What did you study/what are you doing now? | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

What did you study/what are you doing now?

College Diploma in Environmental Technology
University Degree in Environmental Science
Post Graduate Certificate in Applied Digital Geography / GIS

Currently working for a municipal government on a part time contract basis but I'm looking for a change.

I'm eying school next sept for a Masters in Environmental Studies (MES) with a diploma in Environmental Education at York University.
My dream was to join the military, wanted to be a sniper. The hard training sounded like a challenge to me. And then after trying out a C5 machine gun on a CO2 simulator, combined with hearing there were only a handful of girls who were assigned machine guns, I was determined to be a grunt for a few years then a sniper :p Tried to join the regiment my grandfather went to WW2 with and got turned down because of my hearing. SO went to my fall back, which was architectural drafting. Joined a few male dominated classes in high school and after getting top marks in drafting which ****** off the guy I had a crush on, I accepted his challenge to see who could get top marks every year. Figured why not continue to college.

My other option was history which is a passion for me. But my mom tried to be an archeologist and she said there’s nothing but teaching in that field which I said HELL no to. Ironically I teach how to ride motorcycles now….

Funny how life goes, I said I would never ever move to Toronto, or the States….. I’ve stopped saying I won’t do anything cus it usually means I end up doing it later on anyways.
I paid a sh*t load of money to waste a whole lot of time digging myself into a hole of debt to make only slightly more then my non-time-wasting counterparts and try to climb out of the debt I created.... I bought the bike to compensate. :book:
For me, school consists of an Apprentice Mechanic diploma then dropping out of Industrial Design. Work started as a mechanic, then fabricator, then customer service rep, now marketing guy. Basically all over the map with no plan, but hey whatever works.
Pre-Service Firefighter
Fire Science Technology

Full time firefighter now.
I didn't completely go to school. I had an apprenticeship doing body work and mechanics at a dealership, got 2 years in and then lay offs... Did a few blue collar jobs (mostly framing houses, roofing etc.) and ended up at Superior Propane driving a 25 tonne boom crane, installing, removing and repairing the large tanks for industry and homes, installed lines and was basically apprenticing as a gas fitter since the guys noticed I had the skills for it. But, I wasn't advancing how I wanted to and I wanted more security so I joined the military as a medic.
Typical basic training and all that stuff, 6 months in college in BC as a paramedic, the military medical school, and recently got my Advanced paramedic and another 6 months at the military medical school... Currently as a medic.
Where too next? Not sure, since my contract expires soon. I'll likely sign for another 5 years as I can't really find a dream 9-5 mon-fri job that lets me have my weekends for racing.

I would really like to use my skills that I've learned (all the military outdoorsy stuff and advanced medical stuff) and teach.
Graduated highschool in 1997 and went right into the work world. Did many different jobs like (in no particular order): K-9 security guard, retail whore, aerospace technician, go-kart wrangler, construction worker, assistant sous-chef, waiter, telecom technician, freelance graphic designer, bouncer, entrepreneur, warehouse worker, professional guinea pig, and telefundraiser. After floating around all these professions I decided that going to back to school might be an idea, so in 2005 I enrolled in Digital Media Arts at Seneca College and started working part-time at Seneca. Took 2 semesters of that and dropped out due to lack of funds. Went back to Seneca in 2007 for Radio Broadcasting, graduated with Honours and took 2 semesters of Event Planning afterwards, which led to me being a part-time stagehand at York University's theatre department. Then, after 7 years of working part time at Seneca, I started working fulltime at Seneca's A/V department where I get to maintain/play with millions of dollars worth of state-of-the-art broadcasting gear and have a wicked pension. Persistence paid off. :cool:
Graduated highschool when I was 17, worked for a bit so I could save up for a trip to europe. Spent another year working multiple jobs to pay for a visual art course at Sheridan. Contiued on for a 3 year diploma in Illustration and then a 4 year degree in fine arts from Mac with a minor in English Lit. Now I am an entrepeneur with my own bullion business with a side in syndicated mortgages and I sculpt busts and do portraiture on the side. Go figure.
Similar to matt... BSc in Environmental Science; MSc in Environmental Science specializing in GIS/Remote Sensing.

Now I am a supervisor in a completely unrelated field because I got tired of contract work -- haven't even seen an ESRI product in nearly a decade!

After spending that kind of dough partying it up for 6 years in university, I sometimes wish I had become an electrician at 17 like many of my buddies did -- probably would be further ahead today if I had.

College Diploma in Environmental Technology
University Degree in Environmental Science
Post Graduate Certificate in Applied Digital Geography / GIS

Currently working for a municipal government on a part time contract basis but I'm looking for a change.

I'm eying school next sept for a Masters in Environmental Studies (MES) with a diploma in Environmental Education at York University.
Similar to matt... BSc in Environmental Science; MSc in Environmental Science specializing in GIS/Remote Sensing.

Now I am a supervisor in a completely unrelated field because I got tired of contract work -- haven't even seen an ESRI product in nearly a decade!
Is contract work the norm in your field? Or is it just becoming the norm everywhere? It seems like everyone I know who gets a job from environmental sciences is on contract.

I'm a sub-contractor for 2 of my part-time jobs and aside from having to send in your own hours, I love the flexibility. I've never been a contract worker (not directly, at least). Is that basically just a normal job except with less benefits & no security? 'Cause environmental sciences seems to be a thriving industry and it can't be THAT hard to find a gig, can it? It's one of those degrees nowadays that actually has a decent chance of landing you a job after graduation
It was originally my intention to go into the military (I had a great time as a cadet), but ultimately I couldn't pass the medical. I spent a semester in university taking philosophy/sociology courses, realized that I was wasting my money, and headed straight to college and got my Police Foundations diploma. I now work as municipal by-law/enforcement. It's a humble job, but the pay and benefits are great.
Currently doing a 4 year B.A. (Hons.) in Behavioural Psychology/Law & Society

Plan on applying to CSIS and/or the RCMP, haven't decided which I want more.

I also have to seriously talk myself out of dropping everything and applying to the Navy as a Bos'n every once in a while.
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Currently doing a 4 year B.A. (Hons.) in Behavioural Psychology/Law & Society

Plan on applying to CSIS and/or the RCMP, haven't decided which I want more.

I also have to seriously talk myself out of dropping everything and applying to the Navy as a Bos'n every once in a while.

RCMP dude, you get to bang your hot coworkers and kill people with little or no repurcussions!
I'm going to guess that you HATED the Reds on campus...

On the contrary, I found them very entertaining ;) It wasn't until I worked in a camera store that I developed a certain feeling about engineers as they would always come in with a attitude and attempt to talk down to me.
I went to school at Ryerson and graduated in Aerospace engineering...unfortunately then the aero field tanked and I ended up working at the car dealership in sales where I worked during the uni days to pay it off...since that day I've never done a single piece of work in engineering!

I've been in Sales in various capacities...first in cars (Jag), then in the municipal water/wastewater supply of components, then different valving solutions, and now I work as a supervisor for an inside sales team and once in a while get to travel around the world for various meetings/conferences etc...so I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to see the world on someone else's dime! Weird how it turns out sometimes but hey that's the fun part of life right!
My dream was to join the military,...

Similar story here, only I wanted to be a fighter pilot, my eyesight wasn't good enough so they pushed me toward avionics (because I'm a geek lol). I tried it out with a weekend at RMC ... good thing I did, I hated military life. lol!

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