What caused your crash? | GTAMotorcycle.com

What caused your crash?


Active member
Got the idea from the thread that was talking about whether it would be disrespectful to post the cause of a fatal accident. I believe we can learn alot from the mistakes and oversights of others. So for those of you have been down and lived to tell the tale... What caused your crash and what do you think you could of done (if anything) to avoid/prevent it?
My crash was entirely my fault. Too much braking on tires that weren't as warm as I thought. I had changed tires ~3000 km before and the new tires took much longer to warm up. I needed to brake quickly and followed my warm tire emergency braking routine and it went very poorly. Wearing full gear so just a little rash and lots of bike damage, but things could have been much worse.
Cause: Lack of focus 3 min. into a day-long ride.

Preventive measure: Ride like a granny until my head gets into the game.
I've been down twice. The first time in my first year of riding I headed up north to muskoka to impress a girl and while on a dark paved/gravel road had a raccoon run out infront of me and when I went to avoid it suddenly he bike wasn't under me and I was going superman. Lack of experience on how to ride on a gravel road was a big factor here. I'll be more prepared for the lack o traction next time although if I didn't try to avoid it at all I probaly would of gone down anyway as it was large coon.

My buddy lives at the 3rd house from the corner (residental side streets). Leave his driveway, turn left after the 3 houses. Short road with 5 or 6 houses then a "T" intersection where I can turn right or left. I'm going left, here happens to be a wooden fence in the yard on the corner blocking the view of what's comming down the street. I start braking for the stop sign and a cargo van comes flying around the blind turn IN MY LANE. I avoid the van but as I was already braking, add in the swerve and shock of the moment and boom my face is crushed into the road. Perhaps I could of done a better avoidance but with lack of time, space(curb) and cold tires I didn't really stand a chance. I now try to be as far over in my lane from any blind turn as possible.

Combined with unfortunate events, a common factor in my crashes have been my poor swerving and avoidance skills under unusual cicumstances. This is something I have worked on.
My crash was entirely my fault. Too much braking on tires that weren't as warm as I thought. I had changed tires ~3000 km before and the new tires took much longer to warm up. I needed to brake quickly and followed my warm tire emergency braking routine and it went very poorly. Wearing full gear so just a little rash and lots of bike damage, but things could have been much worse.

Cause: Lack of focus 3 min. into a day-long ride.

Preventive measure: Ride like a granny until my head gets into the game.

both these things were definetly big factors in my last crash.
Been down twice in 10 years, both times wearing full gear (helmet replaced both times).

1) CBR600F2, dropped it into a corner and hit a patch of gravel, bike slid out from under me and we parted company, slid down the road (20-30 ft), side of my helmet was covered in gravel rash, jacket left shoulder and all down the side (including pants) was covered in gravel. - Walked home with a bruised pride (3 blocks from home).

2) RC51, in cottage country going round a corner when the road ran out and road works had started (no signs posted, yes i checked) - grabbed a handful and aimed for the gravel (rather than the back of the bull dozer), paddled in the gravel as far as I could then threw my leg under the bike to save it on the way down, again full gear saved me, banged my left knee and elbow pretty good. Walked away........
dumbass ran a stop sign.
Cager didn't feel like stopping for a red light and rear ended me.
1. Drank way too much and lost traction in a corner. Slid a long ways than got up onto my hands and knees for a second or two before I realized I was still sliding at about 40 kph. This was a very long time ago when I was far more stupid than I am now.

