Weather threads here.

Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Nice! Just about to head out to work. Looking forward to it!
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

2 gas stops, lunch and a stretch break or two

10AM to 7 PM

I-75 is no bueno

Ah good to know. I did a long run yesterday, similar gas, bathroom break, eats and a stretch and a walk.
Bit sore today but I guess it goes with the territory.
Good comparison at least now I have a sense of what to expect on a longer run.
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

6 hrs on a bike is nothing. I do that on a SS 5 days in a row. Ask Shane what 10 hrs days are like, lol
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

6 hrs on a bike is nothing. I do that on a SS 5 days in a row. Ask Shane what 10 hrs days are like, lol

12hrs on a CBR125 killed my body for the next 3 days.

Definitely was not in the right frame of mind near the end of it - mentally and physically exhausted.

Don't think I'm going to do that again - luckily I was unemployed at the time and didn't have to do anything except submit resumes.
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

I’ve done a 15 hour day on my bike and been ok, but my AirHawk on top of my Ultimate Seat is essential beyond 12 hours.

Plans are in the works for a 1800KM (20-ish hour, non stop) adventure in a few weeks. Gotta go way up north for something anyways (long story) so gonna make an iron butt out of it vs the around the lakes trip I’d planned originally. Only makes sense. A few hundred KM over the 1610KM minimum required, but it’s all good.
Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Will need to look into this Airhawk and ultimate seat.

I have a air ride seat. The seat for me is not the issue, but seating position. Sometimes I want to sit back straight, but then my arms take the strain, so i'll lean forward, then the back takes it.

Sent from the moon!
Careful out there ...big winds and Tstorms

90 kph nothing to fool with.


and a little fog this am just to complete the messy weather....good day to have the bike in the shop ..

Nice tail wind coming back from picking up the CBF :D
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Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

didn't think so, cool

imbecile .JPG

Will need to look into this Airhawk

Airhawk is good SB, I use it on my ST ride

find it best with low air pressure - you adjust it via a blow tube
too much air and it gets bouncy....can also adjust the pressure
over consecutive day rides to vary the pressure points on your backside
for technical riding it needs to be off the bike though
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Re: Oh joy ....such lovely riding weather coming.YES!!!!!!

Bloody tail wind left the CBF on it's side :( own fault....but really who expects 100 kph winds in their driveway :rolleyes:


Airhawk is a good thing for many ....I switch around between nothing, the AirHawk and the Beadrider with the Airhawk getting most time. Little air pressure is the key.
I like I can shift around easily on the Beadrider and it's cool. Despite feeling like it shouldn't work ...millions of taxi drivers can't be wrong ...big following..

Airhawk is pricey but the new model is more durable.

No 3rd party seats for the CBF :-(

Hopefully the wind dies down for some riding this weekend. 90+ kph is a bit much.
Temp looks good tho.
Re: Careful out there ...big winds and Tstorms

A good section of our fence got ripped out and same goes for a bunch of our shingles. The roof was in good shape too.
No riding for me today:)
Re: Careful out there ...big winds and Tstorms

Glad I got away with just a broken lever .....yikes.
That bit at the airport is crazy....those containers are chunky even if they were empty.

Broken lever turned out to be a non-event.... had a Burgman 650 lever that fit perfectly and has a better adjustment :D
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Re: Careful out there ...big winds and Tstorms

Apparently, we should not have walked the couple of kilometres last night to see a movie.
There was a blackout halfway through. I think someone moved one of the cranes.
It seemed locked and swaying on the way over 135 degrees. Apparently, it’s usual to shift them to go with the wind, and let them swing. Power is back now.
I had to leave work because our machines were flashing from the power surge! Most of the traffic lights were off on the return home!
Internet still out at Hockley cell service so something got dinged. Warmish day and blustery riding. Cut it short as Tstorms about and did not have rain gear with me.
Haven't had the chance to fix my bike. Da fuk? I might not be able to ride this season.
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