I'm still curious why he chose a European name
Y'know, if nobody in the entire forum understands you or wants to discuss anything with you, it might not be them.big shock, 2 other peas ina pod,
i bet da 'bridge dude is impressed lmao
I'm still curious why he chose a European name
Things are going sideways quick this morning. In point of fact the current pop culture lexicon explicitly states , in order of importance, the difference between yodude, dude and The Dude. yodude exists solely for the purpose of quantifying the lowest possible input to any thread, or whatever.
Wish I had more for ya. Had a late night. bit of a yo dud this morning
Say hi to the boys this afternoon, I'm kinda pinned down.
Bunch of travelling hippie bleeding hearts feeling sorry for the guy? Just guessingI posted this topic on ADVR.Totally different response,lol.
easy fix to this problem
all those that put their names to certify he is no longer a danger to the public can do a minimum 10 years in jail to max of 25 years if he reofffends
but hey, much easier to feel good and let him go
funny how a kid on a streetcar waving a pcoket knife around because he was high on some (laced weed) got killed in less than 1 minute but this guy lives on