What does "Work" mean to you? | GTAMotorcycle.com

What does "Work" mean to you?


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Been thinking about this for the past couple of weeks...

Do you work to live or live to work? Which way do you think it should be?

Life stories are welcome - they always make for such interesting reads.
I have spoken to many many people about this and I find one of 3 responses:

1. I don't really like my job but like the company or need it to pay bills or it's the best of a bad situation.

2. I don't like what I do not but it is a step on the ladder to something better down the line (I.e. I am working towards something and this will help)

3. I am exactly where I want to be and am excited about my job.

I have had the fortune of working at many companies in a variety of roles and have experienced some of these feelings. As a new grad, answering this question has been hard for me but I have realized that I want to purse what I love rather than settle for something that will pay the bills. The road me be rocky, but I will be happy I made the journey.

I think it is fair to point out that some people do not have the luxury of pursuing their dreams be it because of family or other obligations. I give them alot of respect because they do something they do not enjoy to help someone else.
I work to live, not live to work. Sounds bad in my occupation but I realise there is more to life than what I do for others.

That being said I absolutely love what I do and as much as parts of ministry frustrate me, I know I couldn't do anything else.

What I would like to change is where I am located. While California is nice, it isn't home. It wasn't when I lived in LA for 2 years and it isn't now. My preference would be to come back to Canada, baring that I would head to Australia or New Zealand in a heart beat. Unfortunately my partner is American, and has children, and doesn't want to live outside the U.S. as it would take him further away. Of course my continued stay in the U.S. is dependent on USCIS.
I like doing what I do, for the most part, although there is always room for improvement. My work is interesting and mentally stimulating for the most part - I never stop learning and things are constantly changing, although other things can become quite boring and tedious. I can work in any field I want, anywhere I want, and get great satisfaction out of helping others - I'm a CGA, a professional accountant.
Work for the majority of folks is a means to an end. A way to support a lifestyle.

We only work because we must.

I like my job but i dont like it enough to keep doing it if i won 10 million $.

Look at countries and places like Alaska or Kuwait were they get some really nice oil royalties. Most people that are native do not work, they might do something small on the side but they enjoy life.

Its kind of funny how people always say they love their jobs etc... what would happen if the company stopped paying them for a month, think they would still love their job?
its the grind that makes work unenjoyable, not the nature of the work.

If you're still in school and have never held a full time job for an extended period of time, you could never possibly know the feeling.

Things like good coworkers, perks, salary, environment, and nature of the work will help alleviate the burden of the grind.

That being said, work itself has been a beneficial part of my life, without it, i wouldn't know what to do for the better part of the day. It also makes the rewards that much sweeter.
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I lived to work for 20 years at jobs I really enjoyed, and saved and invested every spare penny in that time. Now I can do what I want, when I want, on my own schedule, and I do with no cash worries. If I ever get bored, I can even go back to work. Work done right can be a very good thing.
For me work is deffinately my life. Right now I'm in the bush haven't showered for a week but I can't say I've really "worked" as I enjoy what I do. I think my job is damn cool from time to time I see the world in unique ways and meet some interesting people. Ive even shaken the hand of royalty. My career has taken me from a somewhat insecure kid with no real direction and made me a self assured adult with my nose pointed the right direction.
The crappy part is my private life takes a hit. Relationships are tough with my life style and right now my buddies are out at the track having a blast without me.

I'm thinking of trying a new trade simply so I can expand my knowledge. If I had the money and no longer needed to work I'm sure I would still do something related to this on a part time basis as long as it didn't cut in to my racing.
its the grind that makes work unenjoyable, not the nature of the work.

If you're still in school and have never held a full time job for an extended period of time, you could never possibly know the feeling.

Things like good coworkers, perks, salary, environment, and nature of the work will help alleviate the burden of the grind.

That being said, work itself has been a beneficial part of my life, without it, i wouldn't know what to do for the better part of the day. It also makes the rewards that much sweeter.

+1...I remember being unemployed after I graduated and I hated every second of it. The feeling of being useless is not a good feeling. While getting up early, having to commute and deal with all of the related BS really sucks at times, getting up and having a place you need to be has benefits of its own. Finding work that makes you happy more than it makes you miserable all while granting you sufficient financial independence is the real trick, though.
I definitely work to live - it's $$ to give me the life I want and support the people I love. I can honestly say I enjoy my work, I get along with my co-workers and I tolerate supervisors/management. At times the work can be stressful, and shift work takes a physical and social toll. But in general I feel I'm compensated well for what I do.

