We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Actually that last pic only shows part of the story... there's more material to be removed. You'd have to see it. If you're interested and when you're ready, drop me a PM and I'll bring it by so you can see it yourself.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

removing them all, like so


Removing those raised sections alone without cutting any other holes is dead simple. I could do that on the manual mill very easily. Depending how thick the part is you could even surface it a little more then just removing the raised section. Its its 5mm thick for example you could shave 1-2mm and still be strong enough..I am doing the same with my Glock slide, Im going to shave off about a 1mm off each side before I cut the windows, so it will loose some weight being thinned down as well as the windows. You can get even more detailed and chamfer all the corners and sharp edges after.

I wish I could post my design I drew up for my slide but Photobucket isnt working, every time I try to upload I get an error. Any Idea why? Wont work on my computer running Google chrome or from my Iphone5
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Upload to imgur.com and then link here
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I am machining my Glock slide to accept a RMR, and I am also going to add some lightening windows on the front. After that I want to coat it black, I asked some gun shops and they had no suggestions for anyone local to do Cerakote or any other gun coating...Actually they ask me to bring cards and samples when I mention that I would buy the stuff and start doing it myself.

So my own gun will be the guinea pig, I will post pictures on here of both the machining process and the coating for anyone that is interested.

something like this ?




more info here

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

That's quite the elaborate porting job. I had a 21c long ago and noticed no real difference with the barrel ports... miniscule effect at best. Looked cool though!

Johnny PM me when/if you want to see my rifle, I actually wouldn't mind some press-check grooves on the front of my Glock slide too.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

That's pretty cool ^^

I like this

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

That's pretty cool ^^

I like this


Yeah those serrations are more for grip and style, Im going for the light and really minimal amount of material left. I just got a Gen1-3 adaper and spring kit to try and compensate for the amount of weight I will be removing from the slide. I have alot of pics but photobucket is still being an *******...Guess its time to sign up for another host
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

you know if you make it too lite, your going to get a lot of muzzle flip, and a potential to get stove pipes and or it not chambering the next round....

This is why I have the recoil springs with different weight springs available, basically you want to lighten moving parts and add weight to non moving parts....So lighten slide, add weight to recoil rod and reduce recoil spring weight. And some other weight adders such as my mag well, and the counter weight that it comes with that goes in the void in the backstarp, also aluminum or brass magazine bases..They also suggest using lighter spring for lighter ammo, stiffer spring for hotter ammo... My first clip I ever shot out of a Glock 17 the slide didn't stay locked after the last round, I have read this can happen from light loads especially in the gen4. The range I shot at uses light 115 gr ammo, so that kind of proved what I was reading on my first clip.....I know its a can of worms, and I will have to work some bugs out, but Im happy with that...If I wasnt in for a on going project with some trail and error then I would have just left it alone....

Also you have to consider yes I am removing material from the slide, but that is not the only mods I am doing, I am also bolting on a RMR. Its not heavy but it will offset some of the weight I am taking off...

And also this is just me messing around until my custom slide is built and export/import from Zev. Thats gonna be 3 months at least, so Im just playing around with stuff in the mean time

Should be interesting
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Btw guys, while I got plenty of mosquito repellent, does anyone have hot brass repellent? :D
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Btw guys, while I got plenty of mosquito repellent, does anyone have hot brass repellent? :D
You don't cook, do you?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

You don't cook, do you?

I do but this pic is the result of getting hit by cooked brass casings :cool:
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

wow you got burned right through your sweater!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

wow you got burned right through your sweater!

Yeah.... Suuuureeeee.. Sweater...... :cool: At least I wasn't wearing shorts and flipflops ;)
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Hey guys, can anyone recommend a decent club where I can shoot restricted close to Vaughan? I have been to TS, is there anything else in the area that I am missing?


Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Aurora might be an option? Don't discount Barrie.. It's not too far and I heard that it's an excellent club. Haven't been there. If you don't mind the drive to Cambridge, Galt's a kickass club.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Thanks dude, i'll check out Aurora, Barrie isn't too far but they aren't accepting new members, and Cambridge is a little out of the way.
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