We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

I've been looking at the laws online and can seem to find anything either way on the matter, anyone?

I'm [passively] searching for the exact laws/regulations which cover it. Haven't found it yet, but even if there's no specific law against discharging R firearms anywhere but approved ranges, you still couldn't take the gun to crown land because it would violate the conditions of your ATT, even if its built right into your licence.

Gonna keep looking.

I found this on CGN:
Section 95(1) criminal code:
:Possession of prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition

95. (1) Subject to subsection (3), every person commits an offence who, in any place, possesses a loaded prohibited firearm or restricted firearm, or an unloaded prohibited firearm or restricted firearm together with readily accessible ammunition that is capable of being discharged in the firearm, unless the person is the holder of
(a) an authorization or a licence under which the person may possess the firearm in that place; and
(b) the registration certificate for the firearm.

(2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1)

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of
(i) in the case of a first offence, three years, and

(ii) in the case of a second or subsequent offence, five years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year."

And the firearm act:
Places where prohibited and restricted firearms may be possessed

17. Subject to sections 19 and 20, a prohibited firearm or restricted firearm, the holder of the registration certificate for which is an individual, may be possessed only at the dwelling-house of the individual, as recorded in the Canadian Firearms Registry, or at a place authorized by a chief firearms officer.
1995, c. 39, s. 17; 2003, c. 8, s. 15.

From the Criminal Code of Canada
86. (1) Every person commits an offence who, without lawful excuse, uses, carries, handles, ships, transports or stores a firearm, a prohibited weapon, a restricted weapon, a prohibited device or any ammunition or prohibited ammunition in a careless manner or without reasonable precautions for the safety of other persons.

Under the Firearms Act, there are generally only a few acceptable uses of restricted firearms: 1) target shooting at approved ranges, 2) as part of a collection, 3) as part of lawful employment (police officer, security guard), 4) protection of life and 5) instruction. (sections 17 to 20 I believe)

Taken together, if you are target shooting with your restricted outside of a CFO approved range, you will be charged with careless use of a firearm under the CC of C.
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I don't think the Careless use would hold up if you had a good backstop and clear view of your surroundings. You'd get charged with something, or lose your license for violating the conditions of your ATT
I don't think the Careless use would hold up if you had a good backstop and clear view of your surroundings. You'd get charged with something, or lose your license for violating the conditions of your ATT

Yeah I guess the primary storm of **** would come from the lack of a proper ATT, so I was wrong to some degree. However, if you somehow legally got it to crown land, I'm sure they'd take the route that Busabob posted... then you'd be looking at heavy criminal charges and expensive lawyers just to prove your backstop was sufficient ;)
It's just a guess. But if it's not a CFO approved range, regardless of how safe it may be, it will still be illegal to target shoot on it with a restricted

I don't think the Careless use would hold up if you had a good backstop and clear view of your surroundings. You'd get charged with something, or lose your license for violating the conditions of your ATT
Well in response to the thread title, I don't ride street anymore, but do race. I'm a fairly new RPAL holder, and only just recently picked up a 10/22. Thought it would be good to start small, I'm sure there will be more toys to follow!

Now where do I shoot? I'm on a list for a club, and would love the opportunity to shoot on private land. I'm new to the Innisfil area, and haven't made any friends up here yet.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Finally was able to play around with my 12ga on my land up north. Shot some #4 birdshot, #7.5 target loads, some slugs and some 3" 00 buck.

Those slugs are ******* loud and that buck really kicks! Major stopping power but I couldn't hit **** with the slugs
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Finally was able to play around with my 12ga on my land up north. Shot some #4 birdshot, #7.5 target loads, some slugs and some 3" 00 buck.

Those slugs are ****ing loud and that buck really kicks! Major stopping power but I couldn't hit **** with the slugs

You gotta REALLY focus on the fundamentals of proper marksmanship... With hard-kicking slugs, it really pays off to make sure your shotty's properly supported (don't neglect the cheek weld). I can get pretty good accuracy out of slugs (bead+fiberoptic, no ghost rings or optics) and I'm not a highly experienced shotgun shooter. Of course, make sure to take your time.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Yes something is not right, my Remington 870 will do at least a 4-6 inch grouping at 100 yards, mind you this is with a low power wide field of view scope

sometimes it will come down to the ammo used as well

Are you using a rifled barrel ? what type of slugs, Brenneke, Foster for a smooth bore barrel, or Saboted slugs in a rifled barrel some of these are good to go to about 300 yards ?

And I just found out I got my Bull Moose tag for this years hunt......YAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAY

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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

**** you man :( no one in my group got a tag for moose
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

**** you man :( no one in my group got a tag for moose

sorry to hear.....

this is the 3rd time I got a tag

I even changed groups this year, and only 3 of us applied as a group

well now to plan for a weeks stay in 15b......

I think we have room for one or 2 guys maybe.....I can find out possibly, but I have to ask the group leader.....

