We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

If your adverse to spendy... dont bother getting into shooting.the only way to get better is to shoot/practice... That takes ammo. Most guys roll their own.
Ipsc doesnt mix platforms. . You're either shooting a pistol, rifle, PCC or shotgun... and within some of those there are "divisions" and power factor to consider...
You really need to read the rules to get it straight....
That vid was of a USPSA style "outlaw" match...
I wouldnt recommend any of the guns you mentioned...

Fair enough. Was just looking at alternatives to the AR platform. Spendy is relative, paying double for ammo is still double though. I’ll start reloading when I get a .357 revolver as 9mm is tolerable right now.
Whatever alternative you go with.... Just make sure itll run with "pistol" mags.
That puts the Scorpion out if the running... That and its crappy trigger.
The Strom... I've owned two.
Too damn heavy. Clunky action. Crap trigger
Do your research... There's a lot of info to digest..
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Whatever alternative you go with.... Just make sure itll run with "pistol" mags.
That puts the Scorpion out if the running... That and its crappy trigger.
The Strom... I've owned two.
Too damn heavy. Clunky action. Crap trigger
Do your research... There's a lot of info to digest..

Will do. That’s for later. Focusing on handgun and rimfire rifle for the next little while. Some sporting clays maybe and there I’ll look into reloading shotgun shells for sure as the outlay doesn’t seem so bad at all. Lots of fun.
Reloading shotshells isnt really worthwhile these days... They're cheaper by the case, especially if you can go to Hummusons or Lawry's to buy...
Anybody have some plans for a gun carriage ?


It's old, I'd like to build a scale sized gun carriage for it, maybe start this winter, let my son in law test it up in Petawawa ?
or something equally silly like that

Nice old vintage photo of it taken on Toronto Island btw (y) circa a hundred years ago.


... and no, I don't think I want to touch it off on top of an old wooden box like uncle Tom :unsure: something a little more substantial would be nice.
Yes, you should get a MOA or MIL reticle for hold-overs. With a BDC reticle, unless your ammo/load is exact to the BDC, you'll be off or always trying to calculate. Knowing your load ballistics allows you to use a drop table and the MOA or MIL when needed, or dial it into the turret. First focal plane (FFP) will also let you use the reticle as-is at all magnifications.

A Vortex scope may be the best quality vs features vs cost:
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24X50 FFP EBR-2C MRAD Reticle #DBK-10029 CAD $569.00 Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24X50 FFP EBR-2C MRAD Reticle #DBK-10029

Myself, I bought a Bushnell Nitro 2.5-10x44 MIL FFP but it was pricier at $657

Moving up in price, you'll get better glass and also some more features, e.g. zero stop turrets. The trick is to not ever look through a Steiner or Swarovski - if you do, you'll realize how crappy your own cheaper scope is.

Thanks. I ordered an Athlon Argos FFP 6x24x50 scope from the UK yesterday. Saved well over $200 from buying it here. Expecting taxes but it should be duty free. Some screaming deals from there as you get 20% VAT taken off the advertised price first plus the place I ordered from had a further 10% off and the exchange rate due to Brexit issues helps us Canucks currently. Had to fill in an export authorization for the company but CBSA doesn’t have issues with scopes coming in. I got an MOA reticle on it as that’s all that was left but it’s uncluttered and looks useful, plus it’s illuminated. That will go on a precision rimfire, getting a locally sourced vortex crossfire for my 10/22.
Reloading shotshells isnt really worthwhile these days... They're cheaper by the case, especially if you can go to Hummusons or Lawry's to buy...

