What did you study/what are you doing now? | GTAMotorcycle.com

What did you study/what are you doing now?


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I used to read over that thread every now and then because it was actually a really good read...but it was part of the mass deletion.

I figured I'd start a new one because it's always so interesting to read about how different things turn out for different people.

What did you study (or not study), what did you do/are you doing now?

I guess I'll start first: I did 3 years at York University in Psych & Philosophy until I figured out that it wasn't for me - at least not right now. I enjoyed learning, but I couldn't justify putting all the time & effort into something where tangible results weren't guaranteed (I was originally headed to law school, but that's on hold now).

Some people drop out of school and life still ends up working out for them. For 3 years, I tried figuring out if I could be one of those people...but then I realized that it's one of those things that you actually gotta try and give a shot. If you make it, then you're one of those people. If you don't, then you've got your answer.

Now I'm bartending and serving and I'm happier than when I was in school; especially since I've always been a workaholic. It's not a life-long career, but it's lucrative enough for me.

I'll probably go back to school when I'm in my 30s and too old for this industry; maybe I'll re-think law or just get back into marketing again (it's my niche and the industry that I worked full time in when I was still in uni). On that note, I was offered a salaried office job when I was 17 and I turned it down because I was adamant about finishing my schooling. To this day, I still wonder how everything would've turned out if I just took the opportunity.
tl;dr I'm pretty much a university dropout :laughing8:

The last version of this thread had a lot of good discussion and posts & I'm hoping that this one's just as interesting.
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I studied at the school of hard knocks and Im a professional bad-*** and all around tough-guy now.
Fire Fighter Pre Service program at Durham College.
Fire and Explosion Investigations at Seneca
911 Communication Course at Georgian
Hazardous Materials Tech level 3 private college

Thats the tip of the iceberg for courses i have .. and yeah full time fire fighter. :)
I studied at the school of hard knocks and Im a professional bad-*** and all around tough-guy now.
hahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're off to a good start

Thats the tip of the iceberg for courses i have .. and yeah full time fire fighter. :)
Out of curiosity: any advice for a buddy of mine trying to get into it? I know it's really hard to break into. Now he's just going back to school for engineering and planning to study/work while still applying every year (firefighting's what he really wants to do).

Are his chances better when he's older and has more "life experience"?

edit: sorry, I should've made it more clear. He went to college for fire fighting and all that. Honestly, he's like 5'3 but a jacked mother****er and I wonder if that'll always be a factor when hiring him. I'd imagine that being short is a disadvantage
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hahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're off to a good start

Out of curiosity: any advice for a buddy of mine trying to get into it? I know it's really hard to break into. Now he's just going back to school for engineering and planning to study/work while still applying every year (firefighting's what he really wants to do).

Are his chances better when he's older and has more "life experience"?

Without a pre service fire course under his belt .. his chances will soon be zero to none.
ok, I'm game.

Depending how far back, my first career choice was mad scientist, then astronaut then playboy/spy.... lol!

I then had a short career as a rock guitarist (disco killed that).

Next I became an electronics technician (studied at Cambrian in Sudbury) but board swapping killed that career before I graduated) so I went University of Toronto and became an engineer. Years of working on hardware design and the software was always the holdup so I ventured into that field, never looked back as I had a knack and my hardware background gave me a clear advantage.

I'm still about 15 years from retirement but I don't see my career changing, software is still the more difficult aspect and tailoring software and hardware for performance has become my forte'. My job title is Enterprise Architect and I have a governance role but I'm still the guy they call in when "something is slow" and SLAs are being missed.
^ there's an opening at my firm

provide pics
I have a B.A in Sociology from McMaster University and a Diploma in Business from Sheridan College now I work in logistics lol.
I was on the way planning to be in the Rock Hall of Fame! Then realized I was dreaming due to too much Guns'N Roses influence.
Now i'm stuck in architecture doing monkey jobs
finished my Engineering (what a pain!!!!) last year and am working at AMD. But i am happy all the pain/effort is paying now :)
Studied Mechanical Engineering Technology (College) and Bachelor of Engineering (University)... I now work in Engineering. Can't say I'll do engineering for the rest of my career though.
Joined the army...did a couple tours. Officer advice" You're too smart to be jumping out of perfectly working airplanes. Why don't you get a civi job"

Went to school finished logistics designation. Been potatin' ever since..tumblr_l4n38cUNOH1qzevzoo1_500.jpg
What I studied: finance at schulich, CFA charterholder

What Im doing: investment analyst at a pension fund
Fire Fighter Pre Service program at Durham College.
Fire and Explosion Investigations at Seneca
911 Communication Course at Georgian
Hazardous Materials Tech level 3 private college

Thats the tip of the iceberg for courses i have .. and yeah full time fire fighter. :)

What year did you graduate from Durham? Good old Don Murdock, Orca and Blaine definitely faces I will never forget. I Can't remember the fire prevention instructors name; probably because I was always sleeping in that class.
What year did you graduate from Durham? Good old Don Murdock, Orca and Blaine definitely faces I will never forget. I Can't remember the fire prevention instructors name; probably because I was always sleeping in that class.

Lol. There are some names from the past.

Now i cant remember the FP instructors names .. Jim something from Oshawa fire. And there was another guy from Clarington.
Two years at York U doing IT when IT was the I-dont-know-what-i-want-to-do-in-my-life answer from High school councillors.

Sat in the classroom with literally GAZILLION other people and realized that the market is gonna be flooded very soon. Dropped out and went to work at the airport as a baggage basher. Started hanging out with Aircraft Maintenance guys from AirCanada. A few of them saw some potential in me and got me to go back to College for Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. Two years later, got out, got a good gig as an apprentice at Pearson working on FedEx, Alitalia, Cubana, etc etc when 2008 hit and Zoom Airlines declared bankruptcy.
Me and half the guys got laid off and i was bumming around for a year working part time contracts here and there. I was making good money but wanted a steady paycheque. Midnights and crazy work hours was also getting tired and being in the industry i knew that its gonna take decades before i will have the seniority to have a sweet shift. There was a definitive shift away from local heavy maintenance to overseas, mainly China and Brazil that was draining the marketplace of jobs.

So when a riding buddy asked me to join him fixing Industrial food packaging/wrapping machines i switched careers. Funny how experience from one field easily transfers to another. Worked there for a year when a competitor compnany head hunted me and offered me a MUCH better gig.

I now run a Maintenance Department, have one really easy going guy to answer to, Sit in an office or work in the shop and make better money than being an Aircaft Mech.

I had no idea i was gonna end up here....lol

Just to add, regarding the IT. Around the time i would have finished the IT course at York U is when the massive exodus of IT jobs to India started. I ran into a few guys from those days and talked to a few more on Facebook. None are in that field because it was so flooded and the jobs were going away....guess i made the right call.
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started off as a mechanic apprenticeship...Ended up Being a *** hole claims adjuster :p

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