What can you do about bad drivers?

Cameras should take demerit points. If a vehicle is registered in your name and it gets done, then its YOUR responsibility. If you let someone drive it, have them sign the back of the ticket saying it was them and they get the demerit points. If its a company vehicle triple the cash fine, unless the company submits the name and license of the employee that was driving, in which case that employee gets the demerits and fine is dropped to normal price. EVERY company should have a record of who is driving their vehicles and when.

The driving here is insane and the only way it will improve is if the BAD drivers start losing their license and get taken off the road.
Yesterday I had a driver that turned left in front me without yielding. Normally I would drive in the right lane, but it was an HOV lane designated for buses/taxis until 6PM; the other driver forced me into the other lane.

I submitted a RoadWatch complaint to TPS last night; this morning I got an e-mail from an officer. This is the first time, they actually viewed my YouTube link. The officer thanked me for the footage, but told me that the video did not show the driver; they needed the identity of the driver or else they couldn't pursue it.

This is the clip i submitted: https://youtu.be/6CGeDZQkJUA

tweet from the same officer who contacted me: https://twitter.com/StarWarsCop/status/581426786287927296

I thought they normally send out letters to the registered owner of the vehicle. Looks like TPS wants more than that.

Unless someone does something really ridiculous, I can't really be bothered to go out of my and follow them in the hopes they'll get out of the car and be caught on camera.


The Traffic Complaint Report may be used in instances where:
  • No collision has occurred. If the incident resulted in a collision, please call the police for further instructions.
  • The suspect driver is not known to you. If the identity of the driver is known, call the police.
  • The suspect's licence plate number was obtained. A brief description of the vehicle is also required to validate the licence plate information. (For specific driving complaint incidents).
Yesterday I had a driver that turned left in front me without yielding. Normally I would drive in the right lane, but it was an HOV lane designated for buses/taxis until 6PM; the other driver forced me into the other lane.

I submitted a RoadWatch complaint to TPS last night; this morning I got an e-mail from an officer. This is the first time, they actually viewed my YouTube link. The officer thanked me for the footage, but told me that the video did not show the driver; they needed the identity of the driver or else they couldn't pursue it.

This is the clip i submitted: https://youtu.be/6CGeDZQkJUA

tweet from the same officer who contacted me: https://twitter.com/StarWarsCop/status/581426786287927296

I thought they normally send out letters to the registered owner of the vehicle. Looks like TPS wants more than that.

Unless someone does something really ridiculous, I can't really be bothered to go out of my and follow them in the hopes they'll get out of the car and be caught on camera.


The Traffic Complaint Report may be used in instances where:
  • No collision has occurred. If the incident resulted in a collision, please call the police for further instructions.
  • The suspect driver is not known to you. If the identity of the driver is known, call the police.
  • The suspect's licence plate number was obtained. A brief description of the vehicle is also required to validate the licence plate information. (For specific driving complaint incidents).

Following some one could get you into a world of hurt, specially on the bike. Either from the person you're following, someone that thinks you're out to hurt them or the police. Specially on the bike.
Update on my attempts to change political apathy: no success yet.

Why am I doing this and why not give up. I am doing this because we need to reduce the suffering caused by unskilled and uncaring drivers. The innocent don't deserve to suffer. If you don't care about people's suffering then maybe care about the financial cost caused by motor-vehicle collisions. According to Transport Canada which did a study on the subject in 2004, motor-vehicle collisions cost (in direct and indirect cost) Ontario $17.9 Billion. Imagine how this money could be better spent? If you don't care about money then maybe care about getting to your destination earlier if there are less collisions. Use whatever you want to motivate yourself but take part; we will all benefit.

Politicians seem to only understand numbers (political votes). Please take part in my road safety campaign and send a letter to Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Be creative with your subject line as they may be using a filter to avoid receiving letters regarding this subject.

I have created and attached letter templates which you will add your information to (at the appropriate location) cut and paste and then send to Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca at sdelcuca.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org.

Let me know when you have sent the letter so that I have a sense of how many have been sent so that I can follow up with the politicians.

