We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

More capacity is always nice, but realistically, if you havent solved your bear problem after the first 3 shots or so, you are probably dead anyways :)

Perhaps for bear protection, but for zombies, you can't have too many on tap! :)
I shoot, but only my brother's guns when he dragged me out to state land in the middle of winter. (You can shoot on state land in NY)
Sooo, this is what I shot. Tell me what it is.
A golden boy
"Something carbine the russians used"
"The gun that won the west"
A 12 guage but they used smaller shells
An Assault rifle that he described to me as ideal for killing zombies.

How's that for gun trivia?
He just bought an AK47 he said I could try when I go back down.

Ok first off I combined some in my desc by accident and got called an idiot by my brother. Explanation and answers below.

"The golden boy was the that won the west. Its name is the 1886 Winchester.

FalSe there has never been a carbine weapon issued to the Russians. Mistaken for the .30 caliber model 1 carbine used by the USA in ww2 through the 1960's.

You shot
m1 carbine
Moison Nagant
Golden boy .22 cal
12 gauge 870 express
AR 15. (For zombies). The AR was my FAVORITE..!!!!!
Really? Why, are you stationed in Afghanistan? Live in Regent Park or southern Scarborough? Have a dangerous occupation, like mini-mart clerk or drug dealer?

What if I am a minimart clerk in a dangerous neighborhood? Or if Im Harold the jeweler? Or maybe any number of other risky occupations, or just a resident of a really crappy area? Cops are just ordinary people too. If they can be trained and trusted with guns, why cant we? Their lives are more valuable? Money transport guards lives are more valuable?

Just doesn't make sense.
Both a Winchester and the Colt Peacemaker have been called "the gun that won the west" but I think it would be a Winchester '73, rather than a '86.
Ok first off I combined some in my desc by accident and got called an idiot by my brother. Explanation and answers below.

"The golden boy was the that won the west. Its name is the 1886 Winchester.

FalSe there has never been a carbine weapon issued to the Russians. Mistaken for the .30 caliber model 1 carbine used by the USA in ww2 through the 1960's.

You shot
m1 carbine
Moison Nagant
Golden boy .22 cal
12 gauge 870 express
AR 15. (For zombies). The AR was my FAVORITE..!!!!!

A Golden boy is a Henry Rifle, not a Winchester.

Mosin Nagant carbine was issued to cavalry, engineers, signalers, and artillerymen.
Neat! Just stumbled upon this thread.

I've shot skeet with a 303, if memory serves me right. Nearly blew me off my perch, lol!

But the bulk of my shooting has been on ranges. Rifle team. Learned on Lee Enfield C no. 7s . 22 calibre and graduated up to Anschultz when I was worthy of one. Top shot on course upon. completion. :). Also some air rifle, but sparingly. FNs are fun, but I like shooting for the bull, rather than the need for that kick in the shoulder, lol.

Haven't shot in years! Might be something to start up again...
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ride and shoot is a *****...handguns are fun but...try transporting the 12 gauge and an SKS on the bike. havent figured out how yet.
Also transporting of the restricted's separate lock box for ammo and such.

If anyone wants a good range, Silverdale is the shabam!

action range, 40-100 yard range, 200 yard range and an archery range with 3d targets. Also its only 250$ a year! mind you its in grimsby.

im in for a pistol shoot and ride though.

Target sports maybe? at dvp/stouffville road. $40 entry, bring your own kit, or you can shoot their stuff if you are not licensed. Under supervision if you arent.
Both a Winchester and the Colt Peacemaker have been called "the gun that won the west" but I think it would be a Winchester '73, rather than a '86.

I give her credit for trying :)

My respect still goes out to the AK47
One Shot is Belleville or Kingston area I think.

I'm taking an advanced pistol course at Silverdale in July...Should be fun.

You can't go less than 18 inches, or else it's prohibited. Don't know what mmmnaked is talking about, unless he's referring to bear mace or something along those lines

The law is specifically written to prevent people from cutting their own barrels down. It's a retarded law and doesn't apply to shotguns which come out of the factory with short barrels. It also doesn't apply if you PURCHASE a factory made short barrel for your shotgun.

