What caused your crash? | Page 3 | GTAMotorcycle.com

What caused your crash?

I feel like I'm in a support group. "Thanks for sharing!"

Newbie here, haven't crashed yet. Knock on wood. Almost rode into a curb taking a corner too fast on my first day but Keith Code saved me. I didn't panic and I looked down the road.
Totally my fault. Spring gravel piled up on shoulder of road + locked up rear tire (braked too hard 'cause I came in fast) = slide sideways and fall down, go boom :(
crashed my 75 honda CB400F after an afternoon of drinking in the sun. Amazing what passed for a good idea way back then! Any time got myself into trouble with a close call has been my own fault -- usually going too fast for the road conditions at the time or forgetting that my braking distance would be slightly more with a passenger on the back who i was trying to show off to... Over the years I've learned to never trust anyone's turn signals, never try to time the green light [because sure as a duck on a junebug someone will try to make the red on the cross street], be seen [especially on the 401 where i always throw on my reflective safety vest --- better to be seen than be squished], dont daydream, pay attention and anticipate.... I love this sport, and thankfully i survived the first crazy, foolish years relatively intact that I've not been forced to give it up......
I've never crashed..I think this is like a divide by zero situation..we need Chuck Norris..

Ur gonna jinx urself if ur not careful! Don't ride around being all i "haven't crashed yet" cuz one day it'll hit ya. Maybe litterally. Most riders have one bad one and learn from it.

I don't remember my crash but i think i clipped the curb on the high side and my bike threw me (It didn't mean too!) into and up and over the gaurdrail into a bush. first thing i remember being in the bush unable to breathe. Lungs were punctured and collapsed from 11 broken ribs. Also had/have broken clavikle (this happen june 2011) and banged up knee. Bike saved itself. Clutch cover has a hole in it and there are lots of cosmetic damage but both of us are fixable:)
What I Learned: Be extra cautious in corners, judged them carefully and look for an "escape route" if u get into trouble....and don't forget what happened.
What is the purpose of a thread where you're only 'allowed' to post three letters: RIP?

The same as giving condolences to someone at a funeral.

I mean, that kinda goes without saying... RIP, yes RIP poor unfortunate.
But what about the rest of us who might learn from what happened?
I don't personally believe it's in poor taste to discuss fatalities and attempt to determine exactly what occurred.
On the contrary, it can often be beneficial to the living who have bike keys in their pockets...

In practice it rarely is beneficial unless the cause of the accident is clear. More often than not the exact sequence of events that lead to the accident are only known to the one who was involved, and if they are dead the living can only speculate. Often the cause can be a momentary distraction, loss of attention, target fixation, etc. Those things can happen in a split of a second and after the accident there is no way to go back to the victim's mind and read the history of the events.
This is not like trying to analyze an equipment fault, where you have access to the wreck for investigation. You have a dead body and a grieving family. They don't need to hear or read any theories about how the victim could have made an error.

It is the living that could tell you about their crashes. Leave the dead alone.
+1 Elzilcho! I was the one who originally posed the question about discussing accidents including tragic ones so that we might all learn from it. On reflection, I removed it and I think your answer explains perfectly why i did.

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