Ok, this trip that is jammed into my brain has officially moved into the planning stages.
Yes, it's a lot of miles, but those who know me here know that I like endurance/Iron Butt riding.
I'll preface this for anyone who says "You won't see anything, stop and smell the roses!". I am cool with seeing things as I pass by. A scenery stop for me is a few minutes, a few photos, and roll. Most scenery I enjoy as I'm riding past, I am not the type of person who needs to stop and "take it in" for a half hour or whatever. If I went off on every tangent and every possible scenery, road, landmark, or whatever stop, this would be a 4-6+ week trip instead. That can happen another time, I don't want to blow my entire years vacation allotment on one solo trip.
Moral of the story - I don't sit still well, I am very much an "Eat, Sleep, Ride" type guy when on a long trip like this, especially solo.
Here's the rough plan at this point.
Planning for late May or early June. Want to do this trip before the sweltering temperatures set in and before the tourist hordes start. The mountains through Colorado and such should be well clear and open by late May based on all the reading I've done thus far.
Planning for 2 nested Iron Butt Association rides on the way west.
Day 1: Home to at least (details below) Omaha Nebraska (1626km) for a Saddlesore 1000 which is 1000 miles (1609km) in 24 hours. This is easy peasy in about 15 to 16 hours even with fuel stops given the speed limits and long sections of open road with 70MPH (realistically easily pushed to 75MPH without any concern) speeds. Depart at 5AM on Saturday which should provide good timing for threading the needle through Chicago. Will be running Waze religiously on this trip to work around any traffic or accidents. Once west of Chicago it's a piece of cake. The end of the day will be not set in stone, if I am feeling good or ahead of schedule (likely if average speeds are what I suspect they will be based on previous rides out west) I may run a few hundred more km in preparation for day 2.
Depending on weather, crash in my tent or grab a motel somewhere and crash for however many hours sleep I can fit in while still leaving myself enough time for the next day's challenge - if I'm making the time I suspect I should be able to make, this should be almost a good solid 8 hours sleep honestly.
Day 2: Nested Iron Butt Association Bun Burner 1500 - 1500 miles (2414KM) in a total of 36 hours since leaving home. Destination Greely Colorado (North of Denver) which means I need to be there by 5PM on day 2. The number of kilometers in this day will be determined by how far I got on day 1. If I log 1800km on day 1, this leaves only a little over 600km to complete the BB1500. If I'm tired or whatever and only run the minimum 1600km to Omaha, this leaves just a little over 800km for day 2 to reach the Greely CO which is 2480km from the start of my trip, almost perfect to qualify for the Bun Burner. Shut it down, or continue on, play by ear depending on weather and how I'm feeling. Will be temped to continue west as this is where the roads and scenery get interesting, but need to keep daylight hours and accomodations in mind beyond this point. Chance are good I will continue on though unless there's bad weather. I plan to be completely self sufficient through this trip, camping as desired or needed, so all I need is a patch of flat terrain to throw my tent wherever I might end up at the end of my days. Motels every few days or whenever I want honestly for a good nights sleep, showers, etc.
Day 3 + 4, work westwards towards western terminus of Eureka CA, or wherever somewhere east of there I end up, everything is flexible. Planning route through Rocky Mountains National Park and and open to suggestions westwards from there. Eyeballing SR40 most of the way. Around 2000-2300km from Greely, or less if I log some more miles on Day 2 which is highly likely. Split between 2 days, so two probably 14-15 hour seat time days maximum, less if I log more miles on day 2. Great for me. Almost 15 hours of daylight this time of year. Could stretch this into part of day 5 if I wanted or needed. Eureka is just a "threw a dart at the dartboard" destination right now, but it's in the right vicinity to start Day 5-6 below.
Day 5 - 6, North Coast Highway south towards Long beach. A little over 1000km total so 2 pretty leisurely days honestly, even including some stops for photos and such.
Night 6, bucket list item, a night aboard the historic Queen Mary in Long Beach. The whole point of the trip.
Day 7-9, highball it home. Interstate all the way, probably through Kansas so that there's not much same road backtracking. May or may not make at least 1 Iron Butt run, will depend greatly on how I feel on a daily basis, and weather. 4300km home, so 1400ish km each day, one long day and a few shorter.
Now, everyone proceed to tell me how crazy I am. Wouldn't be the first time I've done a crazy thing on 2 wheels.
