Watch out for Tesla's

whoa, you're alive!
Welcome back!

lol thx.

Life has been consumed with a bathroom reno that never seemed to end (another thread), camping, travelling, and (sadly, to a lesser extent), riding. Sitting on the couch with the laptop or generally surfing much at all has been near priority zero lol.
This also has to do with the way Elon Musk decided to implement the system (ditching LiDAR…). Why? LiDAR systems are pricey and if their approach fails they can just license a LiDAR system… Kind of unethical using humans as lab rats. But capitalism!!!!

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I saw a video of a self driving car taking out a cyclist at night and I'm not sure if I could have avoided the crash. How are self driven cars doing with deer in Virginia?
I'm more concerned that most cars now come with a huge info/tainment screen mounted on the dash to distract drivers.
Commercial aircraft usually engage autopilot (FMS) minutes after takeoff and remain on it till intercepting final a few hours later (unless they really want to hand fly it). They have TCAS to give heads up on hazards heading their way. But the entire time the safety (separation) from other aircraft is being watched by an air traffic controller. If they move of course laterally or vertically a controller will pick it up and ask them to correct, and will keep them away from other aircraft. Don't think Tesla has that.
Should we start equipping chaff release mechanisms on our bikes to alleviate this issue? Asking for a friend.
Should we start equipping chaff release mechanisms on our bikes to alleviate this issue? Asking for a friend.
It would be interesting to see what auto-pilot did with that. Unless it has been specifically trained to recognize it, probably nothing useful will happen. I suspect it may kick off autopilot but would be shocked if it turned or adjusted speed.
The guy in the video gave the answer to the problem of the self driving car vs. motorcycles, find a way to make your motorcycle look like a car:rolleyes:

OPP reacts to video of alleged sleeping Tesla driver​

Thought autopilot was in the experimental phase and not ready/approved for publics roads.
My Rav 4 warns me with constant dinging if i take my hands off the wheel when lane assist is on. Don't all cars have this?
I never use it.
My Rav 4 warns me with constant dinging if i take my hands off the wheel when lane assist is on. Don't all cars have this?
I never use it.
Easy to beat if you want to be an idiot. Hang a weight on wheel and that tricks almost every vehicle.
My rental-car experience with Toyota Safety Sense is that under anything less than the most ideal of ideal conditions, it isn't capable of lane keeping for long enough to give any driver even the illusion of trusting it. Slightest break in, or obscuration of, the painted lane markings, it doesn't work. I hated the interference, and turned it off.
My Rav 4 warns me with constant dinging if i take my hands off the wheel when lane assist is on. Don't all cars have this?
I never use it.

There are dozens of gizmos to defeat the system for sale on Amazon. Same with DIY solutions on the internet.
My rental-car experience with Toyota Safety Sense is that under anything less than the most ideal of ideal conditions, it isn't capable of lane keeping for long enough to give any driver even the illusion of trusting it. Slightest break in, or obscuration of, the painted lane markings, it doesn't work. I hated the interference, and turned it off.
I had a rental Camry this summer it was useful on the trans Canada through Saskatchewan and Alberta but turned it off everywhere else.

Sent from the future
What do you think about Autopilot in airplanes then?
Exactly. Real autopilot system in airplanes are much much safer than this third-rated autopilot in tesla. Actual autopilot has multiple radars and radio to prevent them from crashing into each others. Will you fly on a Boeing 777 relies solely on a webcam and some image recognition software to land in ATL?
Toyota Safety Sense might be why there are so many Toyota's driving slowly in the passing lane now.
The adaptive cruise control tends to get too close, and then overbrake, when approaching a slower vehicle.

Perhaps other manufactures have systems that do likewise.
Toyota Safety Sense might be why there are so many Toyota's driving slowly in the passing lane now.
The adaptive cruise control tends to get too close, and then overbrake, when approaching a slower vehicle.

Perhaps other manufactures have systems that do likewise.
Never noticed it seemed pretty perfect in the rental Camry came up to distance and held it very well IMHO
I was setting the cruise at around 140 and letting it follow the flow or traffic around 120 or 130
Sent from the future
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