2. Most entertaining one was in traffic on Danforth. Person in front of me hits the brakes to allow a cop turning left to take the right of way and turn in front of us. I hit the brakes and was slowing down with no problems. Buddy then decides he's going to go and not allow the cop to turn in front of us (the guy was just freaked that it was a cop tryign to turn left, the cop was just a spectator to events). Again, I have no problem and let off the brakes then a quick check in the mirrors to ensure I'm not about to get rear ended by all the traffic behind me. I look up to find buddy has changed his mind again and has locked his brakes up. I crashed into the rear at about 30 kph, up and over the bars and land on my head on his trunk. I roll off and land on my feet in time to catch my mangled CBX before it hits the ground. Cops were very impressed with my agility. :p
Got the idea from the thread that was talking about whether it would be disrespectful to post the cause of a fatal accident. I believe we can learn alot from the mistakes and oversights of others. So for those of you have been down and lived to tell the tale... What caused your crash and what do you think you could of done (if anything) to avoid/prevent it?
I've crashed a dozen times in 35 years of riding sportbikes.
Been very fortunate, never broke anything serious. (Broke both my baby fingers over the years.)
Causes? The usual, heheh...
But I agree, accidents (including fatal ones) need to be discussed, speculated upon and theorized.
What is the purpose of a thread where you're only 'allowed' to post three letters: RIP?
I mean, that kinda goes without saying... RIP, yes RIP poor unfortunate.
But what about the rest of us who might learn from what happened?
I don't personally believe it's in poor taste to discuss fatalities and attempt to determine exactly what occurred.
On the contrary, it can often be beneficial to the living who have bike keys in their pockets...
I've never crashed..I think this is like a divide by zero situation..we need Chuck Norris..
I've never crashed..I think this is like a divide by zero situation..we need Chuck Norris..

I can only imagine what would happen if he got into a collision.

The problem is that I've found, over the years, is that the person who crashed is frequently in the worst place to say what actually happened in a crash. For example when I had my rear wheel taken out by another rider, who lost control while braking behind me as I was also braking, I could have sworn that I hadn't locked either wheel. A rider behind us, who managed to not be involved in the collision, clearly saw that my rear wheel locked up.

I've been behind several people who have ended up crashing, for no apparent reason. In a particular corner on Forks, referred to by some as "Wolfie's Corner", I witnessed a rider lose the back end and slide into the ditch. He claimed to have been holding a steady throttle through the corner. I saw his brake light come on.

A rider ahead of me on a group ride, on Snake Road, went into the guardrail in the decreasing radius left. He said that he ran out of lean. He took the corner at 30 Kmh less than I would be capable of, without any appreciable effort, on a bike that had better clearance. He simply gave up on the corner, braked, and hit the guardrail.
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my noob mistake was hitting the rear brake too hard and locked up the rear wheel, then down i went...
from my most recent and counting backwards for the last few years:

1. 2010 Lowside at Mosport - caused ? ran out of front tire ... leaned too far, needed to put more body position off the bike. I was already knee dragging, next thing I know my elbow is down and the bike is sliding. Lesson ? contrary to popular belief, SS bikes do not have unlimited lean angle haha

2. 2006 - bike totalled - Caused ? Jetta driving pregnant woman with screaming kid in back. Lesson learned ? ***** happens ? Can't think of anything else, since she made a U-Turn from the right lane of a 5 lane wide road and cut in front of me

3. 2003 - low side - front tire hit mud mid corner on a country road and washed out. Lesson learned ? Look ahead and assume the worst. I thought I saw something on the road but couldn't figure out why the whole road was a different color. Well that's 'cuz the entire road was mud from the farm tractor that had crossed the road from 1 field to another. Unfortunately this was mid corner on a GREAT sweeper... by the time I realized it ? I was almost on top of it.
1. Drank way too much and lost traction in a corner. Slid a long ways than got up onto my hands and knees for a second or two before I realized I was still sliding at about 40 kph. This was a very long time ago when I was far more stupid than I am now.

2. Most entertaining one was in traffic on Danforth. Person in front of me hits the brakes to allow a cop turning left to take the right of way and turn in front of us. I hit the brakes and was slowing down with no problems. Buddy then decides he's going to go and not allow the cop to turn in front of us (the guy was just freaked that it was a cop tryign to turn left, the cop was just a spectator to events). Again, I have no problem and let off the brakes then a quick check in the mirrors to ensure I'm not about to get rear ended by all the traffic behind me. I look up to find buddy has changed his mind again and has locked his brakes up. I crashed into the rear at about 30 kph, up and over the bars and land on my head on his trunk. I roll off and land on my feet in time to catch my mangled CBX before it hits the ground. Cops were very impressed with my agility. :p

Photos of CBX?

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