Well-known member
Whoa this season is moving fast. I was expecting them to spend 10 episodes in that container.
It looks like Walking Dead was teetering on the "Black People per show" limit.
I'm starting to wonder (ok, that is not true, I have been wondering for awhile) why I still watch this show?
They drag things out soooooooo long.
Like Carol... they took an entire episode to show how she got nabbed by that other group. They could have done it in 5 minutes and not lost anything. This episode... the whole show for Tyrice to die... I barely even watch the show when I am watching it now as it moves so slow.
Z-nation is so much more exciting.
Whats up with that storm? Was he dreaming or did it really happen? If real why were Zombies zeroing in on them? Whats the point of everyone pushing back on the door instead of someone working on barricades? Stupid, idiotic episode. **** off with allthe symbolism and artsifartsi bs.
Also, maggie in a ratty old white t shirt in a downpour...and no nipple
Also, maggie in a ratty old white t shirt in a downpour...and no nipple
I stopped watching end of season 3/beginning of 4. Is it worth catching up? Or has it gone of the rails even more?
Season 1 was the best imo.