What have you found on the road?


Mr.YamaSaki was putting around and stopped under a bridge for some shade and a drink.
He looked over and found a cool stainless steel multi tool on the ground.

What cool things or strange objects have you found on the road?
I found a cool book about how people that refer to themselves in the third person are .........
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Good timing for this thread - just last Friday I saw an oil filter wrench laying in the middle of the road.
I went back and picked it up. Other than some scuff marks from falling off/out of whatever had been carrying it, it is in perfect shape... should make the next oil change a little less of a PITA.
Couple of screwdrivers,Madonna cd,Mettalica tape and lots of empty beer cans.
Used hood on the northbound 404 ramp lane from the 407.

Red in colour.
Found someone's gambling membership card near Mohawk Raceway. Returned it that evening.If anyone finds my work security pass on the road around Guelph, let me know. It's been deactivated but it'd still be cool to get it back, lol.

I've seen a bicycle, shovel, and a few exhaust systems in the middle of the 401. Those were more obstacles I had to avoid rather than things I found though.
My rear seat...15 minutes after I realized I lost it.

My $$$ GPS... smashed screen ... 15 minutes after I realized I lost it.

My friend's popped oil cap ... 10km after we realized something has been lost, (lol)

Sunglasses at 403/Dundas :cool:
Abandoned red car on the side of the 407 eastbound between Milton and Sauga.
Abandoned red car on the side of the 407 eastbound between Milton and Sauga.
I saw ~4 abadoned cars in the US on the hwy when I drove to Indianapolis a few weeks ago. I've found 2 in my town (which is kind of amazing since it's tiny). One of which was engulfed in flames when I found it. The cops saw my friends and I walking around later and thought we were responsible for the fire. Took some arguing to convince them that we were actually the people that found it that way and called them.
A couple summers ago, I went off to go backroads to Manchester bike nite. Got there and saw my bash plate was gone. On way home saw it on the side of the driving lane on conc 7 at Westney, completely fine!
Sunglasses at 403/Dundas :cool:

ya....those are sooo you

MAER and a friend stopped at a fork in the road, to decide which way to go....
MAER looked down......found a "FORK" on the road

now this FORK is in MAER's grill....so there will be a fork on the road....forever
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A fork, and a Kate Bush CD.
definitely before. i found it a good home

Hahahahahaaaa! OMG!

I've never found anything good on the side of the road. Someone's driver's license once. I called them and they sent their mom over to pick it up. LOL. My brother once found almost $300 in $20 bills blowing around Bloor near The East Mall. I never have that kind of luck.
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