Yes, it's a lot of miles, but those who know me here know that I like endurance/Iron Butt riding.
I'll preface this for anyone who says "You won't see anything, stop and smell the roses!". I am cool with seeing things as I pass by. A scenery stop for me is a few minutes, a few photos, and roll. Most scenery I enjoy as I'm riding past, I am not the type of person who needs to stop and "take it in" for a half hour or whatever. If I went off on every tangent and every possible scenery, road, landmark, or whatever stop, this would be a 4-6+ week trip instead. That can happen another time, I don't want to blow my entire years vacation allotment on one solo trip.
Moral of the story - I don't sit still well, I am very much an "Eat, Sleep, Ride" type guy when on a long trip like this, especially solo.
Here's the rough plan at this point.
Planning for late May or early June. Want to do this trip before the sweltering temperatures set in and before the tourist hordes start. The mountains through Colorado and such should be well clear and open by late May based on all the reading I've done thus far.
Planning for 2 nested Iron Butt Association rides on the way west.
Day 1: Home to at least (details below) Omaha Nebraska (1626km) for a Saddlesore 1000 which is 1000 miles (1609km) in 24 hours. This is easy peasy in about 15 to 16 hours even with fuel stops given the speed limits and long sections of open road with 70MPH (realistically easily pushed to 75MPH without any concern) speeds. Depart at 5AM on Saturday which should provide good timing for threading the needle through Chicago. Will be running Waze religiously on this trip to work around any traffic or accidents. Once west of Chicago it's a piece of cake. The end of the day will be not set in stone, if I am feeling good or ahead of schedule (likely if average speeds are what I suspect they will be based on previous rides out west) I may run a few hundred more km in preparation for day 2.
Depending on weather, crash in my tent or grab a motel somewhere and crash for however many hours sleep I can fit in while still leaving myself enough time for the next day's challenge - if I'm making the time I suspect I should be able to make, this should be almost a good solid 8 hours sleep honestly.
Day 2: Nested Iron Butt Association Bun Burner 1500 - 1500 miles (2414KM) in a total of 36 hours since leaving home. Destination Greely Colorado (North of Denver) which means I need to be there by 5PM on day 2. The number of kilometers in this day will be determined by how far I got on day 1. If I log 1800km on day 1, this leaves only a little over 600km to complete the BB1500. If I'm tired or whatever and only run the minimum 1600km to Omaha, this leaves just a little over 800km for day 2 to reach the Greely CO which is 2480km from the start of my trip, almost perfect to qualify for the Bun Burner. Shut it down, or continue on, play by ear depending on weather and how I'm feeling. Will be temped to continue west as this is where the roads and scenery get interesting, but need to keep daylight hours and accomodations in mind beyond this point. Chance are good I will continue on though unless there's bad weather. I plan to be completely self sufficient through this trip, camping as desired or needed, so all I need is a patch of flat terrain to throw my tent wherever I might end up at the end of my days. Motels every few days or whenever I want honestly for a good nights sleep, showers, etc.
Day 3 + 4, work westwards towards western terminus of Eureka CA, or wherever somewhere east of there I end up, everything is flexible. Planning route through Rocky Mountains National Park and and open to suggestions westwards from there. Eyeballing SR40 most of the way. Around 2000-2300km from Greely, or less if I log some more miles on Day 2 which is highly likely. Split between 2 days, so two probably 14-15 hour seat time days maximum, less if I log more miles on day 2. Great for me. Almost 15 hours of daylight this time of year. Could stretch this into part of day 5 if I wanted or needed. Eureka is just a "threw a dart at the dartboard" destination right now, but it's in the right vicinity to start Day 5-6 below.
Day 5 - 6, North Coast Highway south towards Long beach. A little over 1000km total so 2 pretty leisurely days honestly, even including some stops for photos and such.
Night 6, bucket list item, a night aboard the historic Queen Mary in Long Beach. The whole point of the trip.
Day 7-9, highball it home. Interstate all the way, probably through Kansas so that there's not much same road backtracking. May or may not make at least 1 Iron Butt run, will depend greatly on how I feel on a daily basis, and weather. 4300km home, so 1400ish km each day, one long day and a few shorter.
Now, everyone proceed to tell me how crazy I am. Wouldn't be the first time I've done a crazy thing on 2 wheels.