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Favourite Christmas tune eva!

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
If this was Joe Bass 25 years ago, dude was ahead of his time, even for today!
and another gem from Jonwayne
There's too much bad rap in here. Emcee's that know how to work wordplay are still alive.

Even new guys like this young man:
where lyrics are more than guns drugs and bus'in nuts:

@Kri$han Jon Wayne reminds me of Guru. Was not expecting that voice from AFRO! Like his fast flow.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

Nice one bro, slipped that right in there eh!? :cool:

The message is in the lyrics people, nice to see links with lyrics because i usually put c(rap) on mute and read it instead.
That isn't to say all music, but anything popular in most cases.

Tesseract (you should google that word folks) Tool - Aenema, Enzhi - Demons - Those are worth reading.

Here's my pick for today > https://youtu.be/zHz2Hwofa18
Lyrics > http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858715936/
So wish my fat sausage fingers were capable of doing that. ^^^

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Was not expecting that voice from AFRO! Like his fast flow.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

No kidding he's fricken hairball!
@Kri$han Jon Wayne reminds me of Guru. Was not expecting that voice from AFRO! Like his fast flow.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

Yeah man - I'm probably a few years your junior, but ever since 30 I've lost my taste for almost all pop music... it's not even music to me, it's just marketing BS, and the rap mainstream has started to offend me. I grew up on 90's rap, probably a lot like you did. My brother has lost faith in HipHop, but there are still a lot of high quality dudes doing the thing, they're just back where it all started: the underground.

Like Oddisee, the producer/rapper who (I think) is as good Kanye, but in a lot shorter of a time-span:

.... and just to add some local talent, this is a personal friend of mine, goes by the name of More Or Les. Crazy talented and amazingly friendly dude who rocks positive, grounded and conscious raps.

I gave up with new pop and hip hop..... so I just stick with the classics. Old school/throw backs is where its at....... I never listen to the radio anymore with the exception of sunday... when the hell did 93.5 turn to all old school/ throw back jams?? they were rocking it on sunday lol. Now that I think about it the early 90s had great ***** in a lot of genres......

going through some old tunes on my laptop... found this forgotten gem :)

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