We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Lol Johnny... You're gonna keep doing your own thing against the advice of people who've been there, done that, got the t-shirt.. So TS accepted you.. Great.. How much have you been shooting? So they basically took a BIG wad of your money for the membership but it's taking MONTHS for you to be able to START getting SOME of your money's worth.. My recommendation is to apply at BRRC on Oct 1 and try to get in as a walkin on one of the safety courses. You can get in as a walk-in if you show up for the safety courses and wait for no-shows.

As for the trigger locks.. You don't like the fact that they are bulky and cost less.. I don't like the hassle of dealing with keys when I can just turn a dial one click and I'm ready to shoot. I hang around people who shoot regularly. After shooting in more than half of the clubs in Ontario, I've NEVER seen an Omega lock in real life. What does that tell you about their practicality?

I already have that planned, my friend that is already a member there suggested the same thing about walk ins.

The trigger lock, I have never seen one for sale so that can also add to why your not seeing them.....And also just because you dont see something in the local or Canadian scene doesn't automatically mean its crap. I have bought a lot of things so far that are expensive and not something everyone would buy, its not crap its just rare because most people aren't willing to go through the hassle to get them.

I could not find any dealers in Canada that stock them in 9mm so I ordered from Brownells, shipping and import add to the hassle, but I wanted some extended mag base pads anyways so I ordered those also
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I don't consider you an idiot, you just have money and want to spend it, no issues in that, just somethings don't need lots of money to be spent on them, like the trigger locks, nice what you purchased, just not practical, I think is what we are trying to say.

CGN is no better than most other forums you will always find some that will help and others that just.....well you already know....I butted heads with a few over there as well, but that's the way it goes.....

Had lots of good times with some of them also...
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Here are some pics of most of what I have managed to collect so far


And here is the remaining parts order to finish my 17 build, UPS tracking says IRUNGUNS will receive them tomorrow by end of day
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Here are some pics of most of what I have managed to collect so far


And here is the remaining parts order to finish my 17 build, UPS tracking says IRUNGUNS will receive them tomorrow by end of day

Hang on I see $1215 but no gun . You didn't actually spend that money to build up a Tupper ware gun ? Add a few more bucks and you would have Ed Brown or Let Baer mid range pistol . Btw is have two Tupper ware guns. I could never spend that type of money on plastic bling.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

If he wants to mod his Glocks, that's his choice and I don't have problems with that (even though I'd rather spend that money on ammo). Some good guys compete and do well with Glocks but I couldn't do it with my small hands and thin forearms. While I will make fun of them, I respect the Glock platform, especially where legal to carry. No issues with buying genuine mod parts to tide him over while waiting for his full membership and ATT. Blowing money on useless gimmicks and on the most expensive and handgun-only club while intending to shoot rifles as well, though...

Johnny, if Omega locks were da shiet, people would have ordered them online. There are plenty of products that you will see all over our ranges that can't be bought in Canada and have to be ordered from the US. For example, the mag tube extension for my Supernova that everybody and their grandmother orders from Cactus Tactical. So far, I haven't come across anyone who actually shoots his gun, using an Omega lock. While it may look nice for a display piece if you wanna keep it in a see-through cabinet, if you're planning on actually shooting your guns, it's just not practical.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

It took about 4 months for my RPAL to come in the mail, I was starting to wonder if they were going to approve me LOL Then my brother in law told me the RCMP called him, and about a week later it came in the mail.

TS I bought a Glock 17 and signed up as a member for the Grange gun club and the TS range, that was on July 7th. So maybe not as long as I was thinking, but it feels like forever you know what I mean. And they said 4 weeks when I signed up, so its longer then I was told..... However I just got my gun club membership card in the mail a week ago, so Im hoping that means my class for the range is coming up soon...Im just really dying to shoot the guns I bought, I have spent a **** load of money on them and accessories but all I can do at this point is play with them in the basement...I should post a pick of all the gun related stuff I have already bought in 2 months being lic, it would probably be a good laugh for most of the none noobs...

As for the attitude, I didnt get any, and I walked in 100% noob with a pocket full of money...They were all cool with me, we joked around, talked about bikes and other stuff. Before I bought the gun I asked if I could rent one to shoot, they gave me and my friend 20 rnds each to shoot for free in the same model and gen. My friend is 19yrs old and has no lic so he was happy to get some free un lic shoots in too just for tagging along...I like the full service package, being new I was able to test shoot then buy the gun I wanted in person not off the internet, and I was able to sign up for the range....All 25min drive away....Im sure there are better places, but coming from nothing I didnt have a bad experience at all

Holy crap, July 7th was 2 months ago....you have a lot more patience than me!!!
I didn't find the guys working the counter to be too bad, they answered my questions, and treated me with respect, so no complaints there.