It's just a guess. But if it's not a CFO approved range, regardless of how safe it may be, it will still be illegal to target shoot on it with a restricted

A family member has property with an approved range on it. The resident/property owner can shoot whatever he's licenced for on it. Some others have ATT to the property. Lots of rules and it gets inspected occasionally.
A family member has property with an approved range on it. The resident/property owner can shoot whatever he's licenced for on it. Some others have ATT to the property. Lots of rules and it gets inspected occasionally.

Yep.. Bureaucrats doing their best to make sport shooting as difficult as possible in order to discourage new entrants and frustrate those already involved.
A family member has property with an approved range on it. The resident/property owner can shoot whatever he's licenced for on it. Some others have ATT to the property. Lots of rules and it gets inspected occasionally.

lots of things to do to get approval for a range.....


Request for Approval of Shooting Range

  • 3. (1) A person who wishes to establish and operate a shooting range shall submit a request for approval to the provincial minister and provide the following information in the request:
    • (a) the applicant’s name, address, phone number and, if applicable, facsimile number and electronic mail address;
    • (b) the location of the shooting range, including road directions to reach it;
    • (c) the proposed hours of operation of the shooting range; and
    • (d) with respect to each operator, each owner of the shooting range, and each employee of the shooting range who handles firearms
      • (i) his or her name, address and phone number, and
      • (ii) the number of his or her licence to possess firearms or, if one does not exist, his or her date of birth.
  • (2) The request for approval of a shooting range must be accompanied by the following documentation:
    • (a) a survey report, location certificate or other similar documents that show the geographical location and layout of the shooting range and the portion of the surrounding area that could be affected by shooting on the shooting range, as well as the land use of that portion;
    • (b) a copy of the proposed safety rules;
    • (c) subject to subsection (3), evidence of at least $2,000,000 of commercial general liability insurance with coverage on an occurrence basis;
    • (d) evidence of compliance with applicable zoning laws;
    • (e) copies of, and evidence of compliance with, any operating licences required by federal, provincial or municipal laws;
    • (f) evidence that the design and operation of the shooting range meets at least the requirements set out in section 5; and
    • (g) evidence that the shooting range complies with any federal, provincial or municipal legislation that applies to the establishment and operation of such a facility in regard to environmental protection.
  • (3) In the case of a shooting range operated by a public service agency, the agency shall provide evidence of liability indemnification with respect to the shooting range, of at least $2,000,000, from a federal, provincial or municipal government.

and all the rest is here


It's private.... I'm not sure that everything on that list applies.

if it's a range, private or not, it will apply, or it will not pass and or will be shut down

I looked into this a few years back, just wasn't worth the effort, for me it was cheaper to just join an existing club.....

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I don't know.. you would know more than me.
I just know it's there and has been since at least the late 80s... not sure if, or how much, longer.
I don't know.. you would know more than me.
I just know it's there and has been since at least the late 80s... not sure if, or how much, longer.

I am happy for the guy, I wish more of us could do it, I am just saying, there is a lot involved to have one done and approved, I even went to one range that was actually approved and used by a private citizen, and it was actually in his basement, not for rifle, just for handgun......that was way cool....

I got a green reflex site to match my green motorcycles. Pretty cool device, its radioactive and everything!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Just curious to know how many riders here in the GTA are also firearm owners?

I'm into target shooting and general plinking (I used to shoot in the Reserves), and recently picked up a few surplus SKS's to have a bit of fun with. I also inherited my wife's grandfathers' Mossberg 22 target rifle.

To cap it off, I joined H.A.H.A. to gain access to their 100 yard rifle range.

Chime in!

Maybe we can organize a ride 'n shoot? ;)

I hunt and shoot.
I have a non-restricted Browning BLR take down rifle in 308 Winchester that disassembles without tools into the 1) stock & receiver, 2) forearm & barrel that fits into a compact blue carry bag and carries nicely to the deer hunting camp on a motorcycle.
Also have a Rossi Overland SxS 12 gauge, a Baikal IZH-94 (12 gauge/308 Win), Ruger 10/22 that are also non-restricted take down models that disassemble into 2 or 3 very compact pieces and lend themselves to motorcycle travel mode.
All the other stuff I need is already at the hunting camp/cottage so all I really need to transport is me and the guns and ammo.
It can get very chilly in Northern Ontario after the middle of September and snow is not unknown.
It's just a guess. But if it's not a CFO approved range, regardless of how safe it may be, it will still be illegal to target shoot on it with a restricted

Statutory 3 years automatic jail for unathorized possession of a restricted firearm and ammo.
If your range is not CFO approved for restricted firearms and you get caught shooting your handguns there the bust is very serious and WILL land you a criminal record and perhaps some time in stir FIRST OFFENCE.
There are CFO approved private restricted ranges in Canada but you need the approval in writing before you can shoot your handguns there.
Canadian cops, crown attorneys and judges have zero toleration for firearms offences and will throw the book at you.
There are lots of cellphone dime droppers around so don't take the chance. It's not worth it.
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