The reloader is $99. Thought the shells were approaching a buck a pop ($160 for 250 ish)? Got to be able to do better than that with reloading and reusing hulls? I’ll dig a bit more.
You can by winchester target loads case of 250 for $70 all day long...
AA's are more expensive, but the cheap stuff is good enough for most needs.
Sure... slugs, buck shot etc are cost more, but if all you're doing is busting clays... #7 birdshot is all you need.
Reloading involves more than just buying a press...
First you need reloadable hulls...
Them you need Propellant, primers, wads and shot.
Prices on these things are at a point where you're not saving $ by doing it yourself anymore.
Go to Hummisons website and look at their price lists ..
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If you want to keep your restricted guns . You have no choice but to vote conservative . No more vote splitting only a majority will allow you to keep your guns . In the press conference today all the majors present put up their hands that they want to ban handguns . Liberals being smart by downloading the issue to municipalities for banning handguns . Look for billions of wasted money in the name of curbing gun violence . Look for your legally acquired property being forced to be sold or stored outside your home . Like JT said you have the choice on October 21 2019 .
If you want to keep your restricted guns . You have no choice but to vote conservative . No more vote splitting only a majority will allow you to keep your guns . In the press conference today all the majors present put up their hands that they want to ban handguns . Liberals being smart by downloading the issue to municipalities for banning handguns . Look for billions of wasted money in the name of curbing gun violence . Look for your legally acquired property being forced to be sold or stored outside your home . Like JT said you have the choice on October 21 2019 .

Trudeau might go further. Definitely banning semi-automatic rifles (they're almost never used by criminals in Canada). I'm sure they will do a complete ban on handguns, especially when the Toronto gun violence continues (and it will). Trudeau's measures are just bumper sticker politics that will do nothing to fight the real problem: immigrant gangs smuggling and selling handguns to drug dealers. At $3000 on the street the illegal handgun business is just too lucrative for them to ignore. Especially when they can buy handguns in the U.S. for $300-$600.

I'm not a big fan of Scheer, but he's a better choice than Trudeau. Vote Scheer or lose your freedoms.
ARs might have the writing on the wall but if you read other sources you find a lot of other stuff, for instance Tory wants to know where the handguns are coming from that are used in crime before there’s any action, quite reasonable really, plus you know that they will find the majority of handguns come from the south. The combined police chiefs of quite a few jurisdictions are not in favour of a handgun ban as they say it wouldn’t achieve anything with regards to the crime we have. The proposed $600 million buyback for ARs sounds good but eventually someone is going to see that 600 mill could be better spent on border security or eliminating gang crime, if at all since ARs aren’t the issue with firearms crime. 600 mill is not going to be the end figure either and there will be a lot of litigation first. 600 mill is going to look like a colossal waste as soon as the gangbangers start up again too and every politician knows that. Handgun buybacks will cost way way more and no one has the budget or stomach for those sums of money.

Ban handguns within city limits? Well, despite the fact that they are already effectively banned in city limits anyway current firearms laws allow you to “lend” handguns to other RPAL holders. So now Bubba just outside the city is the proud owner of several hundred lent firearms that he then lends back to you on the way to the range. Doesn’t sound so safe anymore does it? Watch as Olympic class shooters suddenly don’t compete for Canada anymore etc etc.

It’s election time. Loony season. What’s being spoken is only part of the truth. Sad thing is I always thought we already had reasonably sensible and effective gun laws anyway compared to the south. This is just reactionary pandering, photo opportunities, a deflection from “blackfacegate” and just badly thought out.
Trudeau might go further. Definitely banning semi-automatic rifles (they're almost never used by criminals in Canada). I'm sure they will do a complete ban on handguns, especially when the Toronto gun violence continues (and it will). Trudeau's measures are just bumper sticker politics that will do nothing to fight the real problem: immigrant gangs smuggling and selling handguns to drug dealers. At $3000 on the street the illegal handgun business is just too lucrative for them to ignore. Especially when they can buy handguns in the U.S. for $300-$600.

I'm not a big fan of Scheer, but he's a better choice than Trudeau. Vote Scheer or lose your freedoms.

Truly I`m not a fan of the PC party as they are Liberal light . But the alternative is not what I want .
ARs might have the writing on the wall but if you read other sources you find a lot of other stuff, for instance Tory wants to know where the handguns are coming from that are used in crime before there’s any action, quite reasonable really, plus you know that they will find the majority of handguns come from the south. The combined police chiefs of quite a few jurisdictions are not in favour of a handgun ban as they say it wouldn’t achieve anything with regards to the crime we have. The proposed $600 million buyback for ARs sounds good but eventually someone is going to see that 600 mill could be better spent on border security or eliminating gang crime, if at all since ARs aren’t the issue with firearms crime. 600 mill is not going to be the end figure either and there will be a lot of litigation first. 600 mill is going to look like a colossal waste as soon as the gangbangers start up again too and every politician knows that. Handgun buybacks will cost way way more and no one has the budget or stomach for those sums of money.

