Watch your heads...

I got married.
Clearly I, too, have mental issues. ?
I like @-D- 's suggestion....get the people who set them free to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.

Sent from the Purple Zone
MONTREAL - Canadians taxpayers dished out an average of $113,974 to lodge an inmate in a federal prison last year - a 30% increase from four years ago. The annual $2.3-billion bill for the country's 53 penitentiaries works out to $312 per prisoner, per day, according to the latest annual report from Corrections Canada.Feb 28, 2012

Add 5 years of inflation and one can see the problem with locking people up unnecessarily.

However since I'm being good shouldn't the feds give me half of what I'm saving them?
easy fix to this problem
all those that put their names to certify he is no longer a danger to the public can do a minimum 10 years in jail to max of 25 years if he reofffends
but hey, much easier to feel good and let him go
funny how a kid on a streetcar waving a pcoket knife around because he was high on some (laced weed) got killed in less than 1 minute but this guy lives on

If people keep getting off because of mental illness e.g. killing spree with a gun and the explanation is the person has mental issues...then it got me thinking that anyone committing a crime has mental issues hence why you committed the crime.

Steal a candy bar or rob a bank...clearly you have mental issues because you are outside of normal society.
get a speeding ticket...mental were feeling anxiety at the time and distracted due to (insert excuse here e.g. Trump being president)

whoa whoa slow down son, you're making too much sense here.
easy fix to this problem
all those that put their names to certify he is no longer a danger to the public can do a minimum 10 years in jail to max of 25 years if he reofffends
but hey, much easier to feel good and let him go
funny how a kid on a streetcar waving a pcoket knife around because he was high on some (laced weed) got killed in less than 1 minute but this guy lives on

Does this also extend to parole board members who release dangerous people and/or judges who give light sentences for repeat offenders and the like? While I agree with your idea and second the round of applause you so richly deserve I might remind you that these people provide their service on behalf of the citizens-at-large. The problem? All the risk falls on these people either way. For example, let's say a judge sentences 1 petty criminal a day. That's a lot of scumbags processed over a career. How safe is he walking down the street, at the food court or opera? Or big time crooks like murderers? That's even worse. Just something to consider.
Does this also extend to parole board members who release dangerous people and/or judges who give light sentences for repeat offenders and the like? While I agree with your idea and second the round of applause you so richly deserve I might remind you that these people provide their service on behalf of the citizens-at-large. The problem? All the risk falls on these people either way. For example, let's say a judge sentences 1 petty criminal a day. That's a lot of scumbags processed over a career. How safe is he walking down the street, at the food court or opera? Or big time crooks like murderers? That's even worse. Just something to consider.

yes, applies to them also
I guess it will ensure they make decisions they are 100% confident in and without pressure from anyone else to release the prisoner early because they are on the hot seat not the outside party.

They will get a trial of course.
yes, applies to them also
I guess it will ensure they make decisions they are 100% confident in and without pressure from anyone else to release the prisoner early because they are on the hot seat not the outside party.

They will get a trial of course.

Oh, ok. What about if you're the judge who puts the leader of a billion$ drug cartel in jail for life? You've done the heavy lifting in the interest of public safety. If the cartel goes after anybody it'll be you not average Joe Blow. Joe Blow may be happy you did that but it's your head on the chopping block. Would that affect how you or any other judge plea deals?
Oh, ok. What about if you're the judge who puts the leader of a billion$ drug cartel in jail for life? You've done the heavy lifting in the interest of public safety. If the cartel goes after anybody it'll be you not average Joe Blow. Joe Blow may be happy you did that but it's your head on the chopping block. Would that affect how you or any other judge plea deals?


Judges already do heavy lifting and certain things are done in sensitive manners.

Ever heard of a Supreme Court Justice being attacked/killed...

Judges already do heavy lifting and certain things are done in sensitive manners.

Ever heard of a Supreme Court Justice being attacked/killed...

OK, how about this then, how much of sentencing is for rehabilitation v punishment? The public might feel and agree it wants a certain rapist punished to the full extent of the punishing guidelines or beyond but is not. Why?

Judges already do heavy lifting and certain things are done in sensitive manners.

Ever heard of a Supreme Court Justice being attacked/killed...

Regular event in Mexico.

Chatting with a cop once and he told of a judge the cops disliked because he handed out lenient sentences. Then the judge had his house broken into and he became Judge Dredd.
OK, how about this then, how much of sentencing is for rehabilitation v punishment? The public might feel and agree it wants a certain rapist punished to the full extent of the punishing guidelines or beyond but is not. Why?

I don't get paid for doing the govt's job.
Direct the questions to said leadership.:dontknow:
I don't get paid for doing the govt's job.
Direct the questions to said leadership.:dontknow:

:banghead:Hope you didn't fry to many brain cells coming up with that rejoinder.
OK, how about this then, how much of sentencing is for rehabilitation v punishment? The public might feel and agree it wants a certain rapist punished to the full extent of the punishing guidelines or beyond but is not. Why?

Punishment only makes a person fear doing something wrong. Rehabilitation makes them want to do the right thing from the get go.

Punishment is necessary to appease victims that can't understand rehabilitation or perpetrators that don't respond to rehab.

That said, recent discoveries in the psychiatric field show that some people are born with brains wired the wrong way. An autistic child won't necessarily respond to the same stimuli, good or bad.

Sociopaths, psychopaths, I don't understand either so I stick to bicyclepaths.
then again, lotsa changes after this experts/patient vs privacy rights, turned into a fiasco played out


The British Psychological Society issued a statement offering to provide expert support in psychological testing and monitoring of pilots.[144] The European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) issued a statement supporting psychological testing in the selection of pilots, but also stated it could not forecast the life events and mental health problems of individual pilots, nor could it predict the unique ways pilots would cope with these. It said priority should be given to psychological help for relatives and friends of victims in the aftermath of a disaster.[145]

In May 2015, Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr proposed random checks of pilots' psychological fitness and a loosening of the extant physician–patient confidentiality laws. Politicians began echoing the call for a loosening of the laws in exceptional cases.[
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