Well-known member
CSGO and H1Z1 at the moment for me. Have a lot more games, just uninterested in them.
how do you like the new csgo maps
the division beta is live again for anyone who is interested.
Maybe this is the place to ask... Looking for a video card for my son's gaming computer. His pooched out the other day.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I know nothing about this stuff.
Cheers Sadz.
how do you like the new csgo maps
they added more missions compared to the last beta. I'm in love and can't wait for it to be released.Played a bit last night. Very cool game but I find the movements slightly clunky. Can't get used to having no jump key.
Depends on what your kid likes to play and at what settings. A cheaper option to the 970 is the GTX 960. It's considered mid-range I guess and can be had for under $200. It's been handling every game I've thrown at it so far with satisfactory-to-great results depending on the game. Btw I also game at 1440p or 4K.
I played santorini and that one map that starts with an m and I enjoyed them. they take a little getting used to.Not a fan, to be honest. Have only played cruise, coast and santorini, and I just don't enjoy them as much as I do the "classic" maps. I like the new Nuke though - will take some getting used to with people sneaking from secret directly onto site.
Shoot me an invite. Steam name is the same as my GTAM name.Remember guys - we have this GTAM steam group for those PC gamers with steam. We have a few CS:GO players, I'm currently DMG at the moment.
have about 8 hours on the division in the past 2 days. what a great game.
the dark zone is a lot more intense in comparison to the beta
It's one of those games that will get you really attached. Good idea to finish Farcry because as soon as you pick this up and get into it, you won't touch farcry for another couple months.I'm still grinding through Farcry Primal, but the division is purchased and waiting on my shelf
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Not really related, but saw this on the Twitter and thought it was cool.
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