Your Name Here
Your Home Address Here
Your City and Postal Code
April 1, 2015

Steven Del Duca
Minister of Transportation

Honorable Minister Del Duca:

I am writing you as I wish to discuss driving in the Province of Ontario. There has been a degradation of driving skills and etiquette in Ontario over the past ten years.

Each year almost 500 persons are killed on Ontario's roads (ORSAR 2011), while tens of thousands are injured; these numbers are shocking for an advanced society such as our own. These incidents are avoidable; resulting in billions of dollars being spent on health care which our province can ill afford ($17.9 Billion Transport Canada 2004). In addition to the avoidable health care costs is the loss of productivity and more importantly is that some people's lives are changed forever negatively.

The solution to this problem is not simple or easy as it requires the co-operation of many institutions such as the Legislature, Ministry of Transportation, the Police Services, and the Ministry of the Attorney General.

Minister Del Duca, someone has to take the lead to solve the problem.

The starting point to the solution is driver licencing; strict adherence to the Driver Examination Marking Guide to make certain that only skilled individuals receive a Driver’s Licence. Secondly, amending laws in the Highway Traffic Act so that they are less subjective to assist Driver Examination, Police Services and the Courts. Thirdly, having the Police Services patrolling our roads with unmarked vehicles so that they can see drivers in their natural environments so that the least skilled or most callous offenders are ticketed. Fourthly having our courts providing sentences to the convicted drivers that are in proportion to the pain and suffering that they inflict on the innocent.

Life is our most precious possession. Minister Del Duca, since driving is a privilege why are unskilled, uncaring or dangerously aggressive individuals allowed to drive on our roads?

Thank you for your support.


Add your Name Here
Just a request:

Please please do not call 911 for a driving complaint. 911 is for life or death emergencies only. I do this for a living and too many people call 911 for driving complaints.
(This guy is driving like an *******!) That's not an emergency. That's everyday life.

But please feel free to dial 911 if you believe the driver is impaired or that they are currently driving in a manner that may cause an accident.
(i.e. "Are they still driving like that or are they driving normal now?")
Not getting a positive feeling regarding the safety campaign. We need to use bottom-up politics to get what we want. We need to become the "squeaky wheel" to get the attention of the politicians. Numbers is what politicians care about. The more people contact them, the more potential votes that they see, and this makes it more likely that they will get involved. I knew that this is how things worked in politics, but this was repeated to me a few days ago by the Assistant to the Leader of one of the Opposition parties.

I know you guys don't want to continue dealing with bad drivers. Use the letter at post #105 and send to Minister Del Duca; become that "squeaky wheel"!!!
Sorry, but as long as the unmarked vehicles thing is in there, I can't get onboard.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Giving people warnings is not always the most effective way to change behaviour. Do you have children? Do you constantly give them warnings or are there consequences to their actions once in a while? A marked police vehicle is a type of warning only changing behaviour while they are visible. Some people which are called self actualizers understand that they have received a break (close call) and they use that experience as a learning experience: unfortunately only 5% of people are self actualizers, the rest need to be dragged by their noses kicking and screaming into a new way of behaving.

With some people you need to change their behaviour in order for their thinking to change, while others you need to change their thinking before their behaviour will change. You need to have all tools available in your tool chest in order to affect societal change. Limiting the tools available is a recipe for failure or at minimum reduced success.
A marked police vehicle is a type of warning only changing behaviour while they are visible.