Ban handguns within city limits? Well, despite the fact that they are already effectively banned in city limits anyway current firearms laws allow you to “lend” handguns to other RPAL holders. So now Bubba just outside the city is the proud owner of several hundred lent firearms that he then lends back to you on the way to the range. Doesn’t sound so safe anymore does it? Watch as Olympic class shooters suddenly don’t compete for Canada anymore etc etc.

It’s election time. Loony season. What’s being spoken is only part of the truth. Sad thing is I always thought we already had reasonably sensible and effective gun laws anyway compared to the south. This is just reactionary pandering, photo opportunities, a deflection from “blackfacegate” and just badly thought out.

You are talking like a rational person . Try to sell this to people that were eating tide pods .
I might pick one of these up anyway...all non restricted.


TROY Sporter 102 (.308) – MARSTAR CANADA

And quite a few more. It’s all posturing. Anything that starts to become nuts and bolts legislation is going to get very messy very fast because of all the loopholes. It will be a big expensive game of whack a mole.

Seriously, I dislike Trudeau too despite my left leanings. He’s all show and no substance and a perfect example of why dynasty politics is a dumb idea but if he had said “we will put $600 million into border security/anti smuggling operations/ domestic straw man firearms purchasers” I’d at least have some respect for him. Even beefing up storage requirements with harsher penalties might have actually been better.
I lived in the southern US for a lot of years, having a handgun was about as common as having a lawnmower. I could take my guns to range, or to a wilderness area and setup targets and nobody bothered me. I never lived in a neighborhood that saw gun-play, never heard a short fired from my house, in fact I never heard a shot fired ever except at a range.

Much like the gunplay we see here in the GTA, is's 99.9% badguys shooting badguys. That doesn't bother me too much
I might pick one of these up anyway...all non restricted.


TROY Sporter 102 (.308) – MARSTAR CANADA

And quite a few more. It’s all posturing. Anything that starts to become nuts and bolts legislation is going to get very messy very fast because of all the loopholes. It will be a big expensive game of whack a mole.

Seriously, I dislike Trudeau too despite my left leanings. He’s all show and no substance and a perfect example of why dynasty politics is a dumb idea but if he had said “we will put $600 million into border security/anti smuggling operations/ domestic straw man firearms purchasers” I’d at least have some respect for him. Even beefing up storage requirements with harsher penalties might have actually been better.

What bothers me is that I might vote Liberal sometimes, but then they come out with their anti-gun policy and I have no choice but to vote for the other guy. I think we all know that the criminal handguns aren't coming from us. 95% are coming across the border. If they outlaw handguns in Canada it will be 100% from the border. These kids dealing drugs want to be badass. They want the "respect" or basically people to fear them. Its a gangsta-boy subculture that we have allowed to foster and did nothing about. Owning a handgun is part of that.
What bothers me is that I might vote Liberal sometimes, but then they come out with their anti-gun policy and I have no choice but to vote for the other guy. I think we all know that the criminal handguns aren't coming from us. 95% are coming across the border. If they outlaw handguns in Canada it will be 100% from the border. These kids dealing drugs want to be badass. They want the "respect" or basically people to fear them. Its a gangsta-boy subculture that we have allowed to foster and did nothing about. Owning a handgun is part of that.

I saw one post on another forum which basically said "train the gangbangers to shoot properly so they can wipe each other out without the collateral damage".

There are parts of the Canadian border that aren't just porous, they are smuggling hotspots. That needs to be looked at and that requires money. Some of those hotspots are, lets say, notoriously difficult to deal with for a multitude of reasons though so that's difficult, useless posturing gesture...easy.
.... There are parts of the Canadian border that aren't just porous, they are smuggling hotspots. ...
What would you have them do, build a wall :LOL: we already have a guy who wants to do that.
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