What Are You Currently Listening To?

B.I.G. on blast today!

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currently on vinyl.
Been listening to some Justin Bieber recently. No joke, he has some decent songs.
Sorry. What do you mean?

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

Wow.. I barely remember seeing that video back in the day.. lol..

If anyone likes tribal oriented house music, I recently recorded a few sets for someone.
You can stream directly from the links below or download them by right clicking and selecting "Save As" while a file is playing.

First set:
Communicate The Deep: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/CommunicateTheDeep.mp3

Second set:
Tribal House Moment: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/TribalHouseMoment.mp3

Thanks for the tracks.. I'm listening to the first set now.. :D
Wow.. I barely remember seeing that video back in the day...

Back when they used to still play videos on Much ☺
And for those that don't know, or weren't sure, yup that's Tom Green checking the OR.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
If anyone likes tribal oriented house music, I recently recorded a few sets for someone.
You can stream directly from the links below or download them by right clicking and selecting "Save As" while a file is playing.

First set:
Communicate The Deep: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/CommunicateTheDeep.mp3

Second set:
Tribal House Moment: http://shanekingsley.com/mp3/TribalHouseMoment.mp3

Deep indeed, where were you 15 years ago, i would have played your groovey beats in my lounge.

Now i'm going to get tribal while i do some woodwork, drink this coffee, and test this fine pk i wrangled up.
Inspired by the "don't mess with this guy thread", I went back and found this gem. Still haven't streamed the movie....but I will.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
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