Weather threads here.

Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!



it better fking not..
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

oh hell naaaaaaa

No body Recycle anymore **** the polar bears :@
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Gray out but nice and not a hint of rain - got my 160km in - forgot the laptop so quick turn around. Bike a bit noisier at slab speeds than I'd like but not sure I can do much.
Macdoc, how many km's do you ride annually?

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Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

You need to up your weatherfu game. It's not that hard ....specific local temps near bodies of water are trickier this time of year. Learning the larger weather system patterns is pretty straightforward.

It's gonna be warm ....get out there.



not as much as I'd like but 15-20k in Canada and 5k on the klr in Australia.
Canada depends on whether any longish trips ...this year a cross country will be 10k alone in June

I find at 70 if I don't stay riding frequently aches and pains are too easily come by as my thigh muscles currently attest to.

The 500 km loop to Bancroft on Sunday will be a good exercise.

It's gonna clear around noon today so likely a Forks run :D

Hmmmmph damn low is rotating right above us. Only clearing now - loverly tomorrow and Friday. 16 and sun ...:D
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Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Commuted to work today and was reminded of an important lesson - not to lift the visor up to scratch an itch above my eye this early in the season while riding behind a car.

Got a whole lot of sand/salt in my face/eyes.

Aside from that, it's pretty nice outside.
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Was a great day for riding.

Sent from the moon!
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Commuted to work today and was reminded of an important lesson - not to lift the visor up to scratch an itch above my eye this early in the season while riding behind a car.

Got a whole lot of sand/salt in my face/eyes.

Aside from that, it's pretty nice outside.

LMAO sounds like fun. Where abouts you ride?
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Commuted to work today and was reminded of an important lesson - not to lift the visor up to scratch an itch above my eye this early in the season while riding behind a car. Got a whole lot of sand/salt in my face/eyes. Aside from that, it's pretty nice outside.
All I can say is don't ride the Lakeshore behind the pig trucks going the the Abattoir.
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

All I can say is don't ride the Lakeshore behind the pig trucks going the the Abattoir.
I used to work down the street from that abattoir. Hot summer days were not good days to venture outside there.
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

LMAO sounds like fun. Where abouts you ride?

This incident happened on the DVP near the Gardiner.

My riding is now pretty limited to commuting downtown, random quick jaunts around town in York and Durham region, and Moto Gymkhana drills/practices.

All I can say is don't ride the Lakeshore behind the pig trucks going the the Abattoir.

I had to Google what an Abattoir was, but now I can see why you say that... Lol
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Flurries in the forecast for Saturday evening in Newmarket. Big reversal coming next week though. Monday - Thursday forecast shows a high of low to mid 20 degrees.
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Anyone out riding today? It's sunny but 'feels like' temps are close to 0
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

I was out this morning, and last night. Will go back out again early afternoon. Seems fine, nice sun!
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

It was snowing in Sauga earlier but clear and sun now. Still chilly tho. Says 7 feels like 2 but that might be doable.
8 now heading to 11 - will head to the Forks for coffee in a bit. Lovely in the sun.
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