warnings were given - canada headed a step closer to a police state

Both HTA 72 and the Harper law suck. But Harper is proposing that anyone can be a terrorist, where as only a speeder, will get HTA'd. The Harper law is huge in scope, it targets everyone, HTA 72 targets people driving fast. I can't be mistaken for a speeder, be can be for a terrorist.
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Slow down there sport. I'm CANADIAN period. I'm not an Immigrant or progeny of an immigrant, so take your multicultural/ treasonous crap somewhere else.

WTF are you on about? Every Canadian citizen was an immigrant or progeny of immigrants. Take the xenophobia somewhere else.
unless you're first nations, then you or your ancestors were immigrants. . .the only difference is how recently your people got off the boat. . .
your from trenton, so im guessing your in the air force.. and your upset that police have more power to combat terrorism!!

strange but okay.

You usually join the military to protect the right and freedom of Canadian, that said, giving right to the police forces to arrest you without warrant is against that. But most of our forces has a grade 9 so....

You want to read something strange? Some Canadian-french soldier and officer, including some high ranked officer are separatist....THIS is strange! But back to the topic :p

unless you're first nations, then you or your ancestors were immigrants. . .the only difference is how recently your people got off the boat. . .
Common, **** off with that ****, this mentality is ****ing idiot, everybody, including first nation are immigrant from somewhere else! I'll repeat it, you're born here, this is now YOUR land, no matter your colour or religion, you're not an immigrant.
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Slow down there sport. I'm CANADIAN period. I'm not an Immigrant or progeny of an immigrant, so take your multicultural/ treasonous crap somewhere else.

Your progeny of an immigrant wether you want to believe that or not is irrelevant...your progeny of an immigrant. Everybody aside from aboriginals are...sport. Actually look up the word progeny first I suspect thats the issue here.
Re: Propaganda was believed - but Canada is not headed a step closer to a police stat

I'm sure that you've already seen what I'm 'in favour of', in the Law & HTA section, but I'll state it again here. Distracted driving, whether it's due to cell phone, iPod, cigarette, or coffee cup, is "driving without due care and attention" by definition. From where I sit it was a valid charge, before the electronic devices ban went into effect, so no additional law was required. What was required, then and now, is enforcement. If you have a law, but don't enforce it, then there is no need for that law.

The terrorist thing? Same issue. The law was created, but wasn't used, so why have the law at all? It wasn't used when it was created, shortly after the WTC attacks (in December of 2001). It isn't likely to be used now, if brought back into force. It's a simple smokescreen PR exercise, to show how the "law and order Harris Government®" is "working hard to protect Canadian citizens."

I'm bloody tired of it.

If I'm not mistaken Alberta passed your version of the law. Hence forth cars made for the Alberta market will not have cigarette lighters, cup holders or radios. Maybe they'll have safety switches on the steering wheels so if you let go with one hand the engine cuts out. jk I'm sorta on your side but there's to much brain game going on.

I assume politicians think that laws are like the junk we have in the basement. As soon as you throw something out you find a need for it.

It doesn't seem that long ago that we apologized to the Japanese over the internment camp issues. I guess this is different. Anyone can be a member of the club.
Your progeny of an immigrant wether you want to believe that or not is irrelevant...your progeny of an immigrant. Everybody aside from aboriginals are...sport. Actually look up the word progeny first I suspect thats the issue here.

actually even the aboriginals came here from some where else (via asia land bridge). everyone in north and south america are descendants of immigrants.
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Great, everyone who currently lives outside of a particular cave somewhere in Africa, is an immigrant. That's a pretty meaningful distinction then, isn't it.
Slow down there sport. I'm CANADIAN period. I'm not an Immigrant or progeny of an immigrant, so take your multicultural/ treasonous crap somewhere else.

Really? So not one person in you ancestry came to this country from Europe? No one in this country is indigenous to Canada in the way that, say, the Black Bear is.

And "Multicultural/Treasonous crap...." What the **** are you talking about? Fox News is for entertainment purposes only. You shouldn't take that **** seriously.
Re: Propaganda was believed - but Canada is not headed a step closer to a police stat

If I'm not mistaken Alberta passed your version of the law. Hence forth cars made for the Alberta market will not have cigarette lighters, cup holders or radios. Maybe they'll have safety switches on the steering wheels so if you let go with one hand the engine cuts out. jk I'm sorta on your side but there's to much brain game going on.

