West coast cannonball run, 9 days, 10,000KM. | Page 3 | GTAMotorcycle.com

West coast cannonball run, 9 days, 10,000KM.

Indeed, different strokes for different folks. It’s likely the many years of commercial driving for me that has allowed me to let my brain spin into neutral on a long trip as otherwise driving for ~12 hours a day for potentially weeks or years on end can become maddening.

I have found it a lot harder to let me brain get into this stage in the last few years however, particularly noticeable on my last trip coming back from WV a few weeks back. I was solo for the last 2 days and never really got there, although the longest uninterrupted portion of slab was only 1.5 hours from east of Rochester to Buffalo I guess, and a lot of it was secondary roads or scenic areas. No hope of that going through the Golden Horseshoe insanity of course. But I’m left wondering if it’s still lingering concussion stuff causing that. I think I’m doing a SS1000 IBA ride in a week or three so that’ll be the test I guess

In a high speed jet it’s possible to experience sunrise and sunset as many times as you want flying west at the golden hour and varying speed and direction. Not that I’ll ever experience that. Closest I ever experience was a “rapid fire sunrise” on a red eye flight eastbound once.
That stretch from Rochester to Buffalo is like the stretch on the 401 between London and Windsor, both soul sucking slabs. The I90 from Buffalo to Ohio is one I can zone out on, love that stretch (for interstate anyway).
I've tried to listen to music and I end up tuning it out and can't remember what is playing as I concentrate on the road and scenery and forget about the tunes. I tried podcasts in the car and that didn't work either, rewind, rewind oy. It is like waiting for the traffic report that is a minute away and you get distract and onto the weather.

Have you decided what route you are taking for your upcoming practice run?

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