Well I done did it... Almost

If you're happy with it, then use it.

You do you.

I was joking.. why so serious?
I think it is a nice to have, not a requirement.
As I stated in my original post I tested it on a steep hill, Worked well, I am happy.
I assume it works in a similar manner to the BMW's but there is no Auto mode, 100% manually activated. Which I prefer.

Lastly, 100% right foot on brake - I remember my training :)
LOL, I was going to ask you the same thing, "Why so mad? Just my personal preference..."

So I just shrugged, it's not a big deal.
Never mad, it's a forum. We're all keyboard warriors :cool:
I don't disagree with anyone's opinion, we're all entitled to one.
I will say, yours are at least based on actual experience, so I take the time to read your replies (even when they are wrong 🤣)
The HD RA1250S has a great feature I was able to test today. Hill Hold. Basically when stopped on a hill pump either brake and hill hold will engage in neutral or 1st gear. I was stopped on a very steep hill and gave it a test, OMG! it worked exactly as stated, I was nervous to release the brakes on the hill (I did so only for 1-2 seconds) and the bike did not budge, then when the light changed I rolled off like I was on flat ground. While I always keep my brakes engaged at a stop (enough to keep brake light on and the not move) this is a great aid I can see it being very useful if the bike was loaded with luggage and/or a passenger.
My k1600 has this as well. Surprised how much I appreciate it now that I've used it many times. Like everytime I ride. lol
Some BMW models have had this feature for a few years now. I agree it's very convenient but you may find there are some situations where it engages when you don't want it to such as over a spot where you can't get a foot down properly when stopping. I have mixed experiences with it and in fact have disabled the feature for a period of time and gone back to old school . So just a word of caution and see what you think after some accumulated kms and maneuvering situations.
Interesting. I've never experienced this issue.
It has to be manually activated on the HD (by pumping either brake twice), I assume on your BMW it was am "auto" feature?
So pretty sure I'll not have the same troubles as described above.
I have to pull the hand brake more than normal. Released by the same action or just pulling away.
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I have to pull the hand break more than normal. Released by the same action or just pulling away.
Pretty much the same on the HD.
No pics?
I think this bike is imaginary.
My subaru has hill hold. Not a hug fan but I live with it. Feels weird and throws off the clutch bite point which if you're not consciously aware of it, can result in stall or jackrabbit start.
You can manually turn it off, but then you get a constant hill-hold off light staring at you.
You can work around it by releasing the brakes before clutching in.
My subaru has hill hold. Not a hug fan but I live with it. Feels weird and throws off the clutch bite point which if you're not consciously aware of it, can result in stall or jackrabbit start.
You can manually turn it off, but then you get a constant hill-hold off light staring at you.
You can work around it by releasing the brakes before clutching in.
I permanently disable it on every car I have. It's awful. It takes too long to release imo. The whole point of standard is I am in control. Having the weight hanging on the clutch with the brakes on and waiting for them to release is painful. The wait isn't long but it is far more than zero. I haven't tried a bike with hill hold.
I permanently disable it on every car I have. It's awful. It takes too long to release imo. The whole point of standard is I am in control. Having the weight hanging on the clutch with the brakes on and waiting for them to release is painful. The wait isn't long but it is far more than zero. I haven't tried a bike with hill hold.
I have never used it in a car. But on the HD, it was like I was level ground when I started rolling. I enjoyed it, and see it having limited use.
I have never used it in a car. But on the HD, it was like I was level ground when I started rolling. I enjoyed it, and see it having limited use.
The hybrid 6-speed VW Golf we rented in Portugal in the summer had it. It was kind of neat, and was quite a surprise when I found it, about 15 minutes after picking the car up. It was cool to try out for a while but eventually just faded into the regular operation. It was automatically applied.
I permanently disable it on every car I have. It's awful. It takes too long to release imo. The whole point of standard is I am in control. Having the weight hanging on the clutch with the brakes on and waiting for them to release is painful. The wait isn't long but it is far more than zero. I haven't tried a bike with hill hold.
The 2008 Mini I owned for 8 years had it. I liked it but at the same time never missed as my GTI doesn't have it. I guess it shows we don't
need these things.
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