We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

*sigh* I just wanted to talk about my new .357 mag and whether or not to use my Model 94 as a truck gun :(

I guess I'll come back later

Impossible. Guns are evil and it must be brought up any time they're discussed.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Impossible. Guns are evil and it must be brought up any time they're discussed.

Well at least when I went to the dark side they gave me cookies
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Apparently 1 in 4 Canadian homes have a firearm. I think the major difference between us an Americans is we don't have the bravado that comes with gun ownership they do. Most of us owners are pretty humble about ownership to outsiders, most of us use our guns for target practice or hunting (not protection as seems to be the reason why most of my American friends own a gun).

1 in 4? Thank god we have no poor people here otherwise they'd be killing their betters.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Mass shooting (REAL mass shootings, not Hillary ones) are a drop in the bucket of the 10-15,000 homicides every year down there. They make the news because it sells ads, otherwise its statistically insignificant.

No disagreement but they are nasty traumatic events.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

*sigh* I just wanted to talk about my new .357 mag and whether or not to use my Model 94 as a truck gun :(

Post pics and quick yer complaining

agree with this. Guns are fun. I have no criminal record and I am mentally stable. I think I should be able to have safe, legal fun with my guns and be left alone.
pretty much this!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

While the gun crime (violent crime in general) is defiantly directly related to poverty and other socioeconomic factors that make up the majority of day to day gun crime. Mass shootings are a more likely to be committed by white males.

But in a sense you are correct that fixing social issues would have the best effect on violent crime. its not unfixable at all violent crime even in the states is on a whole trending down. We live currently by all measurable standard in the most peaceful time relative to global population.

I don't disagree with anything you wrote but I think that fixing social issues in the US is about as likely to succeed as banning/confiscating guns.

It's the land of the free. Capitalism. Be your own man. And so on...... Social programs or anything that could be spun as the rich being taxed to help the poor is a no-go. I'm not sure what is stronger, their support for the 2nd amendment or their anti-socialism ideals.

Either way, fixing anything in the US will be tough. I really have no idea what could work.

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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I don't disagree with anything you wrote but I think that fixing social issues in the US is about as likely to succeed as banning/confiscating guns.

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Well as a reality Gun control of some kind is needed beyond what they have in place this would honestly benefit Canada too cause thats were most of the guns that get into the hands of criminals come from . But the the dems seems in capable of actually putting sensible measure forward by either people keep talking about assault weapons that has literally no meaning they have talked about banning certain features such as barrel shrouds again a asinine.

I know the States are always weird to me they started of as probably the most progressive country in the word and then the christian right got power and drove them to one of the most regressive is some areas. But that being said I didn't think i would ever see Gay Marriage be legal at least not for along time and look at what happened a conservative heavy supreme court called the BS on the **** arguments the anti side was making. There is hope but the US is just a bit slow.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I don't disagree with anything you wrote but I think that fixing social issues in the US is about as likely to succeed as banning/confiscating guns.

One is a cause, (the social issues) and the other is an effect (violence of any kind, not only guns).

Isn't it curious that liberals seem to focus on "feel good" effect "solutions" rather than facing the real and tough issues of "cause"?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

One is a cause, (the social issues) and the other is an effect (violence of any kind, not only guns).

Isn't it curious that liberals seem to focus on "feel good" effect "solutions" rather than facing the real and tough issues of "cause"?

Its not like conservatives have been champions of social issues.

To paraphrase lewis black. The liberals are a party of no ideas and the conservatives are a party with bad ideas.
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

One is a cause, (the social issues) and the other is an effect (violence of any kind, not only guns).

Isn't it curious that liberals seem to focus on "feel good" effect "solutions" rather than facing the real and tough issues of "cause"?

Yes, that is true.

My response was more to highlight that any talk of social or welfare programs or gun control gets the far right really fired up.

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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I think allot owners in the US and Canada are pretty humble and have their firearms for the same reasons personal enjoyment, hunting. Protection in the states only recently became a top reason their in recent years. I think it has allot more to do with their Toxic political landscape and their continued push into the far right.

That Bravado from my cold dead hands stuff isn't even a majority its just a very loud minority backed by a power full lobby group

I suppose, however when I talk to all my American girlfriends (joined together on mommy groups) the number one answer for why they have a gun seems to be "protection" that concept for me as a female is odd. None of my Canadians girlfriends own a gun for protection (lol I suppose the fact that we can't plays a role in that).
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Nikki, I'm curious why you, as a female, find that odd. I would think that, as a female - unless you're particularly adept at self-defense - you would see the benefit of "leveling out the field", if you found yourself in a situation against a more powerful adversary (robber,rapist, etc.)
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Nikki, I'm curious why you, as a female, find that odd. I would think that, as a female - unless you're particularly adept at self-defense - you would see the benefit of "leveling out the field", if you found yourself in a situation against a more powerful adversary (robber,rapist, etc.)

Perhaps it's the law-enforcement training in me, but I get the impression from my American friends that carrying a firearm for protection is something where the consequences of doing do isn't fully thought out. The day I have to pull my gun on someone is a very bad day, it's not a TV show, I'm not firing warning shots or grazing limbs, and that fact weighs heavily on my heart daily. I have American girlfriends that carry their guns in their glove box, purse etc and to me carrying it in those places makes carrying a gun useless against a robber/rapist etc. It's a reactionary false sense of security. As a Canadian growing up in the city I've never ever felt so afraid that I feel I would have to carry a firearm. I avoid rapist, robbers ect by practicing street smarts. Then again, perhaps I'm naive and dilliusional.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Perhaps it's the law-enforcement training in me, but I get the impression from my American friends that carrying a firearm for protection is something where the consequences of doing do isn't fully thought out. The day I have to pull my gun on someone is a very bad day, it's not a TV show, I'm not firing warning shots or grazing limbs, and that fact weighs heavily on my heart daily. I have American girlfriends that carry their guns in their glove box, purse etc and to me carrying it in those places makes carrying a gun useless against a robber/rapist etc. It's a reactionary false sense of security. As a Canadian growing up in the city I've never ever felt so afraid that I feel I would have to carry a firearm. I avoid rapist, robbers ect by practicing street smarts. Then again, perhaps I'm naive and dilliusional.

Okay - I see where you're coming from and I can't fault the logic. I'm pretty much in agreement with what you've said - except the bit about being naive and delusional.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

What yall get for xmas. Despite my wife not really being very approving of having guns in our home she got me a huge 511 range bag!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Just threaten her with your guns. Duh
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

But ar15 parts may fit in a box that big!
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