vitamin E ???

so,, back to peeing out the excess,, what happens at the treatment plant ? things like vitamins,, and other pills that have been once thru the "person" so to speak,, and also some pills that just get flushed to get rid of them.
There is also radiation treatments that pass thru the body, and into the urine. not a big deal at your home,, from one little pill. But at the ontario "clean water" agency pools,, there is a cocktail of vitamins, nutrients, chemicals, hormones, radiation... oh, i never said that.... anyway, some of that stuff ends up in the water supply ... and people downstream irrigate crops with it. Now your food has value added stuff!

Someone did a study some years back in a major city (NY?) showing that there's a recordable level of birth control hormones and prozac in the water supply. Urban myth? It might explain all the metrosexuals.
Thanks Roasted for the heads up on the pre-workout drinks. I never really thought of it like that. I usually never take any supplement for too long and take long breaks well of course other than Protein which for me is an easy way to get a mid day sweet fix and add protein to my diet.

Since we are talking about supplements. Anyone have thoughts on BCAA supplements?

I have some BCAA's on order right now....will report back about my experience after I try them myself. There has been a crapload of research done recently in support of supplementing with BCAA's but I haven't really gotten around to reading much on the topic myself (yet). I'm generally a minimalist with supplements in general.
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