I'll check out the Aurora gun club sometime soon because I don't think I have the patience to wait 2 months for them to approve my membership.

is anyone here a member at Aurora? any thoughts on the club / their range?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Holy crap, July 7th was 2 months ago....you have a lot more patience than me!!!
I didn't find the guys working the counter to be too bad, they answered my questions, and treated me with respect, so no complaints there.

I'll check out the Aurora gun club sometime soon because I don't think I have the patience to wait 2 months for them to approve my membership.

is anyone here a member at Aurora? any thoughts on the club / their range?

I heard good things about Aurora, but it's too far for me to consider. Might have to be a local in order to join. Your best bet is to visit and ask.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Holy crap, July 7th was 2 months ago....you have a lot more patience than me!!!
I didn't find the guys working the counter to be too bad, they answered my questions, and treated me with respect, so no complaints there.

I'll check out the Aurora gun club sometime soon because I don't think I have the patience to wait 2 months for them to approve my membership.

is anyone here a member at Aurora? any thoughts on the club / their range?

Oh trust me Im impenitent, the longer the membership takes the more money I spend on crap I dont really need in the mean time....When I get it I hope I can tone that down and spend my time and money on ammo and shooting

Well it looks like my turn in line finally came up, as I got an Email on Friday saying there is an opening for me at the next range orientation on the 27th. It says I can also book my probationary shoots on that day, and I need to do 3 before I get the membership card and can shoot there on my own. I asked if there is any time restrictions between the prob shoots, and he said no you can do monday, tues, wed if they have openings. So after this it should be no time before Im shooting.

And its not really an approval your waiting for, its just room in the next class for you...Someone could have reg a month after me and still get in on the same class as me....It just so happened that at the time I registered the 27th was the next earliest class with room in it...
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Johnny, you like nice stuff, get yourself some of this....




wonderful product, if you get the bigger bottle, I might purchase some from you, I am running a bit low....

I was looking for oil and trying to understand the difference and proper usage for oil vs grease in certain areas of my guns, locally the best I was recommended was Break Free CLP. Some spots on the gun use a drop of oil, and other parts in the trigger group I see grease. They came pre greased from ZEV as a drop in unit, but eventually I will need to re lube that. So Im still looking for good cleaning and lube products
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

If he wants to mod his Glocks, that's his choice and I don't have problems with that (even though I'd rather spend that money on ammo). Some good guys compete and do well with Glocks but I couldn't do it with my small hands and thin forearms. While I will make fun of them, I respect the Glock platform, especially where legal to carry. No issues with buying genuine mod parts to tide him over while waiting for his full membership and ATT. Blowing money on useless gimmicks and on the most expensive and handgun-only club while intending to shoot rifles as well, though...

Johnny, if Omega locks were da shiet, people would have ordered them online. There are plenty of products that you will see all over our ranges that can't be bought in Canada and have to be ordered from the US. For example, the mag tube extension for my Supernova that everybody and their grandmother orders from Cactus Tactical. So far, I haven't come across anyone who actually shoots his gun, using an Omega lock. While it may look nice for a display piece if you wanna keep it in a see-through cabinet, if you're planning on actually shooting your guns, it's just not practical.

Its also only $22 and $10 shipping for 2 of them, so at $60 or so for 2 in my hands....Im not too concerned if I find out they in fact are crap....You warned me about snap caps, I still bought them and they are crap...Big deal thats $20 and a lesson learned....Dont take it the wrong way I still appreciate peoples advice, Im just the kind of person that sometimes will still get something even if everyone says not to, just to see for myself...

As with all hobbies, everyone has different tastes and budgets. So what is worth it to someone, may seem like a total waste of money to someone else...Also as Ive said this the beginning of my gun hobby, Im sure it will change alot as I go on...I will have no regrets for the time and money I spent on the Glocks thou, I am in enjoying the modding and parts ordering already....Just like with motorcycles, modding them is just as much a part of me enjoying them as riding...My track bike is just like the Glock, it has way more nice stuff on it then I need, alot of things dont make me any faster at my skill level but I still enjoying having them......I dont think I will ever sell them even when I move on to other pistols....

