We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Me too but he asked about used guns

Most GTAM members aren't rich enough to go around buying cheap crap

Thanks. Yeah just took the course yesterday so I have a couple months to wait but thought I would take a look around. Looking for a mossberg 500 or similar and they are really cheap new so no point in buying something like that second hand

My advice: Unless you are getting the shotty to make a specific and immediate need, start with a .22LR rifle so you can learn how to shoot first. Shotties kick like mules and interfere with the initial skills development. Once you can shoot a rifle. .22LR rifles are cheap to buy and dirt-cheap to feed. Now you just have to choose between a semi-auto like a 10/22 or a bolt like Savage Mk II...

1) Semi-auto means you don't have to cycle the bolt after every shot which means losing your sight picture in certain positions. More versatile and sometimes it's fun to spew out a bunch of rds if accuracy isn't the goal

2) Bolt-action are more accurate and they force you to take a second between shots and take each shot individually, which is beneficial to your marksmanship

I started with a scoped bolt and am doing a build of a semi-auto with a red dot. Each has its use.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Most GTAM members aren't rich enough to go around buying cheap crap

My advice: Unless you are getting the shotty to make a specific and immediate need, start with a .22LR rifle so you can learn how to shoot first. Shotties kick like mules and interfere with the initial skills development. Once you can shoot a rifle. .22LR rifles are cheap to buy and dirt-cheap to feed. Now you just have to choose between a semi-auto like a 10/22 or a bolt like Savage Mk II...

1) Semi-auto means you don't have to cycle the bolt after every shot which means losing your sight picture in certain positions. More versatile and sometimes it's fun to spew out a bunch of rds if accuracy isn't the goal

2) Bolt-action are more accurate and they force you to take a second between shots and take each shot individually, which is beneficial to your marksmanship

I started with a scoped bolt and am doing a build of a semi-auto with a red dot. Each has its use.
I'm not a gun noob, just will be able to own my own now. But good advice
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

The pricing is often out to the same lunch as GTAM Classifieds, so while I do take the occasional look, I typically just buy my guns new. Full manufacturer's warranty, no headaches.

Hit or miss like anything in life, but there are great deals to be had on "used" guns there.

Stuff like Tavors and XCRs are perfect examples. BNIB Tavors pop up quite often in the 2600 range, new XCRs in the 2200s… those are pretty big savings over new when you factor taxes and possible shipping.

New Tavor for $3000, or a "used" Tavor for $2500, with $500 to spend on ammo and mags.. no brainer.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Deals are on EE, but those dont last. You have to jump on it ASAP.

Hit or miss like anything in life, but there are great deals to be had on "used" guns there.

Stuff like Tavors and XCRs are perfect examples. BNIB Tavors pop up quite often in the 2600 range, new XCRs in the 2200s… those are pretty big savings over new when you factor taxes and possible shipping.

New Tavor for $3000, or a "used" Tavor for $2500, with $500 to spend on ammo and mags.. no brainer.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Yep... Which is why I stay away. Impulse buyer extraordinaire.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Equipment Exchange section of CGN forums.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

people seem to be dumping M14/M305's there right now
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

people seem to be dumping M14/M305's there right now

I think it has something to do with the newest batch of M305's being sold, apparently head and shoulders above the previous gens of Norinco M305's

So they wanna dump these and get in on those? Just guessing....

AR15's also are being dumped left right and center. Well, listed, at more than MSRP is now....lol
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Swiss Arms and CZs are being dumped too... if you're a gamblin' man, there's opportunity there. Or perhaps you're looking to fill and bury a container full of fine weaponry out in the woods.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I might be tempted to pick up an 858 if I can take it abroad. Great gun, would love it as a replacement for my SKS, which would get cosmo'd and stashed in a piece of ABS tubing, just in case :cool:
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Swiss Arms and CZs are being dumped too... if you're a gamblin' man, there's opportunity there. Or perhaps you're looking to fill and bury a container full of fine weaponry out in the woods.

any news on the re-classification of those?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

any news on the re-classification of those?

The 858 wasn't reclassified.. Some of those being imported didn't match what was on the FRT and some converted full autos were imported into the country, with some eventually being caught at the border. So a normal 858 "that cannot be easily converted to full auto" is still non-restricted but a number (unknown) of the ones that were imported would actually be prohibited devices. Technically, 858's meeting the original specs could still be imported as non-restricted, but the importer gave up on it, so someone else would have to step up.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Yeah but if the rcmp thinks more converted guns were imported in the past they can easily ban the gun by name and be done with it. They won't/can't go back and verify every 858 that came into the country.

Mine may not be easily converted but yours very well could be?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Check out CGN for the latest news on reclassifications! Alot has changed over the past 2 months.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

22LR rifles are cheap to buy and dirt-cheap to feed. Now you just have to choose between a semi-auto like a 10/22 or a bolt like Savage Mk II.

Got both, plus an 870 and more... what I really need is more free time to shoot!
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