Wasp almost killed me!

I had the visor open doing about 60 when a bee or wasp hit my cheeks instantly stinging it. I have no idea how it stung so quick but I shook my head left to right fast trying to either kill it or stun it whilst braking at a moderate pace. It does lead me to wonder which helmet has the best ventilation because if I had one that was great I would leave the visor shut. I think a arai had two wide channels inside but the vents were not great. I use a arai at the moment.
Been riding 18 years, been stung almost every year, maybe because 90 per cent of my riding is in the country. Absolute worst occurred on 523 near Madawaska. Three of us ran into a swarm of bees that had left an overpopulated hive and were swarming across the highway just as we came by. I got stung 5 times ,we all got stung several times and must have looked hilarious as we were quickly got off the road and were tearing our jackets off as fast as possible as the bees were still swarming across the road 100 feet away.
I don't know if I would ride a bike if I was highly allergic
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