If I won the lottery would I still do it? Honestly, that's doubtful. I'd get some dream job that pays peanuts and that I'm no good at, like learn to wrench bikes or work in a guitar shop or something. Volunteer at the animal shelter. Either way, something would need to fill my time and give life meaning. It's funny how often our careers define our lives whether we like it or not. Taking that away even when you're a millionaire might mess with your head.
its the grind that makes work unenjoyable, not the nature of the work.

If you're still in school and have never held a full time job for an extended period of time, you could never possibly know the feeling.

Things like good coworkers, perks, salary, environment, and nature of the work will help alleviate the burden of the grind.

That being said, work itself has been a beneficial part of my life, without it, i wouldn't know what to do for the better part of the day. It also makes the rewards that much sweeter.

I disagree. I worked some pretty ****** jobs but with some good coworkers and it didnt get any easier to go somewhere that i hated every day.

Now i work a job that i love with amazing coworkers, and its super easy for me to go in every day. Ive only had one other job like that, for about 3 years, but then they laid off all my friends and my job went from interesting to "Sit at your desk for 8 hours every day waiting for some work to come in". No opportunities, no room for advancement, no room for pay increases... That was pretty brutal.

To the overall thread question, it depends on the job. If its a bad job (bad as in mangers dont care, company doesnt care, pay is awful, and extra effort goes unappreciated), i generally work to live. Not to say i dont care about what I do for the customers, but if the company clearly doesnt value me, its hard to care a lot. I still go in every day and do my best, but Im less inclined to stay extra hours without pay or take on projects or tasks if i know its not going to benefit me in any way, even recognition wise. When I have a good job, like i had once before and have now, where my employer cares about me, the job is fun, and the people are great, I honestly live to work. I dont mind putting in long hours, or taking on extra projects or making sure i go above and beyond at any opportunity. I still try and maintain a healthy work/life balance, but it generally tips pretty far in favor of work most of the time.
I work to live. My job pays me enough to live and save slowly for the things I wanna do. I don't know how people can enjoy sitting at a computer all day but I don't. Although I do enjoy the act of earning my dollar. Theres a certain satisfaction in knowing that I worked for the money to pay for my bike. I am not jealous of the 20 year old who's Mom or Dad bought them a brand new BMWS1000RR.
I lived to work for 20 years at jobs I really enjoyed, and saved and invested every spare penny in that time. Now I can do what I want, when I want, on my own schedule, and I do with no cash worries. If I ever get bored, I can even go back to work. Work done right can be a very good thing.

Smart man! :thumbup:
I work in construction and it feels like a slow painful death. I work around people that have zero common sense and can't seem to figure out how to sit on a a porta potty the right way. I am up and 4 am everyday for the 1.5 hr commute into work, home by 7:30 at night and in bed at 10. Usually. I have no life at the moment but it pays well and I have benefits and a pension. I am turning 32 but feel like I am in my 90's ! lol Manual Labour is for the birds! lol
I think a lot of people who are work-centric/workaholics just haven't found anything better to do. I have met many people that put a lot of focus on work and generally I find that they live in a really small world. Meaning, they don't really travel, don't really stimulate their minds/bodies with new experiences and are just content to live a routine life. This for me is sad because there is so much to do and see in this world and you only live once. You got to dream big and live bigger.
I feel like the main character from office space a majority of the time while working......no I don't live to work.

haha I was thinking of that movie this morning. Got told I needed to include a cover sheet with my reports... I was thinking "DAMM TPS COVER SHEET!" Also, a fax machine is crapping out a work. Want to take out in the field and start busting it up
I love my job!!

I get to watch half naked women dance on poles and "spot" them when they don't feel secure enough to invert....BEST JOB EVER!!!
I love my job!!

I get to watch half naked women dance on poles and "spot" them when they don't feel secure enough to invert....BEST JOB EVER!!!

Girls trust girls to look after them rather than a guy touching them up.

What do you do? can we trade?

btw are you the stripper pole?

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