I'm sorry, you thought a Greyhound would be more comfortable then a Goldwing? Whaaaat?A week before the killing I was in Brandon Manitoba relaxing at my uncles place after about six eight to ten hour days in the saddle and heading back to TO.
Being saddle sore I mused that if I could just ship the bike back I'd take a Greyhound to Winnipeg and fly home. I felt rested the next day and continued with the Goldwing.
Vince Li has a name change and promises to take his meds. Fingers crossed.
Matt Logan, a former RCMP officer and forensic psychologist, said he thinks Baker's absolute discharge isn't in the public interest. He said he would have preferred to see a conditional discharge that included requirements for Baker's continued surveillance by mental health professionals.
Logan, who has never worked with Baker, said the man may have progressed well in an environment of support and structure, but he worries an absolute discharge could mean Baker won't access those resources anymore.
"I am concerned about a relapse. I'm concerned about a lack of insight in the taking of medications," he said.
"But the public interest looks at this and says, you know, 'Nine years? Nine years, really, for this kind of crime?' And I think we have to weigh that as well."
Logan said society needs to improve the way it bridges criminal justice and mental health. His own professional experience has included both.
"The de-institutionalizing of people with mental illnesses and putting them into the public and leaving them to the criminal justice to monitor — I think we have to have a lot of discussion about this yet."
Well considering Karla this doesn't surprise me.
It just doesn't seem right though, he beheaded someone manually. Due to the horror of that alone the de Delley family will never come to terms with it. Criminally insane or not, imagine knowing the killer of your child is out and hopefully on his meds.
Meds should be monitored
Apparently the doctors convinced the judge that Li is absolutely no longer a threat. The problem I have with it, and having had experience with people with bi-polar disorders, is that they can often convince themselves that they are somehow "better" usually when they've missed their meds for a couple of hours. Then their behavior deteriorates until they have a relapse. This can happen several times before something serious happens. Both the doctors and the judge took a chance not with Vince Li, but with someone else's life by discharging him. I agree with Matt Logan. This shouldn't happen so fast. He needs to be monitored for a year or two.
apparently, bikers that know more than the experts
apparently, bikers that know more than the experts
Matt Logan, a former RCMP officer and forensic psychologist, said he thinks Baker's absolute discharge isn't in the public interest. He said he would have preferred to see a conditional discharge that included requirements for Baker's continued surveillance by mental health professionals.
Logan, who has never worked with Baker, said the man may have progressed well in an environment of support and structure, but he worries an absolute discharge could mean Baker won't access those resources anymore.
"I am concerned about a relapse. I'm concerned about a lack of insight in the taking of medications," he said.
"But the public interest looks at this and says, you know, 'Nine years? Nine years, really, for this kind of crime?' And I think we have to weigh that as well."
Logan said society needs to improve the way it bridges criminal justice and mental health. His own professional experience has included both.
"The de-institutionalizing of people with mental illnesses and putting them into the public and leaving them to the criminal justice to monitor — I think we have to have a lot of discussion about this yet."
Most of your posts aren't worth replying to but this one is the rare exception.