the might of the USA. Once that is gone, we won't be able to replace it. We don't have the population to be able to support the level of military spending that would be required.

So give up any idea that, if it came to an attack, we'd be able to stop anyone. Unless you've watched Red Dawn too many times.

Our only chance at defending our sovereignty lies in relationships, alliances, and diplomacy. It's a paper shield, but we'd better make the most of it, because it's all we're going to get.
Our only chance at defending our sovereignty lies in relationships, alliances, and diplomacy. It's a paper shield, but we'd better make the most of it, because it's all we're going to get.

And one of the ways would be by strengthening our ties with China. Their industrial complex could definitely use our resources (even though they get a lot from Russia - "Chinese Canada"). Our current foreign policy lies in clinging to the power that's going down the tubes. The fiberals are just as guilty of that as the reformists. If we develop a good and extensive working relationship with China and also start trading more with South America, we would put ourselves in a pretty safe position.
US needs to vote for Ron Paul so he can end the private federal reserve central bank. Banks really are the root of all evil. Find one candidate up here that will even bring up the issue of private central banks. How much money is the US and Canada paying in interest to privately owned banks when we could nationalize them and pay 0% interest. There's your god damn economic action plan.
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