We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Can't they email you a new one ?

My att to get to my new place was done over the phone and she emailed me a copy. She said my LATT would take 2-3 weeks to "process" which seems crazy because it's just an address change....bullsh*t if you ask me!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Gotta wait 2-3 weeks for a new LATT because of an address change, what a fu*king joke....not very funny tho.

Thats BS man! Welcome to the waiting game...Tomorrow is my day finally, should be shooting within a week or so
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Thats BS man! Welcome to the waiting game...Tomorrow is my day finally, should be shooting within a week or so

I've already done the waiting game, already have an issued an LTATT, but now because I moved it's gonna take weeks to process another with a different address? Thats just insane! Could you imagine have an auto license then changing your address and them telling you that you couldn't drive for 2-3 weeks? While they process it.
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I've already done the waiting game, already have an issued an LTATT, but now because I moved it's gonna take weeks to process another with a different address? Thats just insane! Could you imagine have an auto license then changing your address and them telling you that you couldn't drive for 2-3 weeks? While they process it.

I know I know, but the big joke here seems its wait wait wait, then wait some more....God forbid you have to move or change anything

I just did my range course yesterday and I booked my 3 prob shoots for Mon, Tues, Wed.......The gun club coordinator said in the class that after you pass your 3 prob shoots you are then a full member, BUT! It will take 3 weeks or even more for him to get our LATT's. He said that its BS but thats the way it is, they make you wait for no apparent reason...

Nice thing is since they have a lot of range guns, we as members are aloud to use any of them at no cost until we get our LATT's. So I can shoot their guns and just pay for ammo in the mean time, and they have one of the guns I own so thats not too bad.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I guess they change their ways on a whim....

have a read here


and or call your MPP and have him\her call the CFO and see what happens

and a lot of horror stories....



Man that last link you posted is depressing to read! even at the course a guy said the CFO likes to take vacations 2-3 weeks at a time unannounced....He trys to reach them and shes on vacation for 2-3weeks randonly, and nothing can get done till shes back LOL
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I've always been interested in Firearms, so I decided in March to take the unrestricted course and buy a rifle. Earlier this month I bought a Russian 1952 SKS + 1320 rounds and a 12 ga shotgun. I didn't know what kind of shells I wanted to so I bought some #2 shot, 00, and slugs. I've never shot a gun before so this will be fun!

I plan to go to Silverdale tomorrow morning for the first time and zero in my scope. It's about an hour drive but I found that they are the only gun range that allow you to shoot FMJ.

The only thing I've done to the SKS was add a Wartak Rail and bought a Tasco scope.

Here are some pics:

Cleaning up the SKS (it was actually easier than I thought)

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Nice rail, don't go in there expecting the SKS to be in any way precise or accurate :p if it is, you're a lucky man.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Lots of fun and cheap to shoot.....I took down a deer last year with my SKS, no scope just open sights, just under 100 yards

Your SKS looks a lot nicer than mine, yours looks very similar to the SKS I saw at LeBaron.

I just came back from the range and it was so AWESOME shooting a rifle for the first time. I was so nervous pulling the trigger for the first time not knowing what to expect. My shoulder was feeling fine and dandy till I ran out of SKS ammo and pulled out the 12 gauge and slugs...I actually shot 14 #2, 4 00 and only 3 slugs (didn't know they only allowed slugs at Silverdale, but they were kind enough to let me shoot the rest of my #2 and 00 I had with me into a berm). Shooting the slug was such an experience, nothing can prepare you to what it feels like. :)

I also shot a 30-06 and that was pretty cool too although, the bullet in my SKS felt so slow leaving the barrel after shooting the 30-06 haha.

Nice rail, don't go in there expecting the SKS to be in any way precise or accurate :p if it is, you're a lucky man.

Haha, this is kind of embarrassing to say, but I went through almost 60 rounds to get my scope zeroed. personally, I'm more than happy if I can hit the target regardless of how close they are. I bought it for the experience and the low running cost, not marksmanship :cool: .

p.s does anyone go to Silverdale? It would be cool to have a GTAM Gun meet haha
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Your SKS looks a lot nicer than mine, yours looks very similar to the SKS I saw at LeBaron.



I did a full strip down and then a refinish of the laminated stock, I didn't like the original finish

If you want to see what I did have a look here -


crap, you will have to be a member of the site to see....

