A. empolyees should all stand around a bucket full of water with one hand in. Then tell one to pull out thier hand and show the others the big hole in the water where they pulled out the hand. Leaving will leave the same size hole. Apple replaced Steve Jobs.
B. never put anything in an email about dissatisfaction . Ever. Because now its got to be dealt with, the manager sends it to their boss asking for guidance possibly and your girl is on the short list. If it has to be discussed do it in person, you may get a brushoff but the papertrail is a wrong idea.
I disagree with b.
notice I used the word CRAFT an email
Dear xxx,
I am a little confused and would like some clarification on company policy pertaining to x matters.
For example I was deeply concerned about my safety on the roads considering the Police on tv where intensely warning/telling the public to stay off the roads because it's not safe and only if you are an emergency vehicle etc...
Please rest assured my car is in perfect working order to date however other drivers are of greater concern. Overall I just did not feel safe on the unplowed icy roads. I did however log onto my computer from home to complete as much work as possible. I did phone x person to retrieve further information to do my job. I do take my job seriously and my contributions to the team blah blah blah
My intentions were to make up the time over the span of this week.
As you may be aware I am also the caregiver to my elderly parents or I am the mother of x young children and to be honest if I were to sustain an injury on the unsafe roads, not only would the office be effected but so would those that depend on me.
For future reference and perhaps a suggestion to send out the policy or a guideline on how to handle these situations and what is expected in an effort for increased and open communications.
Now go F yourselves...
**insert the personal parts as needed
There you go, now let them fire her...she has demonstrated in writing that they fired her because of safety concerns...get some other co workers to fire in similar emails. How will the company look now? Get some lawyers wand whamo....fast forward, let's say next snow day she gets injured or just into a fender bender...other coworkers the same happen...they should be able to sue the company for damages because...workers felt FORCED to risk life and limb to come in.
You can't have the OPP on tv TELLING ppl stay off the roads then on the other hand some dinky shop telling them ignore the Police and your safety and get in here.
I am no lawyer...but I am sure there is something proactive you can do to protect yourself. I wonder if someone can make a legal argument by extension they are creating an unsafe and hostile working environment...just saying (what if you are using a company car...ha...is the car itself considered part of the workplace??)
She would have stated she takes job seriously etc...
If it has not been written then it has not been said.