We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Speaking of guns .. thinking of clearing out the closet if at all interested.
Time to move onto other hobbies and such ..
Norinco CQA
S&W 9mm
Walther Sp22
mossberg 722 (.22 ar replica)
package deal .. with locker, cases, locks, ammo.
PM me.
Too much political discussion... Let's get back on topic -

Daisy Red Ryder vs Marlin 336Y (youth):

I love the 16.5" barrel on the youth model and have a full-size Boyd's stock on its way, along with Skinner sights. Possibly a large loop lever if my winter gloves won't fit.

Yes enjoy your hobby till October 21,2019 . After that date start the count down to confiscation .
Yes enjoy your hobby till October 21,2019 . After that date start the count down to confiscation .

Nah. Something with ARs maybe...but even then talk is all well and good until it comes down to cash. I have a couple more rifles on the way anyway.

So...decided to cave and see why 10/22 are so popular so I have a used one coming and eventually I’ll put it into a nice folding stock I got for it. Ordered a perfectly legal magazine adapter so I can put 22 round remington 597 magazines in it too. Getting a nice cheap vortex scope on it to plink with out to 100 yards maybe.
Yes, the reserves are a problem and nobody wants another Oka standoff. So politicians would rather pretend to be stopping it by outlawing guns for law abiding people. If it's less gun crime they want we're going nowhere.
Nah. Something with ARs maybe...but even then talk is all well and good until it comes down to cash. I have a couple more rifles on the way anyway.

So...decided to cave and see why 10/22 are so popular so I have a used one coming and eventually I’ll put it into a nice folding stock I got for it. Ordered a perfectly legal magazine adapter so I can put 22 round remington 597 magazines in it too. Getting a nice cheap vortex scope on it to plink with out to 100 yards maybe.

Sure you keep that dream alive . Liberal majority
Nah. Something with ARs maybe...but even then talk is all well and good until it comes down to cash. I have a couple more rifles on the way anyway.

So...decided to cave and see why 10/22 are so popular so I have a used one coming and eventually I’ll put it into a nice folding stock I got for it. Ordered a perfectly legal magazine adapter so I can put 22 round remington 597 magazines in it too. Getting a nice cheap vortex scope on it to plink with out to 100 yards maybe.

Do you think anyone on the Liberal party cares about cash ? Say good bye to anything resembling the AR . All they care about is their agenda . They pushed the banning of hand guns to city politicians . Where most cities have left leaning councilors .They will ban guns the first chance they get . Toronto people be on notice . Tory stated several times guns have no place in the city . Putting the cost of storing your gun outside the city on you . You will pay stupid fees store your gun far away or like most give up the sport .
Sure you keep that dream alive . Liberal majority

Do you think anyone on the Liberal party cares about cash ? Say good bye to anything resembling the AR . All they care about is their agenda . They pushed the banning of hand guns to city politicians . Where most cities have left leaning councilors .They will ban guns the first chance they get . Toronto people be on notice . Tory stated several times guns have no place in the city . Putting the cost of storing your gun outside the city on you . You will pay stupid fees store your gun far away or like most give up the sport .

Tory also said he needs to know where they are coming from in order to make a decision.

$600 million is a lot of coin and it’s going to be more than that if it ever takes place. Polls indicate most people don’t think the issue is legal handgun owners, neither do most police chiefs. Put the two together and you have bad political optics for a party that forges ahead with this.
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Guns isn't a sport they are a passion.
Shooting them is sport (y)
I like guns, I don't particularly like shooting them, to each his own.

... the Marlin is nicer.
Tory also said he needs to know where they are coming from in order to make a decision.

$600 million is a lot of coin and it’s going to be more than that if it ever takes place. Polls indicate most people don’t think the issue is legal handgun owners, neither do most police chiefs. Put the two together and you have bad political optics for a party that forges ahead with this.

It`s not any party any more . The libs will write the law so the Municipal politicians will do the dirty work for them . Once the law is passed the GTA majors will quickly outlaw handguns . Tory has said on many occasions guns don`t belong in cities .
300yds with 22LR ?

Actually, we had a 400yd target at last month’s rimfire shoot. I managed to get a few hits at 400 myself...

There’s something about benchrest shooting that irks me. Might as well go the whole hog and have it set in a vice and have the trigger pulled by a servo. I’ve seen a multi hundred yard .22 shot offhand standing on YouTube but it took a few attempts. Infinitely more impressive though.
40gr .22 projectile @ 1200FPS drops over 80" at 300 yards... Flight time just under one second...
Once you're dialed in... It's totally doable
From the good old days when we had bowling pin shoots (now forbidden by cfo-ont):

Yeah.. effin' kill-joy Lol.

Of course... I still see pins used once in a while. Mostly as rifle targets though.
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