What are you reading?

I‘m an audio book fella depending on the length of drive/ride.

Enjoyed this.


As well as this


Since Dave’s book is titled The Storyteller, it’s excellent as an audio book since you hear Dave actually telling you the stories in the book. My wife isn’t much of a Nirvana or Foo Fighters fan but, she really appreciates Dave as a person.
One of my favourite audiobooks was the 'Grant' biography. Was a very good listen, but it's ridiculously long.

I'll look for the 'ROBIN' one you posted...always loved watching that man work.
rattling around trying to decide on a book.
Listened to this on the ride to Palmer RIver - filled in some gaps in The Expanse universe.

If you have NOT seen The Expanse ...it's really a must watch for sci-fi fans.
The 9 books are excellent as well and go further than the 5 seasons.

Starting a classic

was reading Bletchley Park and D-Day but struggling.
It's a good fit with the other reading I've been doing but a lot of detail ...we'll see. 🍿
The Book Eating Magician. Light reading.
I remember reading LWR and liking it a lot better than the TV series. I like reading their thoughts and impressions about their trip rather than just watching them ride through scenery.

Is LWD just as good as LWR?
Read em both but it's been a while. I would say yes about the same if I recall.
Different ...both good but LWR was epic in eastern Russia and an object lesson about the wrong bike for the job and overloading that bike,
Film and book are complementary - I do like the alternate views in the book - Charlie and Ewen alternating about the same events.

Lot of respect for Ewen for toughing out the off pavement without a great skill set for it and frustration seeing Charlie tackle it easily ...I mean hell, casual long time road rider vs Dakar finisher...no contest.
I don't like sand either.
I thought he finished it.....you are correct.
Injuring both his arms during the event meant that he didn't cross the finish line, however the show continued with Charley becoming team manager on the ground, and getting his team mate Simon Pavey to the end. Race to Dakar became a big hit, both in DVD and book sales.
Different ...both good but LWR was epic in eastern Russia and an object lesson about the wrong bike for the job and overloading that bike,
Film and book are complementary - I do like the alternate views in the book - Charlie and Ewen alternating about the same events.

Lot of respect for Ewen for toughing out the off pavement without a great skill set for it and frustration seeing Charlie tackle it easily ...I mean hell, casual long time road rider vs Dakar finisher...no contest.
I don't like sand either.

Long Way Down was an abject lesson about inviting your significant other along on a trip proving the old adage about three being a crowd.
I didn't think it detracted ..she was not there for the entire trip and thought her game to try. Also Ewen's growth as a rider was apparent.

On to an earlier adventurer while I await Noraly's big reveal for season 7
I remember reading LWR and liking it a lot better than the TV series. I like reading their thoughts and impressions about their trip rather than just watching them ride through scenery.

Is LWD just as good as LWR?
Neither one available in audiobook format from the libraries. Guess it’s time for kijiji
I'm a quarter of the way through Bono's book and if you are a U2 fan, you will love it.

Written in the same prose that his lyrics are penned in, he chronicles his and the band's history through the earliest days and reveals the events in their lives that inspired such songs like "I Will Follow", "11'o clock Tick Tock", "Bad" etc.

Fascinating and engaging.

Neither one available in audiobook format from the libraries. Guess it’s time for kijiji

I just picked up LWD and will give that a read after I'm done with the U2 autobiography.
Anyone have recommendations on books for:

1. History of Ontario / Canada
2. History of the mob in Canada (or Hells Angels)
3. Indian history (I know there was a member (dimitriy?) that posted a book but I can't seem to find the recommendation

Prefer audiobook.
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