We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Like when they say you can bring a Stoner rifle (7.62) in to Canada as a hunting rifle, as long as it doesn't have a scary flash suppressor, but it has to be a restricted weapon. :rolleyes:

Another Bullpup that is legal here is the Kel Tec KSG. It's just taking a very long time to get here....

So you can bring it in as a hunting rifle after stripping it, but you would never be able to legally hunt with it. Nice.

On another forum I'm on, the Yanks are talking about how they can now use SUPPRESSORS to hunt with.
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I just bought a Savage 10FCP-K Tricked out with scope and bi-pod in 308. Can't wait to use it
good stuff! glad to know there are shooters on board here too. I'm a member at Silverdale. I'm a trap shooter and love shotguns but also anything in 9, 40 and .223 =)

What's your personal opinion of the P90? I've heard both good and bad.

I own a PS90. It's a great gun to shoot. Good ergonomics and weight. You'll be upset (can't believer ****** is censored) about 5 round mag caps (esp when they're 50 round mags), the cost and lack of ability of 5.7x28 and the fact you can't hold the bolt open.

There was vapourware of a 22lr kit for the gun and that would be amazing. Ability to be non-restricted, no mag cap limits and bullpup(ish).

Other than that, it's got a great sound, very metallic and mechanical.

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I own a PS90. It's a great gun to shoot. Good ergonomics and weight. You'll be upset (can't believer p!$$ed is censored) about 5 round mag caps (esp when they're 50 round mags), the cost and lack of ability of 5.7x28 and the fact you can't hold the bolt open.

There was vapourware of a 22lr kit for the gun and that would be amazing. Ability to be non-restricted, no mag cap limits and bullpup(ish).

Other than that, it's got a great sound, very metallic and mechanical.


Always thought that the P90 and FiveseveN were an interesting combination, but I've never managed to see either in the flesh. Yeah capping a gun designed for a 50 round cassette at 5 rounds seems rather stupid. I can't see that it would be very easy to convert to .22LR, considering that 90 degree spin the rounds get as they leave the cassette.
ya...I know the shape of the round and other problems associated with it is the reason it's only vapourware. It was a CMMG thing at the Shotshow a few years back I think.

I don't shoot my PS90 often, I have 2 mags...one pinned to 5 and the other to 4 (bad rivet position). It makes me sad.
Anyone have tips for a guy who's about to go on his PAL & HS (Hunter Saftey) course? Other than shut the hell up and pay attention.
That's about it.

Finger off the trigger and never point or sweep anybody. Immediate failure.

Only other thing I would say is get your RPAL at the same time.

Anyone have tips for a guy who's about to go on his PAL & HS (Hunter Saftey) course? Other than shut the hell up and pay attention.

Have fun! They will take you through handling procedure (ACTS & PROVE) so many times it will become engrained in your brain. Use common sense when answering the questions on the PAL test and you'll get 100%. I found the hunter safety course much much more boring.. maybe I had a bad instructor. He just went over a bunch of liability and survival stuff.. didn't really touch too much on field dressing, or shot placement, or anything practical like that.
Well Tricky, It's "Hunter Safety" training, not "Hunter Skills".

Right you are, and I sort of realized that right after I posted. I should have lowered my expectations. I don't remember every part of it now, but I do remember him going on for hours and hours about how much we were going to get sued if we stepped out of line (which is useful if you don't have common sense), and how bad the populations view on hunters is.

I remember a friend telling me about his course before I did mine, and his instructor seemed to have covered more things in greater detail.. I think I just got unlucky
Anyone have tips for a guy who's about to go on his PAL & HS (Hunter Saftey) course? Other than shut the hell up and pay attention.

Pay attention.....you will be told exactly what you need to know, and how to do it...

go in knowing nothing, absorb what they talk about, and you will pass

and as mentioned, get not only your PAL, but the RPAL as well if you have the time and the cash

the hunting course is boring, and it's based on safety and the environment, almost nothing to do with hunting,,,,,,just wait till you go to do the Turkey course....even more boring

I have the PAL/RPAL books in PDF format, used to have a link to them as well, but it seems it has died, and no you will not find the HunterSafety book online

if you have not booked your course, you can use these guys - http://www.canadianfirearmscourses.com/

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I challenged the exam, not because i think im the **** and know everything but because the waiting period for courses is months...its booked up in advance. So i studied the book, inside and out, a friend let me play with his many guns to be acquainted with the different actions.

With that being said, i do believe the course is a good thing if you have time to wait for it. Even as it sits i did my exam Mar 25th and it wont be for another 2 months before i get my license, realistically. So if you sign up now, 2 months before course, 3 months wait...ya its winter time!

During written, if you are unsure of the answer, circle both. They place a card over your exam with the correct answer holes punched out. So if you answered wrong the hole will show blank and marked wrong, if you circle both answers (yes and no) the correct answer will show.

Practical, they asked to pick up a round and identify it, twice, then he handed you a round and said, load it in the proper gun (out of 5 on the table).

Told me to pick up a gun and identify the type of ammo it uses. Gave me the correct ammo and told me to load it, unload it and place it back on the table.

Asked me to show him a proper kneeling shooting position. Asked me to cross an imaginary fence.

Thats it. got 100% on written and high 80's, dont remember now on the practical. The g/f failed the practical and is attending a course in May in Barrie...its $103 for day long course, exam and lunch which is a screaming deal!
PM if you want their contact information.

I almost got screwed over but managed to catch it in time and paypal claimed my money back.

i challenged my exam with these guy http://www.guns.to/fac/ and they also offer the courses.

i dont have the information for the g/fs course with me.
I've booked at the Wolf's den. Thanks for all the tips. I'll go in with an open mind and knowing nothing. I have only booked for the PAL and HS. I know some instructors will offer the R portion at a discount after completing the PAL. I also plan to get a membership at the Sharon Gun club.
^^^ Good luck with Sharon....you have to buy a share of the club to be a member and those Shares are rare as hens teeth, plus cost around $1800 + yearly membership.
Anybody know where I can find a good leather sling that fits the smaller Eurpean style sling swivels?
technically Bull pups are allowed in Canada as long as they are not on the prohibited list and isnt a gun thats been modified to be a bull pup.

for instance, Tavor Tar21 is legal, yet a bulpup stock for the M14, 10/22 and SKS are illegal as they are gun modifications...

its stupidity in its biggest form made by paper pushers who know nothing about guns.

It is only bullpup stocks that are illegal in Canada ie remove original stock and add an after-market bullpup stock - that type is prohibited. Rifles that have a bullpup design like the FN FS2000, FN PS90, Tavor, Type 88 Sniper, Keltec RFB, etc are all legal in Canada and available in non-restricted & restricted barrel configurations.

I just bought a non-restricted Kriss Vector, which is among the most hated guns by gun control extremists, to commemorate the end of the long gun registry.


Here's a non-restricted shotgun with a bullpup design, a South African Neostead 2000 12g shotgun - 690mm OA length, a 570mm barrel & two side by side 6 round mag tubes on top of the barrel - one for slugs & the other for buckshot, LOL! It's a heavy beast when loaded.


The Keltec KSG is a more modern variation, coming to Canada soon - can't wait to get mine!

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^^^ Good luck with Sharon....you have to buy a share of the club to be a member and those Shares are rare as hens teeth, plus cost around $1800 + yearly membership.

I paid around $800 for my SGC share back in 2006. IIRC, there was a share for sale on the CGN EE for $3,000 - don't know if anyone would buy at that price, but at 1,800, it's been a decent ROI.
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