what do you wear in summer? | Page 4 | GTAMotorcycle.com

what do you wear in summer?


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When I was young and invincible I used to squid a lot. But when sliding on asphalt nothing protects the skin like leather... Having done so, I wear my gear 99% of the time. In summer it's my "Power Trip" convertible jacket. Armor on the shoulders, back and elbows - leather outer sleeves - fully removable front and back panels with non-protective mesh... Yes it's cool for summer, affording at least a minimal layer of protection. Velocity riding jeans with Kevlar knees, hips and butt (thanks Jimmy). Having smacked my head on the pavement (more than once)...nothing feels safer than my full faced helmet - but on hot summer days, it's my half bucket. It's always riding boots and my lined heavy leather jacket and chaps in cold weather. Yes I ride a cruiser...And no matter what it's always gloves.
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A bikini....under my textile jacket and jeans of course :D

lol now you know everyone's gonna demand pics right?

Mesh for me. On friday, a dude in t-shirt rolled up and parked his bike next to me. When he took his helmet off he said to me "you don't have to wear that when it's this hot out!". I'm not a squid-hater but I found that funny.
A bikini....under my textile jacket and jeans of course :D

yeah watch out. Someone already started a thread on "picking up chicks" with a bike.

I was out yesterday. It was humid as hell and I survived wearing a leather jacket. Perforation is your friend. When it's not wet I still agree with mesh or textile. Something is better than nothing.
Full mesh jacket for me. The Fox Racing Titan Sport Jacket looks nice though...as does the above one.
are the non-armor parts see through?

Yes, they are mesh. For the money=protection I think it's great.

I was considering a dianese mesh jacket but for the same money I got these and gloves for the two of us,;)
^^ i read one should still wear a jacket over these armors.
jacket for abrasion, armor for impact
do you have a summer jacket?
I mix it up when it's hot outside:

I ride full gear till i get to PA border then remove my helmet and ride. its dangerous to ride ATGATT, more so squid in Ontario.
shorts and a T-Shirt
Shorts and Tee shirt crew checkin in, all about that yologixxerswaglife :)
^^ i read one should still wear a jacket over these armors.
jacket for abrasion, armor for impact
do you have a summer jacket?

I don't see where you could get abrasion, any way you roll in this thing the armor touches the ground, unless your arm is twisted out of your shoulder that's the only way I can see getting road rash in this thing.

As I said I lowsided the day after I got it and only my hip was bruised, no part that this thing covered was touched in any way. It worked great.

Ill take the very slight discomfort and security over squid any day. I've crashed too many times from idiots not paying attention and have broken my entire ribcage twice, it's no fun and pain for a long time, this would have prevented it.

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