And for the record my next purchase I plan not to be a Glock....LOL I promise myself Im not going to buy another one until I buy something different first.....Its just I wanted a 19 at first, just because I wanted one, but I couldnt find one in store at the time. So I bought the 17, then when I saw Alflatertys had them on sale, I bought it just to have it, and see if everyone was right....And they were, now that I have both I think I will be a much better shooter with the 17. It fits my hand better, so I guess I have a big hand, as it was a toss up on the forums between 17 vs 19 for hand fitment with Glock guys.
Don't buy a 1911 if you value whatever is left in your bank account.

That's a disease that took me about 15 different guns to cure.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I was looking for oil and trying to understand the difference and proper usage for oil vs grease in certain areas of my guns, locally the best I was recommended was Break Free CLP. Some spots on the gun use a drop of oil, and other parts in the trigger group I see grease. They came pre greased from ZEV as a drop in unit, but eventually I will need to re lube that. So Im still looking for good cleaning and lube products

The Prolix stuff does it all, cleans and lubes....

Grease not so good, as it will get hard and stick and gum up in the cold
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Hang on I see $1215 but no gun . You didn't actually spend that money to build up a Tupper ware gun ? Add a few more bucks and you would have Ed Brown or Let Baer mid range pistol . Btw is have two Tupper ware guns. I could never spend that type of money on plastic bling.

Yes I did, in fact that is only less then half of the money I spend on my "plastic" gun.....I looked into the Ed Brown you mentioned, beautiful stuff but all I see is 1911's already modded, Id buy something like that but right now I like buying the parts and installing them myself, and for that type of modding it seems the Glock has the biggest selection of aftermarket parts. So while I can appreciate the work and beauty in the big name gun smith built guns, its not what I am interested in at this time...I dont like the 1911 styling, so as stupid as it may seem its just not at the top of my list right now, no doubt I will have to own and shoot a 1911 sooner or later. And after I shoot one it might become my favorite gun

One type of gun Id really like to own is a real german luger, I believe its the P08 that I want. As I understand it, its just like my 19 the stock OEM barrel is too short and therefore prohib unless its swapped out for a longer one. So Im trying to do some research, to find out if there is anyone selling one already converted and reg as restricted. Or the hassle and hoops Id have to jump through to buy one and have the conversion done.

Is anyone on here into stuff like that?
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?


Got my lil pea shootin .22 workin. No restricteds yet, want to play a bit first. Tore the guts out a few times, busted out some hammers/sandpaper and made it the way I think I want it. Shoots to 100 the way I would hope, don't think it would do much past that!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Here are some pics of most of what I have managed to collect so far


And here is the remaining parts order to finish my 17 build, UPS tracking says IRUNGUNS will receive them tomorrow by end of day
you should have bought the 1 i had up foe sale a couple months back...
Gen 4, lone wolf barrel, slide, comp, guiderod and springs, Zev magwell, aluminum machined controls, pyramid triger with skeletonized striker and spring and plunger kit, Burris fastfire.
sold for slightly more than your bill right there, and it had maybe 100 rnds down the pipe...

Did IRG.com have all that stuff or did you pay them to import it from another shop?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

View attachment 35810

Got my lil pea shootin .22 workin. No restricteds yet, want to play a bit first. Tore the guts out a few times, busted out some hammers/sandpaper and made it the way I think I want it. Shoots to 100 the way I would hope, don't think it would do much past that!

Nothing wrong with 22s.
Still one of my favorite guns to take to the range for the day. And its tacticool! lol

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

you should have bought the 1 i had up foe sale a couple months back...
Gen 4, lone wolf barrel, slide, comp, guiderod and springs, Zev magwell, aluminum machined controls, pyramid triger with skeletonized striker and spring and plunger kit, Burris fastfire.
sold for slightly more than your bill right there, and it had maybe 100 rnds down the pipe...

Did IRG.com have all that stuff or did you pay them to import it from another shop?

I bet that was a good deal, but not really what Id be interested in. I like ordering exactly what I want, and also getting to install them for the first time on a new gun. I looked at all the companies that make parts for Glocks, and I liked Salient Arms and ZEV the best, Lone Wolf styling Im not a fan of...Im sure they make great parts, but if Im spending that kind of money I want something that works good and looks good IMO also....I would have been much cheaper to buy other brands, but I dont mine spending more on stuff I actually really like. Buying something that someone already custom built just isnt my style

IRUNGUNS is only doing the export for me, all the parts were ordered direct from ZEV and had to me manufactured then shipped to IRG for export,. My slide and barrel are custom order items, I chose the machining processes I wanted and also the coating.

I am working out the details for my 2nd build, I have a G19 that I am going to be modding up almost the same as my 17 but different colors and no magwell or RMR. Just want to get the first import done before I start the next, they said I should get the first order 1st week of OCT
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