A marked police vehicle is like a formal exam for which you have time to prepare. An unmarked police vehicle is like an unexpected pop-quiz that can occur at any time. Both have their place in setting expectations.
I have been stopped seven times during my driving life by various Police Services in southern Ontario for speeding. Six out of the seven times I was stopped by a Constable using a marked vehicle (hiding) and one time by a Constable in an unmarked vehicle which followed me for several kilometres in the dark. The six Constables that took a snap-shot of my driving ability with their radar or laser speed measuring devices wrote the exact speed which they stated that I was travelling at on the infraction. The Constable who had been following me for about four kilometres said that I was travelling 49 km/hr over the speed limit, was in his vehicle for about ten minutes (probably checking my driving record from the start), came back and told me to "try to drive slower". A Constable using an unmarked vehicle can observe drivers acting naturally and can then use their discretion to single out the unskilled or aggressive offenders for re-education.
So that is two of you that think that the purpose of the Police Services is just to be a deterrent for bad behaviour. I don't want "deterrence" so that these bonehead drivers only when they see a marked police vehicle stop at a stop sign or only in the presence of a marked police vehicle don't drive aggressively. I want these boneheads to suffer the way that they make innocent people suffer when they collide into them.

Who is going to catch more aggressive drivers or distracted drivers, a Constable in a marked vehicle or in an unmarked vehicle? Do you want aggressive drivers and distracted drivers to continue to use our roadways unchecked?
I believe that police doing traffic should be using marked vehicles only some us states have even passed laws to that effect. People who roll stop signs etc will not usually notice a marked car parked down the street. The marked cars are easy to find in an emergency, you can be sure it is actually a police car pulling you over and the visual deterent is strong.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I believe that police doing traffic should be using marked vehicles only some us states have even passed laws to that effect. People who roll stop signs etc will not usually notice a marked car parked down the street. The marked cars are easy to find in an emergency, you can be sure it is actually a police car pulling you over and the visual deterent is strong.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

New York State has repealed their version of that law. They are now using "Concealed Identity Enforcement Vehicles" (CITE) to move among other traffic undetected in order to observe drivers acting in their "natural state". http://www.nycexoticcarrentals.com/blog/unmarked-police-suvs-cracking-down-on-texters/
Nope not interested with the unmarked vehicle clause either.

Neither am I.

The worst offenders - the people not paying attention - the people oblivious to their surroundings - won't notice a marked vehicle.

I have no problem with people who are paying attention to what is going on around them, even if they are not necessarily following the law to the letter.
Neither am I.

The worst offenders - the people not paying attention - the people oblivious to their surroundings - won't notice a marked vehicle.

I have no problem with people who are paying attention to what is going on around them, even if they are not necessarily following the law to the letter.

You guys are getting fixated. This is a document to present concerns to the Minister of Transportation. Do you really think that he would enact all demands as written just because I and others are presenting them? I would consider this campaign a success if it lead to a meeting and subsequent consultation with this Minister.

What do you mean you have no problem with people who are paying attention? Let's not start that discussion again. Laws are there for a reason, to create order out of chaos. If you don't like them you work to have them changed (which is what I am doing), not that you deliberately circumvent them. What do you call people driving at 65 to 70 km/hr in a 40 km/hr zone in my residential neighbourhood, civil disobedience?
At my Detachment, there are approximately 15 marked cruisers (cars/SUV's), and exactly two unmarked vehicles. We also have one motorcycle. Our primary purpose is traffic safety through visibility, not sneaky enforcement. Personally I think it's good to supplement the front line patrols with one unmarked car, and one motorcycle. They each have their strengths. But most of the time, we need the fully marked unit - blocking lanes of traffic for collision scenes, escorting vehicles, providing visible deterrence, etc. Most of the officers wish they had unmarked cars, but the truth is they don't need them. There are more than enough charges to be laid on our roadways without resorting to hiding in the bushes.

I think Trebororr is right, some people will not change unless they are forced to. In my experience, those people don't change regardless of how they're caught. We have habitual aggressive drivers on our roads that are the source of a lot of complaints. They get caught, fined, suspended, jailed, and still drive the way they do.

If I patrol in a marked car I will keep the flow of traffic to a reasonable speed and encourage those that might speed a little to go with the flow. If I patrol in an unmarked vehicle, the flow of traffic is largely unaffected by my presence, which creates more variance in the speed of those vehicles. Some drive 110, some drive 140. However, the guy that wants to drive 160, isn't likely to see me - marked or not. He will still attract my attention.

If you want to create societal change, how about owner liability for failing to stop? Seeing as this is a motorcycle discussion board...

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