Pump shotguns can have any length barrel as long as the OAL is 26" (660mm)

Restricted firearm* means:

a handgun that is not a prohibited firearm,
a firearm that
is not a prohibited firearm,
has a barrel less than 470 mm in length, and
is capable of discharging centre-fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner,
a firearm that is designed or adapted to be fired when reduced to a length of less than 660 mm by folding, telescoping or otherwise, or
a firearm of any other kind that is prescribed to be a restricted firearm
There is NO minimum barrel length! As long as it's not cut, i.e. it's been manufactured that way (the BARREL, not the gun), you are good to go! The shortest you can get away with, and still use the stock Rem 870 mag tube is 12". My former 12" Dlask/Remington 870 SuperMag. It really hurt shooting 3.5" slugs out of it :(


There is some grey area about the 26" OAL requirement. As long the shotgun comes manufactured under 26" OAL when in it's most compact/closed position, then it's legal (non-restricted). If you just took off your stock and put a little "bird's head" pistol grip on it you probably fit in to the "otherwise" part of "by folding, telescoping or otherwise". As long as it comes from the factory under 26" OAL you can take off the stock, put a birds head pistol grip on it, and drop on an 8.5" barrel and you'd have the most tiny non-restricted shotgun allowed! :D

A few of my former (Top to bottom: Savage 10FP-LE1A Law Enforcement Only 20 round .308 edition. "Krinker Plinker" Ruger 10/22 with 8" barrel, welded folding stock, 50 round mags, first one registered in Canada. Walther G22 Bullpup, 20" barrel, 10 round .22, now prohibited :(. Remington 870 3.5" SuperMag with 12" Dlask barrel and Brobee AR15 adapter. SKS of some sort, 7.62x39 10 round mag pinned to 5. Armalite 11.5" AR15, all 30 round magazines and the 100 round double drum pinned to 5. Glock 17C on the left.):


The guns I've owned that AREN'T in the above pic:

My personal fav (NON-RESTRICTED CZ 858-2, 30 round mags pinned to 5, real military 40mm M203 never issued/brand new):


Click for video:


I loved the way 7.62x39 goes THUMP THUMP THUMP instead of the PING PING PING of 5.56 ;)

My concealed carry fav, Para Ord TAC Four, 10 rounds double stacked .45ACP. Could swallow 230g +P hollow point personal defence ammo all day long, really packed a punch:


First registered owner of FN PS90 in Canada (and later first registered PS90 10.3" and first registered PS90TR), third registered owner of FN FS2000 in Canada (FS2000 can legally shoot 10 rounds of .223/5.56 using special 10 round magazines):


You know any revolver you can shoot shotgun shells out of must be bad ***! lol. Smith and Wesson SW500:


Great for coons and skunks and the like, Savage 93R17BTVS:


First centerfire semi auto rifle I owned that was able to shoot 10 round mags at full capacity, legally! Beretta CX4 Storm:


Smith and Wesson SW45. Didn't like .45 hollow point +P ammo very much.


Smith and Wesson 945 performance center. Way too much maintence, had to clean it after every 20 rounds so it wouldn't jam.


Ruger K10-22T


HK SL8. Really fun gun to shoot. .223/5.56, no recoil, pretty quiet!


There's a few more ugly guns I owned, M1 garand, etc. but figured I'd just post the pretty ones.

-Jamie M.
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This is false. I have 14" 870 and it is non-restricted.

I believe the magic number is 26" overall length for pump action shotguns. Barrels can't be cut/adapted to less than 18", but they can be manufactured to less than 18". I have an 870 with an 8" barrel that's non-restricted. TFB is correct - the 26" OA length is subject to interpretation.
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I believe the magic number is 26" overall length for pump action shotguns. Barrels can't be cut/adapted to less than 18", but they can be manufactured to less than 18". I have an 870 with an 8" barrel that's non-restricted. TFB is correct - the 26" OA length is subject to interpretation ie mine came from the factory manufactured with 8" barrel & pistol grip as non-restricted, but I replaced pistol grip with a stock to bring the OA length to just over 26". I'd rather spend my time at the range than in court.

I almost choked on my tea this morning... I just can't believe that an 870 pump with an 8 inch barrel is non-res. Good move on expanding its OAL. Personally, 14 inches is plenty short enough for most "general purpose" applications. Just ask a cop what he totes along in the trunk of his cruiser.
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I'm a long gun type of guy, most are used and enjoyed...


From left to right:

2011 Sako 85 Bavarian Carbine in 30-06 Springfield
-- the only modern rifle I own with craftsmenship comparable to days gone by.

1947 FN model 1930 Mauser, "Venezuelan Short Rifle" in 7x57
-- extremely rare, unissued, non-refurbished, unfired (until I put 20 rounds down the barrel)

2010 Savage MKII BTVSS in .22 LR (heavy barrel, all-stainless)
-- 'cause "everybody needs a .22", and this one is Canadian made (Lakefield, Ontario) :)
-- topped with a Burris Fullfield II 3-9x40 scope on Burris "Zee" low steel rings.

