I love my job!!
I get to watch half naked women dance on poles and "spot" them when they don't feel secure enough to invert....BEST JOB EVER!!!
you need an assistant

I love my job!!
I get to watch half naked women dance on poles and "spot" them when they don't feel secure enough to invert....BEST JOB EVER!!!
Yeah, I thought about bouncing at a strip club part time tooI love my job!!
I get to watch half naked women dance on poles and "spot" them when they don't feel secure enough to invert....BEST JOB EVER!!!
Girls trust girls to look after them rather than a guy touching them up.
What do you do? can we trade?
btw are you the stripper pole?
you need an assistant?
ROFLMAO!!! I should point out that it's not as much fun when I have to spot guys like Roasted, Wobbly or Firestart...man the legs are hairy....
LOL...I'm not the pole..though i carry a bigger pole than most guys i know...with bigger gonads! =P
I'll make you a deal....if you can survive two of my classes in a row, I'll call you to cover for me when I have to do system testing at my daytime job...how about that?
Yeah, I thought about bouncing at a strip club part time too
wait wut!?!
What do you do? I'm sure roasted will survive w/e you have to throw at him.
He did...barely...=P
Pole Dance Instruction....let the leg humping begin...sigh.
I won't survive. Too out of shape. I'd bring the pole down.
aww pumpkin!! not used to handling a big pole are we?
Yes, i'm afraid of being penetrated by your pole
mwahahaha...Exxcceeelent *mr. burn's voice*
I keep getting you mixed up with Sushii... lol thought you were him for that entire convo.
LOL...I really need to kick that guy for picking a name so close to mine...*shakes fist at sushii* LOL...
cat fight!!!
Won't be much of a fight....no offense to the poor boy, but I carry a big pole and an even bigger strap on. *shrug*
I rode 5 different superbikes this weekend!
I'd rather do that than pole dancing.