What did you do in your garage today..?

Nice. Do you still gave the laced wheels? I have a soft spot for spokes.
A lot of old 750's have passed through my hands. That bike started out with spokes and a single disc up front. I'm not sure if I have the originals any more. I do have a bunch of spoked K wheels but they would be single disc/drum set up.
I finally located a standard seat for my 74 GL, very rusty pan, good foam. Will be doing lot of welding and planishing to get it restored then recovering.

My bike came with Hondas double fatass seat, really comfortable but really ugly. Can't wait to finish the standard seat.

Took of the Honda hardbags, beer box, and trailer hitch, looking for an original GL grab rail. Unobtainable so far, thinking of fabbing one from stainless tube.
I thought 75 was the first year of the wing?
I have a soft spot for old wings. Lots of great memories of trips with the Squeeze on my 1200 (even scraped a peg in Deals Gap) and then beating the eff out of my 1100 at the strip down in Sparta.
That motor will haul butt if you're willing to ignore the redline.
It was actually designed as a "muscle bike" but then fell into the touring role.
I have a soft spot for old wings. Lots of great memories of trips with the Squeeze on my 1200 (even scraped a peg in Deals Gap) and then beating the eff out of my 1100 at the strip down in Sparta.
That motor will haul butt if you're willing to ignore the redline.
It was actually designed as a "muscle bike" but then fell into the touring role.
This is my second, the first was a 1500, very comfortable but kinda like riding a horse


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Just filled the garage with noxious fumes by firing up the sled for the first time. Snows coming heavy, maybe even ride it soon.
A 1980 Kawasaki 440 Invader with half a tank of last years gas still in it. Popped the plugs and turkey basted some old gas out of the tank and down the cylinders. Couple of pulls and it's running. Proper maintenance may be over rated.
Apparently replacing a shear pin is on the menu. 3.5 hours of blowing before I broke one. Helping out a neighbour that is away and apparently there are rocks beside his walkway.

FWIW, I looked at the Ariens Rapidtrak as I believe it is probably the best for my use but holy frig is it ever expensive (>$5000).
Apparently replacing a shear pin is on the menu. 3.5 hours of blowing before I broke one. Helping out a neighbour that is away and apparently there are rocks beside his walkway.

FWIW, I looked at the Ariens Rapidtrak as I believe it is probably the best for my use but holy frig is it ever expensive (>$5000).
Apparently replacing a shear pin is on the menu. 3.5 hours of blowing before I broke one.
I've learned the hard way to always have spare pins on hand as well as an auger belt.
Yesterday I quickly unhooked a SnoRunner from the ceiling, pinned it together and took it across the street to play in the school yard. Wasn't long before I had sheered off most of the remaining cleats. My tracks are old and the rubber is just so brittle.

I have one good "show" track and another brittle track to install. On the track I removed it proved easy to remove the broken rubber from the metal cleats. I might rivet up a track with aluminum angle cleats.

Attached is what they look like.

Added two glugs of Seafoam to the Invader tank and topped it up with good gas. Then had a great ride. Trails were great considering how little snow we've had.
Over the weekend, picked up a new to me minimoto 😀
(Not in the garage... lol) Cleaned the body and did a little tweaking with the angle of the handlebars.


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Bought a monitor on an arm for the wife wfh. Arm wants to mount on the back of a desk or through it. I needed it to mount to the front of a desk. Of course it had stops so it didnt work out of the box. Figured I could flip the guts to put the stop on the other side. Nope. Asymmetric inside. A few cuts with a hacksaw to remove internal obstacles, reassemble and we're done. Wife's happy. 3440x1440 isnt bad for a single screen setup.
Added two glugs of Seafoam to the Invader tank and topped it up with good gas. Then had a great ride. Trails were great considering how little snow we've had.
I was starting to think that Seafoam was another snake oil product but I was talking to a guy that sells/ owns/restores classic cars out my way (he owns Fawcett Motors in Whitby).Some of his cars are over 100 years old and he swears by that stuff. He puts it in anything that hasn’t been run for a while or going into storage.
Try to figure out how to organize and clean in the spring.

You have a very bad case of TMNTS........ (too many nice toys syndrome)

I can help you with this, just drop off one of those ATV's at my place and I can store it for you. Unselfishly, I'll even run it up and down a few local trails every weekend to keep the battery up and everything well lubed, no charge.
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