2011 Savage model 10BA in 308 Win
-- topped with a Bushnell Elite Tactical 2.5-16x42 scope with Mil-dot reticle on Millett Tactical aluminum 30mm low rings.
-- Harris bipod
-- the same tactical/precision rifle used by the New York State Rapid Response Team and their Mobile Patrol units. It comes with a nice 10-round magazine. It was a "bit" too heavy for my needs (+16 lbs !!), so I recently sold it and replaced it with a Tikka T3 Sporter; as shown below.

1951 Simonov SKS in 7.62x39
-- unissued, unfired!, and non-refurbished. It has the cleanest/neatest pinned magazine you will ever find. This SKS is MINT in every regard.

1952 Simonov SKS in 7.62x39
-- my range plinker.
-- professionally parkerized, Arma-coated (Barret Arms), and tung oil refinished; see my ATI conversion below.
-- 5/30-round metal magazine


Brand new (2012) Tikka T3 Sporter in 308 Win
--topped with a Bushnell Elite Tactical 6-24x50 scope with Mil-dot reticle on Leupold PRW 30mm medium steel rings and Burris Xtreme tactical steel bases. The most accurate precision rifle I have ever owned. I will never sell this beauty.
--Coretac Solutions muzzle brake. Made in Canada.
--Harris bipod


My custom made Mauser 98 lightweight sporter in 7x57 (compared to my full military configuration FN 98 large-ring Mauser; as noted above)
-- Pre-1948 FN small ring military or police action. C-Type broach cut.
-- 1908 Brazilian Mauser barrel and bolt (DWM, Germany)
-- Professionally refinished and hand checkered Pre-1955 Brno 21H European walnut stock
-- Fully glass bedded
-- Brno 21 trigger guard
-- Brno 21 floor plate
-- topped with an extremely rare and perfectly functional 1950's vintage Nickel-Marburg 2.5x scope (glass clarity is simply amazing!)


1954 Simonov SKS in 7.62x39
-- unissued, non-refurbished, and unfired (until I put 20 rounds down the barrel)
-- very rare early-2008 IZH import SKS. No welded plugs or rivits on magazine. Very collectible.


1952 Simonov SKS in 7.62x39
-- mild refurb (came with laminate stock), all-matching metal, professionally parkerized and Arma-coated (Barret Arms)
-- sitting in a bedded ATI folder stock with shimmed pivot/hinge. Same rifle as in top group photo above. Ready for the zombie apocalypse. :)


2011 Remington Marine Magnum in 12 gauge ("Deer and Defence")
-- R3 recoil pad
-- 18 inch cylinder bore barrel
-- 23 inch rifled barrel with cantilever scope mount (standard matte black oxide finish)
-- 6-7 round magazine
-- electroless nickel plating on all metal surfaces, including the inside of the barrel and receiver.
-- topped with a Leupold VX I 1-4x20mm shotgun scope and Burris medium steel rings.

More of my toys, two of which are noted above (note 45-70 pre-Remington Marlin cannon at bottom) :) ...


I probably have some more junk, I just can't remember now. :)
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HK SL8. Really fun gun to shoot. .223/5.56, no recoil, pretty quiet!

There's a few more ugly guns I owned, M1 garand, etc. but figured I'd just post the pretty ones.

I was looking at that HK last year, as I wanted an accurate range plinker. How easy is it to disassemble and clean?

BTW, I wouldn't consider any decent M1 Garant ugly, but then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
I was looking at that HK last year, as I wanted an accurate range plinker. How easy is it to disassemble and clean?
Funny thing about me and my guns. I only cleaned them if/when they stopped working properly. I probably put 6,000 rounds through that SL8 and it never jammed once, never an issue. I sold it around then to raise funds for the M203, so never got around to cleaning it :D. It was super super accurate, loved that gun.





I wouldn't consider any decent M1 Garant ugly, but then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
LOL :)





-Jamie M.
I probably put 6,000 rounds through that SL8 and it never jammed once, never an issue. I sold it around then to raise funds for the M203, so never got around to cleaning it :D. It was super super accurate, loved that gun.

And why I'm leaning toward an H&K for my next purchase. Still, for what you pay for that name anything short of perfection wouldn't be acceptable.

Still having a hard time swallowing the fact that it's 3X the price of pretty much everything else in 556 :(

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