I assume politicians think that laws are like the junk we have in the basement. As soon as you throw something out you find a need for it.

It doesn't seem that long ago that we apologized to the Japanese over the internment camp issues. I guess this is different. Anyone can be a member of the club.

Which is not 'my version of the law.' Taking things to a ridiculous level isn't at all what I'm about. I believe in reason. I know that's not exactly considered to be cool, these days.
You sound like you belong to the no one is illegal school of thought. Yes somewhere back in the family tree someone came from Europe. So what? The point is, I was born here, if this country goes tits up, I don't have a country to go home to. Canada is my country of origin. Wherever my ancestors came from is moot.

Really? So not one person in you ancestry came to this country from Europe? No one in this country is indigenous to Canada in the way that, say, the Black Bear is.

And "Multicultural/Treasonous crap...." What the **** are you talking about? Fox News is for entertainment purposes only. You shouldn't take that **** seriously.
I'll go one further and say that getting our citizens blown up every now and then when we fail to weed out every terrorist in our midst, are necessary deaths in defense of our freedoms. It's actually a cheaper and more effective sacrifice than all those wars we fought for the same freedoms in the first place. It's kind of like the maintenance costs for living in a free society. I'll pay up any day with my own life, and if that is my fate then the only thing worse would be if my death ended up used as an excuse to engage in a peemptive war, or as a justification to chip away at the freedoms that others have already paid with their lives for.
WOW! There must be a better argumnet against increased police powers an loss of civil liberties. Are you a willing to pony up the life of a dear loved one in this quest for freedom? Disclaimer: I'm not in a hurry to live in a police state either.
actually even the aboriginals came here from some where else (via asia land bridge). everyone in north and south america are descendants of immigrants.

No, aboriginals are progeny of MIGRANTS, while everybody else are progeny of IMMIGRANTS. There was nobody here when the aboriginals got here.
The point is, I was born here, if this country goes tits up, I don't have a country to go home to.
This hits the nail on the head, and is the basic idea behind our refugee laws.
No one has a right to live anywhere, if you want to play the "my grandaddy's grandaddy was here before your grandaddy's grandaddy" game.
The aboriginals who crossed the bearing strait land bridge killed all the giant sloths, who clearly are the rightful inhabitants of the western hemisphere.

Rob has it right regarding redundant laws. Make simple laws with clear intention, and you don't need many. "Distracted driving" covers so much, as does "dangerous driving"; we really don't need cell-phone or racing laws heaped on top of that. In a perfect world, the law would not require lawyers to interpret it.
Re: Propaganda was believed - but Canada is not headed a step closer to a police stat

Which is not 'my version of the law.' Taking things to a ridiculous level isn't at all what I'm about. I believe in reason. I know that's not exactly considered to be cool, these days.

Reason and common sense are impediments to profit and self serving politics.

The first step in destroying something is to belittle it to the point that no one sees any value in it and therefore refuses to defend it.
Rob has it right regarding redundant laws. Make simple laws with clear intention, and you don't need many. "Distracted driving" covers so much, as does "dangerous driving"; we really don't need cell-phone or racing laws heaped on top of that. In a perfect world, the law would not require lawyers to interpret it.

That isn't true. The problem with broad laws is that they actually require way more lawyer work. From an enforcement perspective, the more narrow the law the better.

Thats why speeding is considered a hard offence to fight, because its so narrow / basic / and easily measureable.

Its the offences like -- Criminal negligence / dangerous driving / aiding and abetting / harbouring / living off the avails... etc that require a lot of legal work. its because of the vagueness of the law.
That isn't true. The problem with broad laws is that they actually require way more lawyer work. From an enforcement perspective, the more narrow the law the better.

Thats why speeding is considered a hard offence to fight, because its so narrow / basic / and easily measureable.

Its the offences like -- Criminal negligence / dangerous driving / aiding and abetting / harbouring / living off the avails... etc that require a lot of legal work. its because of the vagueness of the law.

Quite true, except when the stated behaviour actually defines the offence. Juggling coffee, newspaper, and doughnut while driving defines "without due care and attention" as does looking down at a tiny electronic screen, while doing 80 Kmh in heavy traffic.
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