I think at some point, we all have been out to Silverdale....I do go once in a while, but typically go to my range...
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

So I got to shoot a little more today, did my first prob shoot for my range membership. The range officer pulls out to revolvers a .22 single action, and a .357 mag and Im like oh no I don't have to shoot those, as I don't really like revolvers, well at least I didn't think I did. And I only have semi auto at home that I have been practicing my handling and Acts/Prove on. So the range officer tells me since you don't like them Im going to make you love them. He was right, not the .22 as my group was all over the place. I don't know if it was the gun or maybe just because I was more nervous because I shoot that first, but man the .357 is the ****! I cant believe how well I shot a gun that just didnt appeal to me at all. After I shot it I had to go look at some in the show room, and will be adding a revolver to the collection soon for sure.

I shot it single action, and pretty fast by the 2nd and 3rd load. I did a better group with that then the 9mm Glock I shot my first time. 15 rounds of .380 spl in the .357 mag

Im back there tomorrow for my 2nd prob shoot, and Wed for my 3rd and then I am in as a full member woohoo!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I had the same experience with a 357 revolver. They're an absolute pleasure to shoot. It's the trigger, man. If you want that in a semi, 1911 is where it's at.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

you should be able to hit a beer can from 100 yards at least, and that is with the sights it comes with....

My baseline for "accurate and precise" is MOA :p I've yet to see an MOA SKS lol. With way too much money and some bubba mods I have my Mosin shooting 2 MOA, which I'm quite happy with for moose. My Tikka is sub-MOA all day but there's just something special about a Mosin.

In any case, I'm stocked for hunting season. Got 40rds of .308, 40 of 54r Soft Point and some good old Fusion 30-30.
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?


I did a full strip down and then a refinish of the laminated stock, I didn't like the original finish

If you want to see what I did have a look here -


crap, you will have to be a member of the site to see....

I think at some point, we all have been out to Silverdale....I do go once in a while, but typically go to my range...

I'm registered to CGN so its all good. Very nice refinishing, I'm a big fan of matte wood so one day i'll do the same as you but stop before applying clear coat.

Also, there's a range closer to Mississauga than Silverdale and allows you to shoot surplus FMJ? Do tell!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

My baseline for "accurate and precise" is MOA :p I've yet to see an MOA SKS lol. With way too much money and some bubba mods I have my Mosin shooting 2 MOA, which I'm quite happy with for moose. My Tikka is sub-MOA all day but there's just something special about a Mosin.

In any case, I'm stocked for hunting season. Got 40rds of .308, 40 of 54r Soft Point and some good old Fusion 30-30.

lets put it this way, the rifle will put a hole in the enemy and that is all they cared about at the time.....

if used for hunting, deer for instance, 100 yards or so it will put the animal down, well at least mine will, If I want to reach out and touch it further then I use my SAKO

Most don't buy the SKS for accuracy, but for the fun and cheapness of using it.....last year after our deer hunt, I think we shot off at least 500 rounds, iron sights and trying to hit a cigarette at 100 yards....hey it was fun,,,,,and we managed to hit the cigarette......LOL
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Also, there's a range closer to Mississauga than Silverdale and allows you to shoot surplus FMJ? Do tell!

My range is in Orangeville, not closer really, but it's where I am a member, our backstops are dirt so we can more or less shoot anything

ohhh you can put on a matte coat on comes in a spray, I did with my 17hmr, or if you put on a gloss coat, grab some #000 steel wool (HomeDepot) and rub it down, it will take the gloss away, but still protect the stain and wood underneath...
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

My range is in Orangeville, not closer really, but it's where I am a member, our backstops are dirt so we can more or less shoot anything

ohhh you can put on a matte coat on comes in a spray, I did with my 17hmr, or if you put on a gloss coat, grab some #000 steel wool (HomeDepot) and rub it down, it will take the gloss away, but still protect the stain and wood underneath...

It's interesting that most gun clubs I call have crazy waiting list and yet Silvedale does not, is there a reason why that's so? Both Orangeville clubs have 100+ person waiting list, shame since they're 24km closer to Mississauga than Silverdale. Also, can someone go to your club and get a day pass like Silverdale?

On a side note, it shocking how bad some of these club websites!

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep that in mind when I decide to refinish it over the winter.
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